If you've read my newsletters or emails in the past year, you know I sign most "With joy and ease, Debra". When I write "with joy and ease", am I trying to convey to you that I'm constantly joyous and everything in my life is a cinch? (In other words, am I LYING?) Certainly not.
With this ... Views: 855
For me, growth seems to come in spurts. I like to think I’m always growing, and maybe I am, but like a baby sometimes I seem to suddenly spring into the next stage of my development.
Over the past several weeks I’ve been feeling an inordinate amount of growth. The month started when I ... Views: 818
One of my dreams is to give a TED talk. To have something to say that's so powerful, so succinct, so rooted in who I am, so true, that it’s worthy of this platform. Brene Brown achieved my dream with her 2010 TED talk The Power of Vulnerability. A PhD-level licensed social worker, her ... Views: 851
While many members of our connect2 community are entrepreneurs, many others are employed in the corporate world. If you have - or seek - a corporate, brilliance-based career in which you make a positive impact, today’s post is especially for you.
Net Impact and the Center for Corporate ... Views: 957
I'm in Email Debt. Deep, deep email debt. Anyone out there know what I'm talking about? If you're a friend of mine, I'm certain you do. Because chances are good that you sent me a lovely, thoughtful email in the recent past (this millennium), and I failed to respond in a timely manner. Or ... Views: 826