We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Depression". If you have expertise in Depression and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Depression in teenagers is a big problem that will affect all aspects of a teenager’s life. If not treated, it could affect problems not only at home and at school, but it could also lead to other issues such as drug abuse, self-hatred, and even suicide. Parents, guardians, teachers, friends, ... Views: 1153
Are you feeling tired, irritable or simply just, “down in the dumps?” If so, it is likely that you are suffering from the dreaded condition, Winter Blues. The official name for it is Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.), interesting acronym, isn’t it?
Now, I am not generally one for labels, ... Views: 2256
The scientific method of dream interpretation is a breakthrough discovery that helps you find happiness in life. The natural cure for depression based on dream translation gives you back your energy.
You understand what is wrong in your life. As you correct your mistakes, you get rid of ... Views: 1030
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month
Why would you care, when I don’t? Why would you go that extra mile, when I wouldn’t? Why would you waste your time on me, when I wouldn’t for you? Why do you try to get inside me, when I wouldn’t? What you are trying so hard to see, I’m ... Views: 1210
Step 1: Learn to identify what you’re thinking, your self-talk. Being aware of your thoughts and self-talk helps you track the kinds of thoughts you typically have.
Step 2: Identify the thoughts that make you feel bad, and consider if the thoughts are problematic. If they are, they will need ... Views: 2923
If you are desperate because you are in danger, or because you feel that your life is a heavy burden that you cannot keep carrying, you are gradually losing your mind.
What can you do when you are desperate? If you have lost your health, if you don’t have money, if you were betrayed, ... Views: 1450
It’s perhaps every human’s desire to have control over certain unwanted aspects of their lifestyles. These can be habits that are core rooted in on an individual’s mind set ups; these habits could be addictions to some harmful or embarrassing addictions. It’s very hard for an individual to break ... Views: 758
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Bipolar manic depression is actually very common. It affects over 2 million people in the United States, regardless of age, social and economic status, and race. Based on scientific studies, this type of depression usually starts during ... Views: 1423
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
You are already fifty, and as early as now, you are already asking yourself the question, “What will I do when I retire?”
Retirement actually causes a lot of stress, and unfortunately, you feel it even before it happens. You become anxious ... Views: 2711
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
“Am I depressed?” You’re not the first person to ask the question. Usually when you have been crying for days or have been in no mood to do anything, you immediately think you have fallen into a state of depression.
To know if you do, your ... Views: 801
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
It’s normal for people to leave jobs in search for another. We’ve always been taught to go for something that we are passionate about. What we are not accustomed to is not having some work for a long time.
If you cannot find a job within a ... Views: 660
Did you ever experience losing almost everything that mattered to you? How did you cope with it? Depression often happens to people when situations like this happen. So-called friends disappear or avoid you and you are left pretty much alone and on your own. Sometimes even some family members ... Views: 5277
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Every year, more than 12 million women are diagnosed of clinical depression in the United States, and a lot of them remain untreated because depression methods are usually generic.
Though depression is a universal illness, it doesn’t offer ... Views: 726
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Everybody goes through depression at least once in his or her lifetime. However, a number of them recover from it afterward. In fact, their depression doesn’t last for a very long time, only for a few days or weeks.
If depression persists ... Views: 690
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Every human being is vulnerable to something, may it be a tragedy, memory, traumatic event, or stress. Though we strive to be happy, sometimes we can’t help but feel sad and lonely.
Usually, these negative emotions don’t stay for a long ... Views: 652
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Here’s a shocking statistic: based on a report published by Psychiatric Services, more than a million preschoolers are diagnosed with clinical depression every year. In fact, they composed one of the biggest markets for depression medications. ... Views: 639
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Do you often get easily stressed when faced with a lot of pressure? Demanding and difficult situations cannot be prevented in life. Every day, we are exposed to factors that can cause pressure in our lives, either from our jobs, personal lives, ... Views: 1838
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
An increasing number of women are now seeing for themselves the reality behind the concept of post-partum depression. Research shows that 10 percent of women experience major post partum depression after giving birth, and this has caused lasting ... Views: 698
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
A baby is supposed to bring a lot of joy in the family. A mother, especially, should be delighted that finally her family is complete and her pregnancy is over.
But why do a lot of them experience depression? Is it normal?
What is ... Views: 628
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Majority of women want to raise their own family; that’s why the birth of a baby is considered a blessing. But not all new mothers celebrate. Several of them have to deal with an emotional and even mental struggle known as postpartum depression. ... Views: 610
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Depression, which comes in a variety of forms, affects millions of people all over the world. The disorder also doesn’t choose age, gender, ethnicity, or social status. Worse, thousands die because of it.
This illness can come and go, but it ... Views: 741
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Mary was a successful woman. She headed an up-and-coming real estate business in Atlanta, Georgia, and pioneered a non-government organization for troubled youth. But deep inside she was troubled. She was fighting depression all on her own. She ... Views: 703
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
In the United States, there are over 25 percent people who suffer from psychotic depression. However, because it tends to mimic other types of medical conditions, including depression subtypes, and because some patients remain quiet about it, it ... Views: 752
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
True, depression usually happens among women. But that doesn’t mean men are completely immune to it. Based on new studies, there are over 6 million men in the United States alone who are diagnosed with the medical condition every year, and a ... Views: 615
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Who doesn’t get sad? In fact, a lot of us get upset over the littlest things—and that’s normal. What is not is when it goes on for a very long period of time, it disrupts the way you live, it destroys relationships, and it feeds negative ... Views: 623
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Depression affects all types of people, from young to old. However, it may be a lot harder to manage by the seniors. Aging causes decreased mental and physical abilities. Compared to the young adults, they are less capable of dealing the signs ... Views: 778
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Depression is so common a lot of people tend to self-diagnose. Just because you have been crying for a few days doesn’t really mean you’re suffering from clinical depression. To determine if you have the medical condition or not, you have to ... Views: 832
Even though depression is a very serious disorder, you can still stand up and fight against it, and beat it, if you know what to do when it comes. If your depression is really severe, it's essential that you seek the advice of a doctor.
The thing is a lot of people with depression, usually, ... Views: 683
Depression and suicidal moods
Have you ever been so depressed, you felt like life was bleak and nobody cared? Sometimes you do not even notice that your behaviour is actually induced due to chemical imbalances in the brain. Counselling could actually help resolve your deep set emotional ... Views: 1925
If you have clinical depression and you've gone through some pretty intense and debilitating depressive episodes the last thing you feel like doing is getting up and moving around. In fact, you may be at a point in your life where you sleep a good part of the day and struggle just to get up ... Views: 1791
The blues. We all encounter a period of time when we are feeling down. Maybe there was job loss, the end of a relationship, or trouble dealing with an illness. Those things naturally bring us a feeling of depression. Usually when the thing we are dealing with is over or resolved, we start to ... Views: 914
At some point in my counseling work, I hear a recurrent belief or thought that surfaces for my clients. It’s the belief that tends to wreak havoc on my client’s psyche, the one that’s been with him or her since childhood. Most people are so fused with this false belief or negative thought that ... Views: 1491
The emotion of anger is a very potent and essential part of just what it really is to be human. It can come from numerous situations and emotions. Emotional hurt, being annoyed, being disappointed, frustration, as well as fear and lack of self confidence are all instances tha can make us angry ... Views: 614
‘I think, therefore I am’ exclaimed Rene Descartes the famous French Philosopher. He could very well have said ‘How I think determines how I am’. Put it another way, you are what you think. Thoughts are extremely powerful tools that can determine not only our moods but also our decisions and ... Views: 1646
It has been said, “Anyone can die, but not everyone can live.”
Can you relate to this?
I have been attempting to go to daily Mass for Lent (please don't hate me because I'm Catholic!), and it just so happened the other day was a Funeral Mass for no one in particular I knew. Or did ... Views: 1709
Most people claim to be either a dog person or a cat person, there are very few who like both types of animals equally. A typical cat will come to you for food,
a cuddle, a rest when it is tired, and then go out for hours where you have no idea of where it is or what it is doing. A typical ... Views: 1006
With today’s society being the way it is, being obese can be very difficult for any individual besides the fact that there obesity is affecting their health. It can affect someone’s mental health in ways that you may not have thought of. Typically, if you’re watching your favourite soap opera on ... Views: 969
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When You Want To Hurt - by David Ott, M.Ed., Peak Recovery Program, Victoria, BC. CAN.
When You Want To Hurt - A Letter To Those Who Suffer -
When ego control and defenses are close to being shattered, these are the times we become really scared and begin to think hurtful thoughts. These are your ego's ways to try and gain control in situations where you feel overwhelmed, ... Views: 1725
Several years ago I was diagnosed with hypertension otherwise known as high blood pressure. My doctor told me to modify my diet and to begin an exercise program. He also said that if I lost weight my blood pressure should begin to stabilize and eventually I could come off the medication that was ... Views: 1788
You can easily defeat your depression by paying attention to the meaning of your dreams. They contain precious messages that work like psychotherapy. You understand that these messages cure your psyche because your dreams talk about your pain. You feel relieved for understanding what is ... Views: 1036
We are programmed by a strong desire to seek pleasure and avoid pain. This is so deep rooted in our subconscious that it motivates pretty much everything that we do. Recently, there has been a movement towards positive thinking as a way of overcoming our challenges, and dispelling negative ... Views: 1909
Deuteronomy 31:8 “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
We are so blessed to have God to lean on. When others have left us or let us down, we still have God. When we feel others don’t care, God ... Views: 1149
Making simple changes to your diet can have profound effects on your brain and body. Scientific organizations all over the world have found that eating the right foods can reverse depression, reduce anxiety, boost energy levels, improve mental alertness and concentration, and fight a variety of ... Views: 1972
Anger management techniques could be easily learned regardless of the reasons for your anger. If you want to get out of anger, you should first recognize the anger within your mind and acknowledge how this would harm both you and your health and appreciate the benefits you will get by being ... Views: 934
Most of us have been there, and sometimes without warning. Depression typically attacks those who have suffered a loss, physical and mental abuse, have low self-esteem or are experiencing a lack of fulfillment. The degrees in the severity of depression vary from bouts of mild depression ... Views: 2848
Although world-wide research over the last 20 years has indicated that women experience depression at twice the rate of men, recent research conducted by Jed Diamond, Ph.D, and others, indicates that male depression has been under-reported and is actually rising dramatically.
In his 2009 ... Views: 1418
You might be relieved to know that one of the benefits of massage therapy is an improved night of sleep. Stress, tension, living in the 'flight or fight' state thru high levels of cortisol keeps the body on hyper alert therefore when its time to go to sleep-even if we are so exhausted-we find ... Views: 2844
Invisible Pain
Always running and playing sports. Jumping on the trampoline for hours. Smiling at each new day. That all changed after the chlorine burn from the water park.
She was burned from head to toe, as red as a lobster and as fragile as a crystal goblet.
The blisters ... Views: 2191