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I had suffered from the symptoms of clinical depression for 35 years. Believe me it was no party. In fact there were times during those 35 years when I thought I was going to go completely out of mind. Although there are many different types of depression, clinical depression by far is the worst ... Views: 2031
One of the biggest rules to follow in order to be happy is to laugh. Laughing is a definite prerequisite for happiness because when you laugh, you release endorphins which relieves stress and promotes a mental well-being. The released endorphins also relieves anxiety and sorrow. Laughing is a ... Views: 873
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Ho ho ho, or humbug. It seems that increasingly, a holiday once thought of as cheerful and joyful is increasingly loaded with people’s feelings of sadness and depression. Why is this, and what can be done about it? Hi, I’m ... Views: 2920
Physical mobility is absolutely necessary to carry out our day to day activities and functions. These include walking, running, free movement of hands and limbs etc. Sometimes an injury or old age or some kind of illness may reduce our mobility and bring about partial or complete loss of ... Views: 1343
If you suffer from clinical depression, have you ever thought about the effects on your pocketbook? By way of introduction, my name is Dave Kanofsky and I had suffered from the adult symptoms of clinical depression for thirty-five years. In 2007, thanks to a combination of the right medication ... Views: 1226
The holidays are 'supposed to be' a time of love and laughter. Families and loved ones stop their frenzied lives to get together in peace, harmony and abundant gift giving. At least that's what much of the media and advertisers tell us how it should be each year.
Yet for many of us, the ... Views: 3894
Insomnia that results from an anxious, stressed, or worried mind can often be addressed by learning ways to release physical tension, reduce arousal, and relax more effectively. Relaxation techniques should be done outside the bed and bedroom, prior to going to bed, to avoid actively “trying” to ... Views: 605
A clear correlation between economic pressure and interpersonal conflict in intimate relationships has been established by many experts in relationships.
In a 2005 paper on “The Effects of Economic Pressure on Marital Conflict in Romania” (Journal of Family Psychology, 2005, Vol. 19. No 2, ... Views: 1229
There are very few diseases or disorders that are diagnosed in children and don’t carry over into adulthood. ADHD or Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of those disorders that is usually diagnosed early on in childhood and persists throughout the persons life. It is a myth that as ... Views: 1614
I have often been dismayed when hearing about chilren as young as 6 being given the psychotropic drug Ritalin because they have ADHD. So when I asked a good friend of mine who tutors young kids for a living what this was all about, what she said about this made me even more perplexed as to why ... Views: 2015
Depression & Isolation
by Nancy M. Turcich, NTS, RPP, RPE
I’m not sure what comes first, isolation or depression. I do know the two are twins, perhaps fraternal twins since they are not identical. However, isolation and depression share a common ground... separation. People ... Views: 2384
When people begin CBT counseling they understandably hope that things will gradually improve in a smooth and upwardly linear way. However, the changes that you will be attempting to make through CBT counseling are challenging particularly if you are working to change behaviours that helps you to ... Views: 1959
Try a little cognitive therapy to reduce your holiday stress. Cognitive therapy examines the thoughts and beliefs that lead to feelings, and thus to behavior. Everyone has some cognitive distortions which are irrational ideas, thoughts, or beliefs, that get in the way of optimal functioning. ... Views: 5726
When staring my new article for a local magazine in Frederiksberg I needed to do a research in advance, because the topic was not an easy one - Depression. How can I define the term depression with simple words? In short I can say that depression is a feeling, negative emotion, no interest to ... Views: 1067
Losing a loved one to suicide is devastating for family, friends, and can reverberate through a community. We wonder if we should have seen the signs and if there was anything that we could have done to help them. In the United States today, suicide is the eleventh most common cause of death. ... Views: 1789
Numerology meanings have saved me from insanity over the past few weeks. It is a year ago now, that my significant other told me that he "didn't love me enough" , so our plans to to live together in the far-away place where he had a job for a year, were stopped mid-flight (well, almost). He's ... Views: 2771
Depression has evolved into a widespread problem in today’s society and it affects one out of every four women and one out of every eight men. There are some people who are familiar and aware of the many signs and symptoms of depression. These include being irritable, loss of memory and not ... Views: 676
General Anxiety Disorder is a very common condition that affects many of us at some time in our lives. At any one time it is estimated that over 10 million people in the US suffer from some form of GAD. Many are actively seeking treatment through medication or some form of psychotherapy, either ... Views: 1358
Browse the self-help aisle at the bookstore, or comb through the online material about self-esteem, and you'll mostly find advice on how to take "conscious control of your self-talk," to stop negative self-statements and replace them with affirmations, to love yourself, to conquer this or that ... Views: 1537
Manic depression or Bipolar depression is considered one of the worst type's of depression that people suffer from.
Characterized by sudden and extreme mood changes, Manic depression is known as such because manic refers to the 'ups' while depression refers to the 'downs'.
A lot of people ... Views: 1942
Spousal abuse is devastating in every aspect. It creates deep wounds in the abuser, abused and anyone within close proximity to the experience.
As a child, I not only witnessed my mother being abused by my father, but I too was severly abused. The violence created survival instincts so intense, ... Views: 1909
We achieve happiness and bring meaning and purpose into our lives only as we learn to embrace a higher purpose for our existence; when we learn to expand our worldview beyond our own wants and needs. Meditation teachers, yoga instructors, personal growth coaches, and virtually all mental health ... Views: 1162
The dark months can create challenges for getting enough sun and Vitamin D. Some issues associated with limited sunlight and Vitamin D deficiencies are associated with rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid issues, Seasonal Affective Disorder, depression, fatigue and other disorders. That’s why full ... Views: 1890
What creates your misery?Junk!What kind of junk?Junk thoughtsJunk FoodJunk drugsJunk ThoughtsJunk thoughts are any thoughts that create anxiety, depression, guilt, shame, anger, blame, resentment, jealousy, envy – any thoughts that create misery.We all have junk thoughts at times, but many ... Views: 4063
During this challenging period of world wide changes, people I work with seem to be struggling more than ever. I see clients that are finding it difficult to find work, other’s who are going through horrible divorces, and many that are dealing with health crisis’s. The emotions that seem to be ... Views: 1626
I wanted to talk about that moment of desperation. In that moment of desperation, there comes a change, an inner change. Some people do not welcome change, they are resistant to it. Some people are just too comfortable with the way things are; they can only see the negative side to making a ... Views: 2353
It’s rough out there right now for a lot of people. For some people, they have barely noticed anything different. I was one of them. I’d go to work and when I was done, my husband and I would go out to dinner, and we couldn’t believe there was a recession going on. The restaurants were ... Views: 1797
Are you down, anxious, irritable, tired or emotionally exhausted? These types of mood disorders are becoming shockingly common, and in many cases, can easily be resolved.
Depression and anxiety most particularly have become so prevalent that it’s getting exceedingly common for individuals to ... Views: 1249
Depression usually starts out simple. For my patient, Cindy, for example, it began with down days during her first semester in college, when she wouldn’t get out of bed. She did not leave her apartment, wore sweat pants all the time, stopped doing her hair and makeup, gave up her spin class, and ... Views: 2572
We all love babies and little children. They are a reminder of all that is pure and innocent and loving – untainted by the social programming and fear to which we as adults have been subject. We, too, were once those innocent, unconditionally loving bundles of love and light. Truth is,we still ... Views: 1275
For over twenty years as physician, I’ve witnessed, time and again, the healing power of tears. Tears are your body’s release valve for stress, sadness, grief, anxiety, and frustration. Also, you can have tears of joy, say when a child is born or tears of relief when a difficulty has passed. In ... Views: 4464
As a therapist in Los Angeles I’ve seen more than my share of patients who are dealing with various forms of depression and unhappiness. One common personality trait I’ve found with them is their unwholesome thoughts and beliefs that come from what I call the “wanting mind.” In wanting mind, ... Views: 1932
Everyone has felt sad or down at some time in their life as a result of life events such as a move to another city, loss of a job, medical reasons, etc. This is a normal part of life and it happens to all of us.
Everyone has felt sad or down at some time in their life as a result of life ... Views: 3741
Today, Life is becoming so hectic. In too much race of survival we forget some simple joy we deserve to get from life. It is the era of competence, and with full cut throat race of existence we lose many things from life. Furthermore, it leads to tension, depression, stress and the list goes on. ... Views: 895
Rita was married to Jimmy for twenty years before she finally “got it.” She had begged Jimmy to stop drinking many times, but words did not change his behaviors. Words such as, “if you want a relationship with me, you will have to stop drinking,” or “If you keep drinking, you will die young” ... Views: 1640
Society usually has this misinterpreted view about men and divorce. That men will be fine in the end, that they are much more stable in terms of handling pain and tremendous emotional stress and that they will generally come out fine in the end. Well much as society would like to say it is so, ... Views: 1760
By the time this article is published,it will have been a day or two since I read an article about a young man in college whose body was found Monday.He was a student at Ruetgers University in New Jersey who commited suicide.
His roommate and a friend of the roommate,placed a webcam in the ... Views: 1447
It's very disempowering to see yourself as a helpless victim. Unfortunately many people make this mistake. The reason why some people feel powerless is because they think that they have no influence over their lives. They perceive other people and circumstances to be more powerful than ... Views: 2795
Hows this for a head turner - the best anger management technique for some people may be to treat them for depression.
Depression, goes the old saying, is anger turned inward. In my experience, its just the opposite - anger is depression turned outward.
Where am I coming from? Well, ... Views: 1684
So what does divorce for men really entail? Well for those who haven’t experienced it yet, it can be quite difficult to explain. Those who have however will tell you that it’s one of the most painful, difficult, traumatizing, and confusing experiences you will ever have to deal with in your ... Views: 1247
Even if you wanted the divorce, it entails loss. Aside from the ending of the relationship with your spouse, you may be losing your home, time with your children, in-laws, extended family, and even friends. There are inevitable financial losses, loneliness, a change of lifestyle, imagined ... Views: 1997
Last year, a study reported that despite the improvement in women's lives, their happiness relative to men has declined since the '70s, when the reverse was true. This held true across racial and socio-economic lines in several industrialized countries. Women's happiness also declines with age. ... Views: 1785
Feeling down from time to time is a normal part of life. But when emptiness and despair take hold and won't go away, it may be depression. More than just the temporary "blues," the lows of depression make it tough to function and enjoy life like you once did. Hobbies and friends don’t interest ... Views: 992
The use of prescription medicine to deal with depression includes both advantages and disadvantages. The following treatments are some of the most frequently used natural remedies for depression:
Saint John's Wort
Even the ancient Greeks realized the powerful potential of this herb to ... Views: 907
Depression is the most treatable of all mental illnesses, and with a few simple daily lifestyle choices, you can beat depression.
First, to beat depression acceptance is critical. Learn the symptoms, and understand that these negative thoughts and feelings is the depression speaking for ... Views: 1389
The Secret Science of Change: Stop Being So Hard on Yourself
By Suzie Wolfer LCSW
Most people have an Inner Critic that tries to brow beat or guilt them into change. You may hear that little voice saying “You should . . . “or “You shouldn’t . . . .” I call this ... Views: 3337
Major depression is a serious disorder that can cause individuals to experience a wide variety of different symptoms, some of which can become so severe that it is often hard for individuals with this type of depression to carry on with their normal routine responsibilities and activities. In ... Views: 764
Periodically it can be most beneficial to stop and ask yourself how “happy” or “content” are you with your life. You are really the only person who truly knows. Not only are you the only one who knows but you are the only one who is responsible and can actually choose happiness and purpose for ... Views: 1681
You just lost your job and your world has literally crumbled down around you. What's that smoldering over in the corner? Oh, just your dreams. Right next to the pile of rubble that used to be your retirement. Yeah, losing your job can certainly have an effect on the horizon of your life. But ... Views: 2320
Have you ever heard a story so powerful that it reverberated loudly through your interior landscape? Or it stopped you cold in your tracks and made you think – hard – about your life? I did in 1994, and it’s still with me today.
For weeks and weeks after attending a professional conference ... Views: 10630