From birth we are conditioned into believing we need to be somebody. We are taught and indoctrinated into the belief that we need to be somebody that does something, thinks something ~ to get something that will lead us to the promised land of happiness.
We are brainwashed by family, ... Views: 1021
There is no entity who is separate from depression or for that matter any sensation or state that may arise in awareness ~ label it what you may. There is no one who is depressed, angry, jealous, afraid, confused, clear or joyful.
To explain; a sensation arises in awareness that is captured ... Views: 1418
I'd like to dedicate this article to the short life of Kelty Patrick Dennehy.
The impulse to write about my own past experience of depression and suicidal tendencies has been percolating to the surface of my mind for a while now. It's a subject matter that goes largely unnoticed and unspoken ... Views: 1196
I’ve just broken a 10 day juice cleanse and my body feels like a million bucks! The orange I ate for “breakfast” was an eagerly anticipated explosion of virgin, citrus flavours and texture; a pleasure beyond description when compared to the simplicity of 10 days consumption of organic apple ... Views: 1195
So much has been said of friendship and love that it seems on one level redundant to even write about it. In my own life I have found insight, understanding, awareness and suffering, as I engage the pursuit of its experience and the never ending conversations that occur around the dance of its ... Views: 1476