We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Depression". If you have expertise in Depression and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
It is an interesting thing I have noticed, that everyone dreams and wishes to be a certain way, free of negative emotions, free in spirt, open of heart, without pain or fear, and meet someone like that. Yet if they met someone who possesses those qualities, they say it cannot be real, they are ... Views: 1346
Emotional detachment can be referred to an individual who cannot connect find or connect emotionally with others or themselves. Such individuals cannot perform in a social gathering and might eventually sink into a nervous breakdown. It is very important for an individual to get professional ... Views: 8337
Chances are, you know someone who is depressed. Depression is so prevalent that by the year 2020, the World Health Organization predicts it will be the number 2 cause of disability in the world.
Antidepressants are the treatment of choice clinicians use to treat depression. Pharmaceutical ... Views: 1398
Today’s teens usually become depressed when they have deceptions in love. In the past they would rarely try to commit suicide due to a love deception, while today this is very common. This happens because today’s teens practically get married with their boyfriends or girlfriends. The sex barrier ... Views: 1355
It seems most people today are on an eternal search for the magic era of their lives in which they will finally be happy. Are you one of those people? Here’s a quick test.
Have you ever said to yourself one of these things:
“I’ll be happy when I get engaged.”
“I’ll be happy when I get ... Views: 1592
Depression is a condition that can be very misunderstood. It affects many people from all walks of life and arrives for a variety of different reasons. It is indiscriminate- about 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 or 8 men will suffer from depression at some stage of their life, and women are much more ... Views: 1718
Millions of people around the world have learned how mindful meditation can reverse depression. Now you can use this powerful tool to vastly improve your quality of life.
Mindful meditation has the ability to reduce stress, relieve depression and anxiety, and lower your blood pressure, ... Views: 1184
Omega-3s in fish oil have been shown to protect your heart and prevent diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Here are 7 amazing proven benefits of fish oil supplements that will help you fight depression, boost your brain functioning, reduce inflammation, and a great deal ... Views: 955
The first thing you can do to stop depression is very simple and totally free: pay attention to the meaning of your dreams. Write down in a daily dream journal whatever you remember from a dream scene, even if it is only an object or a face. You’ll remember more dreams with all their details as ... Views: 967
Anti-depressants have their right place in the treatment of severe depression but when depression is at a mild stage there are certainly other options available to deal with depression.
Here is a list of some habits that you can incorporate in your life to ease your depression and prevent ... Views: 674
Ever feel that way? Do you feel that everyone hates you? As a pastor and counselor, I have encountered many people who feel this way. In looking into it, I have pinpointed a variety of causes and effects for this discouraging feeling of rejection. In knowing the causes, you may be able to combat ... Views: 5707
If absolutely nothing has been able to break your cycle of depression, and you are becoming hopeless about getting better soon, maybe there is another avenue for you to go. I have spent thousands of hours doing general research on moods and the human brain because I am completely fascinated by ... Views: 4235
Depression must be treated with caution, even though it is the simplest mental illness. It can lead the patient to neurosis, psychosis, or schizophrenia.
The scientific method of dream interpretation discovered by the psychiatrist Carl Jung offers the best holistic cure for depression. ... Views: 987
There are several benefits associated with taking an anger test. Anger is a devastating emotion that many individuals experience more regularly than they should. People are naturally inclined to experience anger at some point in their lives.
This is a perfectly normal experience. However, ... Views: 656
Depression warning signs can be very obvious in some cases. However there are many times when these symptoms are not that noticeable.
It's natural for people to experience some moments of sadness in their lives. Some of us cry and others may retreat briefly into silence and solitude. These ... Views: 523
I had been fighting a daily battle with clinical depression for years. There was a time when I thought I would never be rid of the daily battle. But thanks to the good Lord, years of therapy, learned coping skills, and just the right medicine, I became virtually symptom free in 2007.
If ... Views: 4091
Ultimately, all our depression and anxiety are born out of some sort of fear or the realization of a fear. Fear, according to the Bible, brings torment. This article explores the various mental, emotional, and spiritual torments that often lead to depression and anxiety.
There is a direct ... Views: 2641
1. Eat life-giving foods.
If you eat devitalized and lifeless food, it makes sense you will be devitalized and lifeless. Your body has nothing on which to draw to keep it energetic and vibrant. If you do not feel like cooking, then eat apples or other fruits or vegetables, sliced or whole. ... Views: 1501
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
There are different sources of pressure once you work. It doesn’t matter if you’re working at home or in an office. There’s the overdemanding boss, micromanaging supervisor, gossiping colleagues, endless deadlines, and a whole lot more. It’s not ... Views: 1934
Rejection is one of the main causes of depression and social anxiety. Understanding why may help you combat and even overcome some of your depression and social anxieties.
Rejection causes a series of emotional and spiritual issues that need to be addressed. God did not create us to be ... Views: 6038
I will tell you why the single life is best. We live in a modern age where anything goes. Marriage has become unnecessary but sometimes advantageous or wanted. There are more people than ever having children outside of marriage or choosing to live alone and not have children at all. The good ... Views: 3374
Be aware of the slow poisoning effect of depression. Yes its like a slow poison, you think that you are not in much trouble but in fact you are just happening to be in the middle of serious problem. It slowly covers your mind and makes you easy target for all kinds of diseases and mental ... Views: 573
Women and depression is a topic that has received a great amount of comments at this website. We have written about Understanding Depression, including descriptions, causes and remedies for the different types of depression; but women want to know more about their gender-specific concerns. ... Views: 1166
One of the main causes of depression is a lack of self-confidence. When we no longer believe in ourselves, we begin to fall into a pit of depression and anxiety. This is a Pastor’s take on building self-confidence.
On one hand, we are all filled with some degree of insecurity. For most ... Views: 2468
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
It is perfectly normal for you to feel frustrated, angry, and sad, even all at the same time. However, if it goes on for a much longer period—and accompanied by headaches, anxiety attacks, loss of appetite, weight loss, and listlessness—it may ... Views: 4118
Learning disabilities affect the brain's capability to analyze and process information. If your teen is exhibiting the signs of a learning disability, have his doctor check him for hearing or vision troubles to make sure the problem is not physical. If these sensory skills are intact, your ... Views: 1637
"Conduct disorder" refers to a group of behavioral and emotional problems in youngsters. Children and adolescents with this disorder have great difficulty following rules and behaving in a socially acceptable way. They are often viewed by other children, adults and social agencies as "bad" or ... Views: 2115
Years ago, a shaman looked at me and said, “You lost hope. You should never lose hope.”
He was right -- and, boy, did I hate that. I have a long history of unflappable optimism. I’m able to make copious amounts of lemonade. I pride myself on my out-of-the-box thinking. But the shaman ... Views: 3760
Sadness may feel like a part of you that is always there, never letting go, but it is only a state of being and not your true self. So how do you find your way out of it? What can bring you back up and help you to feel happy again? How do you let go of sadness? As crazy as this might seem, ... Views: 745
Here are probably the top 3 reasons why you might be feeling depressed and a little something you can do about it. All healing begins, first, with understanding the reasons. Anything else merely masks the problem, but does not solve it.
As a pastor and counselor for over 15 years, I’ve had ... Views: 2193
Worldwide, political, economical, environmental and social events are taking place that are changing the way we think, feel and perceive our world as well as relate to one another. Change is in the air, on a collective and an individual level, both of which mirror one another.
A mass ... Views: 9925
Divorce can be a very tiresome undertaking. It requires potency, mental, emotional, and physical stability, financial resources, as well as time to go through it. Considering the mentioned things, who may not get stressed out? So to overcome divorce and the stuff it includes, let us bring ... Views: 1533
'If you can fill the unforgiving minute, With sixty seconds' worth of distance run, Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it' from If by Rudyard Kipling, renowned Poet and Author who credited the inception of his writing career to the bullying he received as a child
How has life been ... Views: 1096
'She is a friend of mind. She gather me, man. The pieces I am, she gather them and give them back to me in all the right order.'Toni Morrison, Beloved
How do you sleep? Sleep, the beloved time when care is put to rest and angels guard us. Or it would be if I was mistress of a large house in ... Views: 1162
Dream therapy is the most efficient treatment for depression and more serious mental illnesses. This is the treatment you should have without delay, if your depression is so deep that you have no courage to do anything. You can submit your dreams to me for a professional dream translation and ... Views: 1091
Coping With Depression After Divorce for Men can be a difficult thing when everyone seems to have turned against you. I know a couple of months after my separation, after I finally realised that this was not going to go away I fell into a state of extreme sadness that it seemed would never leave ... Views: 1319
It won’t be wrong if we say that - All of us have endured letdowns, breakups, depression and low self esteem in our lives. These are just one of the few distressing times that leave you emotionally hurt. Some people continuously endeavor in life and are indeterminate of reasons of their failures ... Views: 1176
A holistic perspective as it pertains to health has gained momentum in recent years. A major factor in this development has come from National Institutes of Health's research into the mind-body connection. This new research has focused an inquisitive light onto an old theory about how the body ... Views: 1531
We often look at the world as something to be gotten into, to find our place and where we fit. We search until we feel comfortable, stable and right with our place, but sometimes things change. Our group of friends may evolve; we might move or find ourselves just looking again. How do you fit ... Views: 898
We all know what it is like to be alone in a room surrounded by others, to see faces and yet not know how to connect or belong. There are so many people in this world satisfied with only knowing a few people because it is easy and stretching further is hard. To have a base of friends is ... Views: 998
When we lose someone close to our heart we let go of a part of ourselves. In order to deal with heartache and loss we close ourselves off. By protecting ourselves at a time of deep grief and sadness we seek solace by not being present. How can one process something so big, so hurtful? How ... Views: 1064
Brainwave Entrainment (BWE) is an alternative healing method that can be used to safely overcome depression and stop anxiety, without the use of drugs or more expensive therapies. People say BWE is safe and easy to use and you can expect good results in about 2 to 3 months if used ... Views: 1334
What you occupy your mind with is of essential importance to your physical and psychological health. Research shows that humans have an average of 60,000 thoughts every day. Although the idea of consistently controlling your thoughts can seem overwhelming, it is one of the most important skills ... Views: 1690
Mindfulness-based stress reduction therapy has been shown to reduce anxiety in a broad range of clinical populations, as reported by the University of Ottawa. Meditation reduces stress and enhances forgiveness, according to a study published by the Journal of American College Health. Meditators ... Views: 2978
Millions of people struggle with completing goals and overcoming challenges due to the habit of procrastination. In fact, it's one of the most common personal issues that people seek help for. There are several reasons why people procrastinate or avoid tasks. They can range from simple, basic ... Views: 2593
In the winter, many people are trapped indoors, especially, elderly and handicapped people because of the difficulty of moving around in the snow and ice. The days are shorter and darkness seems to envelop the earth. The cold bothers many people as well. Painful joints and muscle pain also make ... Views: 1970
Is Depression Real?
Real or not how can we defeat depression?
Submitted by Jack Bass, B.A., LL.B.
Do you have a choice?
s depression a true mental illness requiring years of diagnosis to uncover and then deal with childhood trauma or is it subject to a faster resolution? ... Views: 1138
Some unfortunate people suffer from depression all their lives. There may be a sneaking suspicion it’s their fault in some way, which is not true. Lifelong (chronic) depression is an illness that can be as debilitating as heart disease, and if untreated can even be fatal. Chronic depression is ... Views: 10659