We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Depression". If you have expertise in Depression and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
How often we’ve heard success gurus telling us to think positive, only few of them mention the positive feeling.
How to go from positive thinking to positive feeling? Well, if you think you can just think it and you feel it, think again.
How often we’ve read and learned how to be ... Views: 2222
Beat the Feelings of Inferiority
There are a few aspects that contribute to the feeling of inferiority that are important to consider as we strive to live authentic and fulfilling lives. Comparing our life to someone else’s life is important to think about. Do you ever find yourself looking ... Views: 1496
Anxiety is part of the human makeup, it is there to help in dangerous situations and keep us out of harms way. We have all experienced panic inducing situations and as a result physical symptoms such as faster heart rate, trembling hands, increased sweating and shallow breathing can occur. In ... Views: 2049
You'd be surprised how many people around you are clinically depressed. During my career as a Medical Exercise Specialist, I've trained many people who suffered from depression. My hunch is you probably know someone right now who is struggling with depression.
The Good News
Duke ... Views: 3856
There are many symptoms that sufferers experience when they are dealing with stress, too many to go into detail here. One symptom common among many sufferers is the continual replaying of events from the past. Today, let's look at a new stress relief technique I have created that will really ... Views: 2118
The way to conquer negative feelings associated with being criticized is based on your interpretation of events. You take things that someone says about you negatively as if you are being criticized, then get depressed, angry or in a bad mood. This is very self centered, all geared towards you ... Views: 4523
Most people probably think of physical postures when they hear the word "yoga." The physical practice is important and is one avenue to freedom and unity between the physical body, the mind, the emotions, the breath, and the spirit. I was a very physical kid and practiced yoga postures back ... Views: 3974
Even though the effects of depression might be all too real in your life, depression is not real. If you’re suffering from depression, you’re only imagining it because depression is the direct result of your subconscious mind’s obsession with useless thoughts that were impressed upon it during ... Views: 3183
We all make mistakes in our thinking, especially when we're deeply convinced that something we believe in is true. These errors often reinforce that opinion, making it hard for us to change our minds or even consider any alternative viewpoint.
Students of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy know ... Views: 5729
In 2002, I visited my doctor to help me deal with fatigue, depression and hair loss. I had gained some weight, but what mom hasn’t, right? I wasn’t worried about the weight gain as I had been at least slightly overweight since puberty. I just wanted to know what was wrong with me. Dr. ... Views: 3827
In Memoriam: Alice Miller (continued - see Part I for introduction)
Alice Miller. For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Child-Rearing and the Roots of Violence. New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux. 1983.
For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Child-Rearing and the Roots of Violence continues ... Views: 4036
Is letting go of guilt a stumbling block for you? How? Thinking differently, forgiving and accepting yourself as you are, sound great, but remain a top source of stress for many. (1) From people-pleasing to full out martyrdom, there is entirely too much hanging on to the damaging effects of ... Views: 4208
When a person experiences the negativity of depression, his or her natural reaction is to look for an instant cure. Fortunately, today there exists effective medication for depression, but that doesn’t excuse a conscious patient from actively participating in healing. A study of depression ... Views: 2648
It's a funny thing...
We come into this world full of wonder, amazement and an audaciously authentic ability to laugh out loud at whatever tickles our funny bone. To our young minds - free of attached meanings, assumptions and suppositions - the world is a delightfully cacophony of ... Views: 3795
Depression as a state of mind is generally associated with the grown ups. Lots of reasons have been stated for the cause of this negative state of minds in case of people who are grown ups. Talking about a similar condition in case of infants is generally not a viable topic to discuss. People ... Views: 1421
Every have one of those seemingly endless stretches of time, when it feels as if all your get-up-and-go has got-up-and-went? You are not sick, per se. You just don’t give a damn anymore. Nothing matters much.
After all of your full-speed-ahead decisions, choices and actions, you feel ... Views: 8728
Too pooped to put one more foot in front of the other? Is your favorite part of the day the moment you get to dive into bed and shut the world off for a few hours? Does the mere thought of the days ahead suck the life energy right out of you?
I know how that feels. I've been there -- for ... Views: 2760
This is a question that I hear a lot, and due to what I consider faulty teaching through medical facilities as well as insurance company anemic reimbursement policies, many people are walking around with undiagnosed hypo-thyroidism.
Do you have lack of energy, maybe you are depressed, have ... Views: 2962
When we are in love, the world is golden and nothing gets us down. When we are out of love, we are desperate to regain those feelings we had while in love. The desperation can be so intense, we find ourselves thinking and doing things we would be ashamed to tell our best friend. The excitement ... Views: 9293
Bipolar disorder is a psychiatric condition that manifests by uncontrollable and unpredictable changes in a persons mood. Individuals that are affected by a bipolar disorder usually feel many different emotions at the same time or suffer severe mood changes.
Bipolar students suffer the same ... Views: 3820
One day about 35 years after my fifteenth birthday while sitting in a psychiatrists office I realized that I had been acting out my entire life. This accomplishment both amused and horrified me.
About this time I had determined that to go on living, I needed to find out who I was. This was a ... Views: 2181
Everybody is going to have to deal with several quite demanding situations at certain times of their lives. There are going to be highs and lows throughout life and during the lows, knowing how to handle stress proficiently is key so you don't enter into traumatic periods of depression or ... Views: 2207
People look at you and think you’ve got it all together. You have a life that many envy, a career, relationship and the freedom to live an enjoyable life – or at least two out of the three. On the outside you’ve put on a great show. On the inside, not so much.
Behind the mask, you feel empty ... Views: 2560
Aside from psychotherapy or a frequent visit to a professional, treatment for depression also needs the right medication to completely cure the disorder effectively. Supplements now has a big role in curing such disease. Depression can be treated naturally using the right supplements.
Below ... Views: 1339
You can easily help yourself when you are depressed by paying attention to your dreams and writing them down. Then, you should translate them according to the scientific method.
This very simply practice will put you into contact with the wise unconscious mind. You’ll verify that the ... Views: 1602
My experiences as a psychotherapist and spiritual counselor have made it evident to me that we all seek to discern a deeper meaning in our human existence by connecting with a higher spiritual sense of life, on personal and collective levels. There are universal questions and concerns that ... Views: 3125
Pain is a part of life. More so for some people than others of course. It seems that some people have the resources or strength or luck or skills to work through their pain and come out the other side unscathed, almost as if they hardly felt a thing.
We comfort ourselves with the thought that ... Views: 3670
You hear a lot today about meditation and depression. Meditation, if practiced correctly, can really help you reduce the severity of your depression, or even eliminate it all together. I can honestly say that meditation has helped me cope with depression in the past. While meditation is ... Views: 2588
OK so it has taken me this long (40 some years) – and well into menopause, midlife crisis, chronic fatigue, sleep disorders, OK so it has taken me this long (40 some years) – and well into menopause, midlife crisis, chronic fatigue, sleep disorders, and depression – to finally GET IT: Want to ... Views: 2178
By Laura Schultz, MFT
“We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope”---Martin Luther King
In our modern society, external stressors are numerous including divorce, death of loved ones, economic anxiety and concern for ... Views: 2125
Think of NANO Yoga as taking a bath or a shower for the inside of our body. However often you take a regular bath or shower is how often you do NANO Yoga. Daily would be great; however, that is not always possible. Skipping a day or two does not ruin it.
'Just as nanotechnology has the ... Views: 3911
Pain is a huge topic. Pain can come from trauma, pressure on nerves, from the wear and tear of osteoarthritis, inflammation due to allergens or pollutants that can set off autoimmune reactions, low Vitamin D status, expanding cartilage under weak bones (osteomalacia), retained placentas, ... Views: 3862
When it comes to depression, things may not seem the way they once were. Little things that once made a person happy might not bring any joy anymore. In others depression might show different signs, but there are certainly some telltale signs of depression you can watch for.
When you have ... Views: 1682
Every dieter has fads. But the best way to ensure that you are not getting passing information and sound advice is to pay attention to what you eat and your calorie consumption. This includes the recommended daily allotment of fruits and vegetables in your diet. If you are looking for an ... Views: 1508
Self-critical thoughts, low self-esteem and general bad feelings are a common characteristic of people who suffer with depression.
However, these thoughts and feelings don’t just ‘happen’ by themselves – there are real physical reasons why you have them.
If you take nothing else from ... Views: 4860
The following is a script for a healing meditation. This is based on one of the meditations I have been using for my own healing. Use this as a beginning. Read through it several times until you get the basic idea. Your meditation should be and will be specific for your intentions and beliefs, ... Views: 2201
Millions of people suffer from a depressive illness. They thought that depression is just a normal occurrence in their lives, which will go away after a short while. They just haven’t realized how serious depression can be.
Did you know that words related to depression have been searched ... Views: 2177
Prasara yoga is a new style of yoga that blends elements of traditional asana, or poses, along with elements of movement, or flow. Most modern forms of yoga concentrate on one of two aspects: asana, the actual poses, or inyasa, transitional breathing between poses. Prasara yoga integrates both ... Views: 2415
Perfectionism can kill you.
Bold statement. Sad but true. The frenetic obsession to have the perfect body is literally killing some people. A nose job or a face lift isn't enough. Once that's done, then the boobs, lips, hips along with every wrinkle must be enhanced, puffed, sucked out, ... Views: 2815
Why do most women get stuck in life after 40?
The same reason women get stuck at 30, at 50 and at 60. It is their view of themselves, and their perception of their world. They 'see' life a certain way, and build perimeters around themselves on how 'things should be'. They compare themselves ... Views: 2137
In order to cease an addiction such as smoking, drinking or using drugs, a person needs to go through foreseeable stages of change. Following on from Prochaska and DiClemente’s founding research in 1982, these stages of change have been extensively scientifically validated. It is unusual for a ... Views: 1894
It's easy to think that having depression is something that will affect you for the rest of your life, especially when you're going through a really bad episode.
I know because I've been as low as it's possible to go with depression. I also know that things don't have to be like that forever. ... Views: 2882
'Fess up.
If you're reading this blog you may be a shopping addict. There's a world of difference between someone who shops for necessities (even luxuries) or social enjoyment and the person who shops to deaden emotional pain. Which one are you?
Like a drug addict you use shopping to get ... Views: 2421
Within the helping professions It is commonly but mistakenly supposed that results in therapy are attributable to a specific treatment choice. Mental health training stresses learning how to administer specific, empirically validated interventions. However it just isn’t possible to receive ... Views: 1465
Women suffer from depression twice as often as men. This statistic has been shown to be true, not only for American women, but for women in eleven other countries as well. This high statistic for depression among women exists regardless of racial and ethnic background or economic ... Views: 1803
I was busy in the kitchen this weekend. I had a yen to cook something that would slow-cook in a crock pot. I love how a house smells when there is something yummy getting ready for my tummy.
A friend called. She was complaining about her exhausting weekend. Relatives were staying with her. ... Views: 2702
Depression, which is partly anger at ourselves, is self-destructive and drains our energy to the point that it is sometimes difficult to function even minimally. Depression is an illness of will, which becomes diseased, making a person incapable of persevering in many pursuits. People always ... Views: 2111
I have done a lot of research, interviews and self practice of different treatment of anxiety disorders and I wanted to share with you a few of these tips. I hope they help or give you ideas to find your own tips:
When you take time out of your day to assist others less fortunate ... Views: 1744
You just finished a great workout; your heart is racing, you are tired and short of breathe but these symptoms are expected for the situation. You embrace these feelings knowing that in a short time they will go away and you will feel fantastic for accomplishing such a great workout.
The ... Views: 3426
Some people live their lives stuck in an exhausting treadmill. Too tired to change course they tolerate seeing the same sights, having the same experiences over and over again. I know a few people who lost or quit a job every couple of years with the excuse that their boss is a jerk or they're ... Views: 3297