We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Depression". If you have expertise in Depression and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Depression, being depressed – terms used exaggeratingly today, which in medical and psychological term, mean something far worse. It’s natural for a person to feel sad, especially if something unpleasant has happened in the recent days, but such feelings usually pass away in a couple of days. ... Views: 1007
Life can be hard, unfair, painful, and confusing. Sometimes it is overwhelming and we feel defeated. We may face situations that we do not think we can overcome and we just want to give up. We may lose faith and give up on ourselves, on others, and sometimes on life itself. Following are ... Views: 1669
Recently, one of my relatives stated that Dysthymia is nothing more than a mild depression, that I should do my research and I was making a big deal out of nothing. Nothing? Depression is nothing? Here’s why I wrote Born Mad on this rarely talked about disorder:
1. Mild depression can be ... Views: 3103
Depression affects over 121 million people worldwide and is the leading cause of disability worldwide.
Depression takes on various forms from mild to severe and women are twice as likely than men to be affected by depression especially during childbearing years. Most of us have heard of or ... Views: 3255
Have you ever thought of life in a simpler form where you could just switch to your headphones and take your stress away? Binaural beat recordings are the answer. They are tailor-made for people with problems such as sleepless nights, obesity, low sex drive and more. Binaural beat downloads are ... Views: 3701
You usually suffer because you make mistakes, or because you are a victim of other people’s wickedness. You can also suffer as a victim of many unfair situations. Your suffering cannot but provoke depression and many fears. When you are suffering you cannot rest. You have to find a solution and ... Views: 1342
General Anxiety Disorder is a very common condition that affects many of us at some time in our lives. At any one time it is estimated that least 10 million people in the US have been diagnosed with GAD and are actively seeking treatment through medication or some form of cognitive ... Views: 1259
Online Internet Psychotherapy and Counseling through Skype is becoming more popular than ever for busy people. As a professional online psychotherapist, I have noticed a dramatic increase in the number of clients who prefer to have therapy sessions in the comfort of their own homes rather than ... Views: 1759
What Is Codependency
Codependency is a learned behavior that refers to an obsessive need for affection, attention and affirmation. It is also known as “relationship addiction” because; this relationship based on emotional dependency is the other side of the coin of emotionally destructive and ... Views: 30985
An excerpt from upcoming 8/25/11 blog radio talk show "A Fine Time for Healing"
If you’ve ever been in love, chances are that you have suffered the devastating feelings of at least one relationship break up. Immediately following the death of a love relationship, your heart is shattered. ... Views: 1549
Life is sometimes like a roller coaster. Ups and downs, with a few hairy bends thrown in for good measure. Not all days are nirvana and life can drag us down from time-to-time. It’s OK to have down days, we all have them and always will. Experiencing the whole array of emotions we’re born with ... Views: 2618
Depression can easily be eliminated through dream therapy when you are a good student and patient. You will treat your depression yourself, without having to go anywhere or depend on anyone. The unconscious mind that produces your dreams will help you find sound mental health. You only have to ... Views: 1588
An Alternative View of an Epidemic
by Ram Giri
Over 120 million people suffer from serious depression worldwide. Most of them live in the richest countries in the world, where, one would think, people have less reason to be depressed. What’s going on?
What the statistics don’t tell us is ... Views: 1321
This is your first chance to make him buy one but if in bad faith, it will be difficult to
How can we help may occur in a small search to find your right is just here. Diversify your Site Content evil in the form believes it is more difficult to make. Embassy Financing more difficult yet it ... Views: 1052
Being joyful can be challenging when life feels heavy, dark and meaningless. Often people experiencing depression are confused, tired and overwhelmed and do not know how to find relief, meaning and joy. If you feel unmotivated or powerless or you are seeking relief from depression, the five ... Views: 1107
Everyone experiencing depression will know that it is impossible to "think" a way out of the darkness. No matter how hard we try to understand depression we cannot lift the dark cloud hanging over our head. So what is depression really about? Why can’t we solve it or get rid of it as easy as a ... Views: 1291
The other day a client told me he had been taking anti-depressants. I didn’t know him to be depressed, so I asked if he had been diagnosed. He said he went to the doctor because he’d been having trouble sleeping and he’d been stressed out, and the doctor prescribed anti-depressants.
I was ... Views: 2385
I’m going to show you with my own example how I was cured from my depression and neurosis through dream therapy when I was young. This was how I could prevent schizophrenia before becoming schizophrenic like my father.
I started looking for psychotherapy in 1984, when my cousin and my ... Views: 1449
Many people have to choose prescription anti-hypertensive medication to control high blood pressure. However, you need to be aware that high blood pressure medication can affect body functions, resulting in bad side effects and seriously damage your body in the long run.
Jay Allen in ... Views: 1444
What do you think procrastination is costing you? What great ideas have you not acted on? What dreams are languishing in your heart?
We procrastinate out of fear. We dread some imagined future in which a horrible result occurs. In reality though, things rarely turn out as badly as we ... Views: 1046
Understanding Depression Symptoms
Feeling sad, or down every so often is a normal; we live in a fast paced, demanding, stressful society, a we often have little or no social support system. Life can sometimes be depressing, but when these mild feelings of depression linger, you may be ... Views: 3158
Our behaviors are major causes of our depression. These behaviors are grouped into three categories:
1. Relationships
2. Activities
3. Copings
The unhealthy relationship is a common cause of depression. So, an important part of depression treatment is to improve the ... Views: 2477
The American health care system is founded on the free market capitalist model. Because of this, majority of the health services in the US are provided not by the federal government but by independent companies. An individual can obtain health insurance coverage directly on his own or as part ... Views: 910
Do you feel guilty about something? Even though guilt makes us feel bad, it is actually a good thing. Guilt is a signal, a message. It tells us that we should do something differently.
But sometimes we get stuck, and we can't let go of guilt. Remorse and regret paralyze us - and that is the ... Views: 1203
In excess of fourteen million US residents go through depressive disorders every year. Despite these kinds of figures, major depression is not an ordinary part of existence, no matter your age, sex, or even health status. There exists hope for individuals with this medical problem, depression ... Views: 685
Depression can easily be cured through dream therapy because it is only a first indication that there is a certain abnormality in the functioning of your psyche. Depression is not a mental illness in its initial stages. It is in fact the beginning of a process of consciousness that can have ... Views: 1144
The Codetalkers and R.E.M., jungle music pioneer Goldie and even Gwen Stefani and her band ‘No Doubt’ have all written and/or recorded music about it. As have other musical artists down through the ages. Lior Shamriz shot a full length feature movie with the same name in 2009 and Australian ... Views: 1776
Depression is one of the darkest illness that can ever befall a person. It's an illness that can only be fully explained and understood by someone going through it. I visit some of the blogs kept by people who are suffering from episodes of depression just in other to understand the illness more ... Views: 1016
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DEPRESSION... - by John G E Frye - Source of Success
Anyone who has been through this will tell you just how incredibly helpless, useless and despairing one can feel.
Depression numbs and throws into reverse the will to exist, it instantly takes you out of society and spills you deep into your lowest self, it brings your energy and capabilities ... Views: 1372
Dream interpretation according to the scientific method is like a surgical operation inside your psyche. You see what exists inside your brain, and you understand how the content of the different sides of your brain determine your behavior. This vision transforms you into a doctor because you ... Views: 2018
Depression is a horrible feeling of sadness and impotence. Your heart becomes heavy; you are so sad that you cannot even breathe. Depression becomes a mental illness when not treated. However, in the beginning it is an obvious consequence of the way you live.
You make many mistakes, and your ... Views: 973
Think for a moment how you feel during a depressive episode. Do "helplessness", "hopelessness", and "loneliness" come to mind? If so, that also seems to be the consensus of many people in the depression forums where I spend some of my time.
Depression has a way of creating a psychological ... Views: 2249
The conditions known as alcoholism and depression have very similar roots. A lot of people seem to blame the use of alcohol as being the cause depression. A closer look reveals that neither one causes the other. In fact, both conditions have basically the same underlying problems. This is ... Views: 991
We all feel down from time to time, that is a normal part of life. Sadness, hopeless, and helpless are normal reaction to life’s events. But, when these feelings become prolonged, out of control, and interfere with person’s relationship, job performance, and daily activities, it may be ... Views: 1233
Depression can really take the joy out of life... but it can be overcome - for good! Let me show you how.
Depression is more than a Blue Day, sadness, or even a broken heart, although it happens because of such things and feels a lot like the blues. If you’ve ever had a real depression, you ... Views: 1600
One of the great paradoxes about stress is that two people working in the same job, with the same backgrounds and qualifications, can experience the same levels of stress differently. Individuals that are more ‘feelings’ oriented have a harder time with intense moments, changes, crisis, and ... Views: 1042
7 Ways to Tend and Tame Your Inner Critic
You are on a first date and in your head a nasty narrative plays: “She’s too good for me. Why did I tell that joke, I’m so awkward. I’m going to be single forever.”
You are about to give a presentation and all you can hear is that same ... Views: 1909
Does the rain bring you down? Does it make you more grumpy? The lack of sunshine affects some people more than others. Shortened days and colder temperatures in the fall and winter bring most people indoors. Only with the light of spring do they recover from the winter blues.
Seasonal Affect ... Views: 1840
It began one night my senior year in high school. One of my best friends dropped me off at another friend's house after work. Holly and I used to be inseparable. We did everything together, and now she had recently met a guy and started seriously dating him. Now, I never saw her. So this was a ... Views: 2012
Depression is a worldwide illness and it affect people of all sorts, the famous names in some cases are even the most affected, so it's nothing to be ashamed of.
Depression is not something to be panicked about. It's a common illness, and almost all types of depression can be treated.
If ... Views: 1006
Everyone deals with stress at different degrees. It’s how we deal with or manage stress that is important.
Managing stress is all about taking charge: taking charge of your thoughts, your emotions, your schedule, your environment, and the way you deal with problems. The final goal would be to ... Views: 1470
Depression is not an easy illness to cope with, but with the combination of medicine (antidepressants), therapy and some coping skills, depression can be treated successfully. No treatment though beats the support of loved ones. Many of the people who have dealt with depression and overcome it ... Views: 988
From the outside depression might seem like a complex phenomenon but as soon as you get a deeper understanding of people’s psychology you will find that depression is one of the simplest mood disorders.
The mistake most people do when dealing with depression is trying to blame the chemical ... Views: 1353
During the years I attended psychotherapy, my therapist always had classical music paying in the waiting room. I never figured out if that was supposed to be part of my therapy or if it was playing simply to keep me entertained while I waited for my session to begin. But I do know this, that ... Views: 2814
Employers use pre employment testing hire individuals with the target behaviors to be top producers and to reduce employee turnover.
When your company experiences high employee turnover it costs you time and money. When you hire a person and then find out you have made the wrong choice this ... Views: 1409
A diet high in omega 3 fatty acids may help lower the risk for developing depression, various studies have found.
This essential fatty acid is believed to enable the neurons in the brain and the nervous system to communicate properly with each other, potentially lowering the risk of ... Views: 1053
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Certified Master Hypnotist
Handwriting Analyst
I received a phone call recently from a person who was in severe distress. She was crying into the phone and stated that ... Views: 1455
Online Counseling is a very effective and also very convenient option for many people. Convenience is one of the main factors - people are often too busy to take the time to drive to and from a therapist's office. It is much more time-efficient to simply turn to your computer and make that Skype ... Views: 1162
Our world is a living hell. Everyone here is selfish. Everyone is an actor.
For most people the life conditions are unbearable. They have too many existential and material problems. They also have family problems and problematic relationships. They hate their job, or they are unemployed.
... Views: 1147
At last, the times, they are a changin’. For 25 years the medical profession has viewed depression as a “simple” imbalance or deficiency of serotonin and dopamine. This misguided concept has limited the treatment of depression ... Views: 1266