We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Depression". If you have expertise in Depression and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Years ago I owned a dog named Sparkles. He was a cross between a Cocker Spaniel, Poodle and Beagle. Sparkles loved to play and he was a very affectionate animal. He lived for 13 years. I don't know what it is about dogs but they definitely can sense when their masters are experiencing a ... Views: 1646
For me, growth seems to come in spurts. I like to think I’m always growing, and maybe I am, but like a baby sometimes I seem to suddenly spring into the next stage of my development.
Over the past several weeks I’ve been feeling an inordinate amount of growth. The month started when I ... Views: 818
Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
1438 East 26th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11210
e-mail: yl@ylcsw.com
phone: 718-258-5317
What is self-esteem? This seemingly elusive term is often bandied about by professionals and laymen alike. “I have no self-esteem,” “You ... Views: 1281
We learned very early in life that it is imperative to brush our teeth at least twice a day. We also learned that we must take a bath, wash our hair, cut and clean our nails and dress respectably; that we have to eat three meals a day, making sure that the diet ... Views: 1252
I am a first time author and I have written a book about my own personal experience. My direct web page –
After an accident in which I injured my back, I was ill health retired. This has given me the time ... Views: 1768
“Around the bend, in the unseen, arising from the very uncertainties that may now seem to taunt you, there are some amazing surprises, awesome twists, and spellbinding coincidences about to emerge that you can't even now imagine.” (Mike Dooley)
Coincidentally, I received this quote last ... Views: 1372
Dealing with Grief & Loss
Shock, Denial, Numbness, Disbelief
-The pain exists, but you may not experience it fully yet. Your body, mind, and spirit take over to help you survive. Physiological symptoms can include: stomach aches, nausea, & insomnia
-Grief does not always get easier as ... Views: 1776
There are lots and assorted cures for depression now available to us right now. They vary from cognitive behavioural therapy, to anti-depressant treatment, to innovative self-help techniques that do not necessitate either therapy or drugs. So which particular one is the right solution for you? ... Views: 752
Self improvement tips where you can learn the ways to earn more money are always welcome. That’s why there are thousands of websites to make money, get instant rich and famous outrageous schemes which will allure you with false promises.
Seriously, who doesn’t want to increase their bank ... Views: 1249
We are living in a unique period of time, where the world, and everyone in it is experiencing, processing and releasing the eons of trauma and pain through the evolutionary transformation we are currently undergoing. Many of us are overwhelmed, if not depressed, and without a clear understanding ... Views: 1642
Do you know which comes first, the chicken or the egg? By the same token, do your emotions just happen all by themselves, or do your thoughts create the happy, sad and everything in-between emotional response?
Feeling sad, hopeless or succumbing to the constant dark cloud of depression is a ... Views: 1534
This article will explain to the reader how to naturally improve serotonin levels using brain entrainment. With a binaural beats download, it is possible to entrain the electromagnetic wave-patterns of the brain to those conductive to serotonin release. I will also be discussing ... Views: 4935
It’s the morning after you’ve been to the doctor’s office, you have high blood pressure. Your “youth” is over. It’s the morning after you played three days of golf in a row; your “take-off” knee is double its size. You know that it’s time to schedule the replacement; you’re not thirty ... Views: 1466
A theater veteran named Noel Coward coined the phrase “The Show Must Go On” back in the 50s; but I gave it new meaning in the 90s as it summed up my life better than any other cliché. I was the president of a very successful communications company providing executive coaching and training. I ... Views: 2097
We know from statistics that one out of every four Americans will be faced with a depressive episode in his or her lifetime. That means that many of us will experience a friend or family member’s fight with depression. But do any of us know how to deal with depression when it hurts someone we ... Views: 899
I had an epiphany watching Tiger Woods play in The Masters recently. It was the last day of play and he was in the zone, playing like his old winner self and moving up in the pack. But then he made a mistake, and another, and another. He began to grimace, obviously upset with himself. His ... Views: 1530
If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms then you may consider these disorders as a warning sign. Both your mind and your body is stressed out and you must take deep and very personal self evaluation of what you are doing that is causing these problems. Your thinking process and what ... Views: 3110
Tucked deep under the covers she rustles with the idea of getting out of bed. It feels dark outside today. Yet, the sun is warming the petals of the brightly colored flowers. Today she feels hopeless?
What do you do when everything feels hopeless? When you are too tired, too sick, in too much ... Views: 1719
No matter how bad your situation, no matter how overwhelming your mental/emotional pain, there is always a better option than considering suicide or self-harm – but it may not have occurred to you. Speak to a doctor (and other help can follow). Or phone a 24 hour Mental Health Crisis ... Views: 1068
Some of us are perplexed when we hear the term “Unipolar” Depression. This is a term used to describe “Major Depression” which is different from Bipolar (Manic). This mental state is more understandable if we think of a mood that occurs on a regular basis.
For example: Good (Up) or Bad ... Views: 2763
The internet is an amazing resource of information and entertainment. It is also a forum in which people can communicate with one another from all over the world. And best of all, the internet is not exclusive. Anyone can take part in online festivities. Even children can navigate the internet ... Views: 2345
According to the documentary film, "The Marketing of Madness," http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1nbZCNDgbY&feature=related, there is absolutely no evidence to support the theory we have all come to believe--that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance of the brain. The film also questions ... Views: 1517
Defining Symptoms
Depression is an experience that can have a very wide range of symptoms from mild feelings of disappointment, sadness and tiredness to dark feelings of hopelessness, despair and sometimes suicide. It might be helpful to understand depression as “REPRESSION,” a pressing down ... Views: 2516
One of the greatest results my clients receive is personal transformation from within themselves, feeling connected to the world around them, their families and with a clarity of purpose of why they are here. Most people are perplexed and confused in life feeling uncertain and disconnected, ... Views: 2117
Dangerous Psychiatric Drugs Your Doctor Recommends
Since the first SSRI antidepressant was released in 1988, over 200 lawsuits have been brought against the major SSRI makers, including AstraZeneca, Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, and Eli Lilly. For the most part the lawsuits have been in response ... Views: 8326
Sales of psychiatric drugs are big business. Worldwide sales of antidepressants, stimulants, anti-anxiety and anti-psychotic drugs top $82 billion a year and fuel the $330 billion psychiatric industry.
Psychiatrists continue to label millions of Americans with “mental illnesses” and to ... Views: 2159
Research and clinical observations over the past 40 years have found that psychotropic drugs produce suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts and possibly suicide in a small portion of depressed patients. The FDA has ordered Black Box Warnings on all antidepressant medications, warning that they may ... Views: 1105
Emotional abuse results in damage to the hippocampus, a brain area involved in learning and memory ability. This damage results in associated memory deficits, according to studies from Yale University School of Medicine, Yale Psychiatric Institute and the Department of Biological Sciences at ... Views: 17055
Modern society generally sees stress as a negative or harmful emotion. The truth is, we all have a healthy base level of stress, known as eustress. Harmful stress is referred to as distress. Healthy stress is essential in helping us to manage life's challenges. Distress can make us sick, or even ... Views: 1018
Chromium has been called “Nature's Prozac." Researchers at Duke University have found that a daily dose of 600 micrograms of chromium picolinate led to a significant decrease in symptoms of atypical depression. Scientists are researching chromium as a treatment for mood disorders, both mild and ... Views: 1188
Your digestive system plays a major role in your overall health. 60 to 80 percent of your immune system is located there, according to Dr. Isaac Eliaz, MD. The digestive system is a strong yet delicate ecosystem, finely balancing bad and good bacteria. The good bacteria are known as probiotics. ... Views: 1660
Scientists at the New York Medical Center, the University of California, and the Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons found that yoga could be a beneficial, low-risk, low-cost treatment for:
stress-related medical illnesses
substance ... Views: 1053
Meditation boosts your brain's levels of mood-elevating chemicals, such as:
It helps you to control mental chatter and self-destructive impulses. A study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry found that a meditation program was ... Views: 2458
There are people who suffer very much in their lives, while other people suffer only sometimes. The explanation for this phenomenon is given by Carl Jung’s psychological types.
Jung discovered that each person inherits a predetermined psychological type that shapes their personality. Each ... Views: 3784
No matter what degrees it is outside, spring is a marker in time. Every season has its message. We think of spring as the time to clean out closets, get rid of the old, to prepare for the new.
Spring cleaning is also for the mind, stories that just do not serve me are erased, and stories which ... Views: 1326
When many people think of gardening, they often picture retired seniors with large sun hats and khaki shorts, plowing rows of tomatoes on warm spring days in Palm Springs. Because of this common misconception, many younger people shy away from gardening because they think of it as an exclusively ... Views: 1253
You’re about to learn about a controversial topic known as double depression. It’s controversial because some suggest it doesn’t even exist. We’ll look at symptoms, how it differs from major depression and chronic mild depression, key features of double depression and how to have better outcomes ... Views: 3410
Why Wing Therapy™ makes people so happy?
As a young girl one of the things I wanted to be when I grew up was a scientist. It didn’t quite work out that way as I turned out to be an artist. I’ve dedicated my life, for these almost 40 years, to the Performing Arts and Teaching these Arts. ... Views: 1639
Battling intense depressive episodes is never an easy task. While each episode may vary in frequency and severity, one thing is for certain, your spouse will be left physically and psychologically exhausted and so will you, especially if you've been through a number of those episodes with your ... Views: 1979
I'd like to dedicate this article to the short life of Kelty Patrick Dennehy.
The impulse to write about my own past experience of depression and suicidal tendencies has been percolating to the surface of my mind for a while now. It's a subject matter that goes largely unnoticed and unspoken ... Views: 1196
Teenagers need help and guidance, but it can sometimes be difficult for parents to recognize when to intervene in their teen’s life. Today’s teenagers face different problems and challenges than those you experienced as a teen.
Emotional pain and distress can be expressed in many different ... Views: 2600
Many past experiences understandably have a great influence on our lives and how we are feeling right now. Sometimes that feeling is very low or painful. The good news is that in recalling past events we can select the feel good stories and feel good. It may take some practice but with a bit of ... Views: 2017
Depression is a form of escapism; it is a way of protecting one’s self from the outside world. By reverting inward one is able to let go of reality, to turn off events and withdraw. Depression can be caused by many events, real or imagined. It is a sense of being overwhelmed, being overtaken ... Views: 832
Depression is a worldwide epidemic. According to the World Health Organization, it affects about 121 million people worldwide, and those numbers are increasing. Depressive disorders affect as many as 18.8 million American adults or about 9.5 percent of the U.S. population age 18 and older in a ... Views: 1205
People who engage in regular exercise, including walking, show improvement in their depression, comparable to people treated with antidepressant medication, demonstrating that exercise and depression recovery are linked. Exercise has none of the harmful and potentially deadly side effects of ... Views: 1148
The Mediterranean diet lifestyle can help alleviate symptoms of depression. A study of almost ten-thousand healthy Spanish adults, conducted at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in Spain, found that those who most closely followed the Mediterranean diet lifestyle were 30 percent less ... Views: 929
Recent research suggests that depression may not be a disorder, but an evolutionary adaptation which brings certain mental and emotional advantages. Depressed people often report persistent rumination, which allows them to analyze complex social dilemmas more effectively, according to the ... Views: 1253
Shockingly, you can still find a number of people who are unaware that they’re already stressed out and need relief from it immediately. Or rather, there are several who refuse to acknowledge that they badly need relief from stress.
If you’re not sure about this as well, i want to give you ... Views: 825
Everyone becomes down or unhappy at times. Life events, or simply a bad day can sometimes make us upset, and small things like bad visitors could make us irritable. But when an individual experiences constant emotions of sadness and irritability, is exhausted with little or no activity, ... Views: 805
From the outside depression might seem like a complex phenomenon but as soon as you get a deeper understanding of people’s psychology you will find that depression is one of the simplest mood disorders.
The mistake most people do when dealing with depression is trying to blame the chemical ... Views: 1704