In 2001 Dore Frances created Horizon Family Solutions, LLC (H.F.S.) with the intention to help and educate parents during a time of crisis with their teenager. This year Horizon Family Solutions is celebrating over a decade of assisting families.
During these ten years, Dore Frances has been ... Views: 2534
Students identified as troubled or troubling tend to flourish in alternative learning environments where they believe that their teachers, staff, and administrators care about and respect them, value their opinion, establish fair rules that they support, are flexible in trying to solve problems, ... Views: 1563
Learning disabilities affect the brain's capability to analyze and process information. If your teen is exhibiting the signs of a learning disability, have his doctor check him for hearing or vision troubles to make sure the problem is not physical. If these sensory skills are intact, your ... Views: 1637
Who is Likely to Become a Bully?
Bullying can have a wide-ranging impact on teens - from victims, to those who witness bullying, to the bullies themselves - and affect each one well into adulthood.
Bullying can lead teenagers to feel tense, anxious, and afraid. It can affect their ... Views: 2271
National Runaway Switchboard - (800) 621-4000. It's open 24 hours a day and the call is free.
There is NO 24-hour waiting period for reporting missing children under 18.
The first 48 hours are the most important in locating your child.
Running Away is a Serious Problem
According to ... Views: 3424
Teenagers and Self Mutilation: The Facts
Self-mutilation affects nearly one percent of people in the U.S.
Teenagers are particularly susceptible to self-mutilation, with girls being four times more likely to self harm than boys.
Over ten percent of teenagers are thought to have at least ... Views: 3000
"Conduct disorder" refers to a group of behavioral and emotional problems in youngsters. Children and adolescents with this disorder have great difficulty following rules and behaving in a socially acceptable way. They are often viewed by other children, adults and social agencies as "bad" or ... Views: 2115
Teen anger takes many forms. It may be expressed as indignation and resentment, or rage and fury. It is the expression of teenage anger — the behavior — that we see. Some teens may repress their anger and withdraw; others may be more defiant and destroy property.
They will continue their ... Views: 1677
Teens, Alcohol, and Sexual Activity
Impaired Judgment Puts Teens at Risk
Teens who drink are more likely to participate in dangerous sexual behavior for a variety of reasons.
Help them understand the risks.
Alcohol use and sexual behavior are a common but perilous combination for ... Views: 2249
You seek a residential treatment community that will give you or someone you care about a brighter future. The task you face is very different from using the Internet to find an attorney, new bank, or electrician. It is a complex endeavor – with high emotional and financial stakes.
How do ... Views: 1386
When a teen makes the ultimate decision to take their life, everyone feels the loss. Family members, counselors, friends, teachers, and teammates often feel guilt, confusion and an intense grief. There is always the sense that maybe the suicide could have been prevented if they had seen the ... Views: 2186