A significant period of our daily life is spent pleasure-seeking, or more coherently ‘happiness’ seeking.
The thing about happiness is that it is short-lived; it is great while it lasts, but invariably at some point, the mood of happiness will not last… and then, on we go again seeking the ... Views: 1901
The value and benefit of emotional detachment must not be understated.
We all need to feel valued, important, a sense of recognition... THIS IS ME!
'Me' is important, however allowing the emotional 'Me' to determine your sense of wellness and positive self-image in place of just being, ... Views: 2009
This is an interesting question.
Perhaps because using the word 'if' presumes that it is not certain that such an question will be asked at all.
Are you therefore anticipating the question being asked? Or just covering all bases as part of your interview preparation?
If I were the ... Views: 1211
From the moment we let out a shriek following a slap by a maternity nurse, at that very moment, we communicated.
So communication then is entirely instinctive, and moreover, vital. It becomes even more vital in the workplace where those of us who are fortunate enough, spend so much of our ... Views: 1331
For some of us, we don’t always see positivity for what it is.
It is not that unusual to find that those who live their lives in a positive way, express positive mantras and are regarded as positive role models, will often attract hostility, jealousy, suspicion and other negative ... Views: 1630
Has technological advancement forced so many of us to cast judgement from afar?
You know, with all these social networks – we are seemingly ever more cautious about this person and that person, in some cases rightly so, while in others the judgement is often a reflection of our own ... Views: 1246
Our lives are a constant statement of reciprocation and balance.
We show kindness, we receive gratitude…
I give, you receive…
We believe strongly enough, our belief transpires…
By acknowledging our failings, we can appreciate our strengths…
You harbour bitterness and vengeance, hurt ... Views: 1218
Do you look forward to tomorrow? Or would you rather hibernate until your world changes?
What about your mindset – do you seek short-term happiness or long-term contentment?
Do you tackle life by carefully setting goals, planning how to get there, and thoroughly enjoying the ride?!
Or ... Views: 1020
I was drawn to a posting made by an inspirational friend on Facebook recently; she drew my eye to the subject of ‘regret’. Now this is a subject that I have expressed opinion on before.
Anyway, my mind is inclined to work overtime, become supercharged once stimulated, and just before entering ... Views: 1207
At irregular intervals in our daily lives, we all encounter difficulty. Like many of the other contesting emotional experiences, the self-empowerment gained through embracing and learning from these moments of challenge can be exhilarating.
We should not choose to cheat our INNERMOST POWERS ... Views: 1290
No doubt you’ve heard of the ‘nothing ventured nothing gained’ adage, certainly one of the truest statements ever conceived by man.
When we enter this physical plane, we are programmed to explore; not only the world around us, but also the who and what am I? A toddler will fall over umpteen ... Views: 1175
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DEPRESSION... - by John G E Frye - Source of Success
Anyone who has been through this will tell you just how incredibly helpless, useless and despairing one can feel.
Depression numbs and throws into reverse the will to exist, it instantly takes you out of society and spills you deep into your lowest self, it brings your energy and capabilities ... Views: 1372
Today I gave some thought to what do we regard as most important.
Of course there will be some common things like family, my husband/wife, my children, job, my pet dog or cat, my car, house, business.
For some it could be money, their investments, gold, stocks, shares, estate and all ... Views: 1287
There are fears that are rational… like walking around blindfolded and unaided.
There are also irrational fears or phobias (and there are many)… ‘Decidophobia’ or the fear of making decisions, do you recognise this one? Or how about ‘Globophobia’ the fear of balloons – now this is one that I ... Views: 1140
The EGO has landed… In Your Workplace!
We spend on average a third of our daily lives in our workplace. Many of us have little choice but to work to live, while others more fortunate, work for them is a vocation – their work is their life!
Whatever your position is, the dynamics within the ... Views: 3190
We are immersed in a storm of information turbulence daily, sometimes we really do not see the wood for the trees and increasingly the search for ‘silence’ permeates the mind but escapes like a wonderful dream lost.
The channels of everyday information is rich with news of disaster, pain, ... Views: 1555
It occurred to me that success owes much of its manifestation to the sense of inner peace - for me at least.
Also my observation is that such success nearly always requires some interaction with another fellow human being along ones'life pathway; whether at the beginning, during, recognition ... Views: 1329
I was told many years ago as a boy that the difference between man and beast was our power to choose. Yes, free-will ladies and gentlemen. Leaving out natural phenomena, all else around us and often in us stems from a deep lying source called choice. Choice is the younger submissive cousin of ... Views: 1368
All of us whether we know it or not exist in our very own energy bubble.
This energy bubble is not seen with the naked eye by others, cannot be touched or apprehended or in normal everyday circumstances felt by the owner, but believe me reader it is there!
Ok ok; so what in the universe am I ... Views: 1317
The depth of inherent experiences to be accessed directly from Source of Success is something that I am very proud to be associated with. I am not too proud however to except that I am now at a stage of my life where any changes in one’s career can be for some, catastrophic. Now don’t be alarmed ... Views: 1034