Healing the Pain Body
1. How Our Pain, Fear and Defensiveness Surfaces
The “Law Of Attraction”
As pointed out by Michael Losier and Esther Hicks, both teachers of, “The Law Of Attraction,” we attract what we vibrate at the level of our emotional bodies, not necessarily what we think or ... Views: 2292
Can you see the two faces in this picture?
To view this Face and the other "Cloud-Layers of Ego" illustration in this article Click the following Link:
If you are young or happy in a new relationship, you will probably see first or easily the ... Views: 2734
Defining Symptoms
Depression is an experience that can have a very wide range of symptoms from mild feelings of disappointment, sadness and tiredness to dark feelings of hopelessness, despair and sometimes suicide. It might be helpful to understand depression as “REPRESSION,” a pressing down ... Views: 2514
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When You Want To Hurt - by David Ott, M.Ed., Peak Recovery Program, Victoria, BC. CAN.
When You Want To Hurt - A Letter To Those Who Suffer -
When ego control and defenses are close to being shattered, these are the times we become really scared and begin to think hurtful thoughts. These are your ego's ways to try and gain control in situations where you feel overwhelmed, ... Views: 1722
To cure illness and suffering, we need to know the underlying CAUSE. Practitioners are often content to work with and remove the symptoms alone. Unfortunately these symptoms will eventually reactivate within the individual until the route cause of the illness has been dealt with, mentally, ... Views: 3295
The Perfect Storm
Our Role In Healing Dramas
I am always amazed how innocently we enter and how perfectly we are cast for the relationships and healing dramas we are drawn into. If we or others have a lesson to learn or emotional wounds and fears to experience for healing and release, ego ... Views: 1613
When Is One Drink, One Drink Too Many?
A growing number of individuals in our society are being born with, or have developed, an inability to tolerate alcohol. If, for genetic reasons, an individual lacks the natural enzymes and chemicals necessary to metabolize (break down) any food ... Views: 3317
Healing Challenges In Relationships
Everything seems to go well in relationships until circumstances or interactions activate some aspect of the pain and fear we carry within us. Unaware we carry this pain and fear, the probability is high we will become frightened and defensive when it ... Views: 1868
The growing suffering we experience, journeying through this dream of a physical universe in bodies able to feel emotional and physical pain, will eventually force us into making different choices. This is the gift of “dream living” in a physical environment where every mistaken choice we make ... Views: 1964
Waking From The Dream
The Process And Practice Of Reclaiming Our Spiritual Identity
“A Course In Miracles” Perspective
“Yet the Bible says that a deep sleep fell upon Adam,
And nowhere is there reference to his waking up.”
(ACIM T.C2.I.3.6)
Older Souls
An older soul, who ... Views: 1957
The conscious awareness that we are ill and lack health, happiness and energy does not necessarily mean that we are ready, willing and able, at an unconscious level, to ask for and receive the health, energy and life changes that our Healing would bring about. Many individuals more safely ... Views: 1779
“Yet the Bible says that a deep sleep fell upon Adam,
And nowhere is there reference to his waking up.”
(ACIM T.C2.I.3.6)
Older Souls
An older soul, who understands the real purpose of our time here is to awaken or reclaim our Spiritual Identity as soon as possible, will often choose ... Views: 2374
She Had Two Sons
(Healing The Disowned Part Of Self)
Once I knew
A very attractive
And clever woman.
To her winning smile
And carefree confidence,
All eyes turned
And fell in love.
She had two sons -her own-
One was a daring darling,
The other, a clinging dunce.
Her darling made her ... Views: 1246
The Zone
At the highest level of human achievement, in any field, sport, music, academic or art, we reach a state of being beyond and free from effort, understanding and conscious control. It is a state of intuitive knowing, effortless power and universal flow that we call being, “In The ... Views: 1208
Seduction And Romantic Love
We are seduced into relationships for many reasons, for support and approval, to overcome our feelings of loneliness, fear and insecurity, to explore our passion and sexuality, to feel power and control, to be needed, to have fun, to love and be loved, to have ... Views: 4892
“A Course In Miracles” says that learning forgiveness is our only function here. One of its most beautiful passages on this topic reads. “The holiest of all the spots on earth is where an ancient hatred has become a present love.”(T.26-IX-6) It is very ... Views: 1910
Before Anger, Pain and Fear
Before we strike out with such a powerful reflex response, we are always feeling hurt or threatened in some way. The situation, which triggers our reflex anger, is often just the last straw, the final stress, the last ripple to overwhelm and sink an already tired ... Views: 1358
Whenever a miracle occurs in our life or the lives of others, it demonstrates that the physical laws that seem to govern us, our beliefs, and what we perceive as real, are not the Truth. Miracles demonstrate that we are governed by a Truth that can heal and move us far beyond our limited ... Views: 1257
Everything that has an impact on us from within or without is stressful. Heat, light, sound, job and relationship expectations, change, etc. all create a certain amount of stress. Only when this stress builds to the point of DISTRESS within an individual is the FEAR (Fight- Flight-Freeze) ... Views: 1815
Seduction And Romantic Love
We are seduced into relationships for many reasons, for support and approval, to overcome our feelings of loneliness, fear and insecurity, to explore our passion and sexuality, to feel power and control, to be needed, to have fun, to love and be loved, to have ... Views: 1515
This article will help you to maximize your recovery and performance in every aspects of your life, especially, in handling stress, the loss of relationships, jobs, and all destructive coping choices.
When we are young we seem to have boundless energy to enjoy life. As we grow older and ... Views: 1207