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“The Dark Depression Cloud of Later Life”
By Bill Cottringer
“The aging process has you firmly in its grasp if you never get the urge to throw a snowball.” ~Doug Larson
Later life often brings a dark cloud of depression that can be very worrisome and quite difficult to deal with, ... Views: 1705
We are told that Christmas, for Christians, should be the happiest time of year, an opportunity to be joyful and grateful with family, friends and colleagues. Yet, according to the National Institute of Health, Christmas is the time of year that people experience the highest incidence of ... Views: 2003
“Tired.” Just pause for a moment and ponder the word. Actually, it’s a very deep state of mind and heart, isn’t it? I mean, we all know what it’s like to be tired and ready for bed after a long day. However, I’m presenting the word within the context of being emotionally, mentally, and ... Views: 1390
For many people the winter is far less a time of peace and goodwill and far more a time when the hassles of hectic Christmas shopping, over-crowded stores, storms, gray skies, and sometimes a heightened sense of loneliness all can greatly increase stress and chance of illness.
Winter, for ... Views: 922
Depression is now ranked as a major global health crisis, affecting over 120 million people, according to a recent study from the World Health Organization (WHO), and ranks fourth amongst all health problems in its economic and social costs.
The study, published in the journal of the American ... Views: 1188
Depression is a growing problem across America. Some reports state that 17.5 million Americans suffer from depression. According to one Surgeon General’s Report, up to one in ten children may suffer from a serious emotional disturbance. People with severe depression have a reported suicide rate ... Views: 873
Stress is an emotion that most people try to escape from. But can you really escape from stress, or why would you want to? Is stress really bad for us, or does it serve a purpose? With all the demands in life, like work, family, parenting, relationships, and marriage, of course we will feel ... Views: 1904
Nearly 5% of US citizens suffer from some sort of anxiety attacks and depression. People that get depressed tend to also have higher levels of anxiety and may also be afflicted by panic attacks. Often people with anxiety disorders never seek help because they are fearful of what could be ... Views: 1283
This blog won't apply to everyone, but I believe it will apply to a lot of people.
I know I've read somewhere that the most suicides happen in the month of December. Really Depression during the holidays is very common. The weather has changed, and we're entering the heart of the dark winter. ... Views: 939
With all the responsibilities we have in the modern world we live in, it’s no wonder most people are seeking a stress reducer or stress reducers. With the increasing roles that men and women have to play, everything from businessman/women, husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, dad, mom, etc., ... Views: 2370
Ever felt that you are stuck in a rut, burnt-out or feeling depressed? Everything you try to do is an effort, you become fearful, or you start losing your self-confidence then your self-esteem goes. You find that it is a battle to get out of bed in the morning. You become very negative, and ... Views: 5209
Life is difficult. But, do I really need to tell you that? Or maybe I should ask, "What would any of us really expect?"
You know, so many in my line of work preach all things harmony and homeostasis. And not that I find anything wrong with that; I simply question how realistic it is. Not to ... Views: 1248
Are you tired of the Christmas ads yet? You know the ones that show happy families together for the holidays, having the best time of their year, not a care in the world, and surrounded by those that they love and love them.
Unfortunately, this is not the reality of many people during the ... Views: 1319
A new Canadian study analyzes the sleep habits from children age 1.5 to 5 years looking for an association between sleep problems and the development of ADHD. The study confirms something I have been pointing out for a number of years – that an unstable family sets the “stress thermostat” into ... Views: 1668
Depression in one form or another affects many millions of people around the world and yet those who are depressed often feel a sense of isolation from others, among all the other sensations associated with the condition. Severe forms of depression require treatment from trained experts in the ... Views: 930
Postpartum conditions are presented in three levels. Postpartum blues, postpartum depression, and postpartum psychosis. Postpartum blues do not generally affect a woman's ability to care for herself or her baby. Postpartum depression interferes with a woman's ability to care for both herself and ... Views: 933
Depression affects millions of people around the world. It is considered by experts to be on of the greatest hidden conditions affecting not only the lifestyles of sufferers but also their families, friends and employers. In fact, this depression disorder can last from moments of simply “feeling ... Views: 905
Are you always feeling blue? Never want to be around others or have a good time? If you're always sad, you should face the depression and go see a psychiatrist, there are doctors who can and will help you out. Prolonged sadness, otherwise known as depression, is actually very common in the USA. ... Views: 877
Depression is not a disease that affects only the adults. It affects the children also. When a child yells, screams, use foul language, there is a high probability that the child is suffering from depression. Not every parent believes that depression can affect their children. The only way for ... Views: 1037
Studies have shown that, although there are more women who get treated for clinical depression, there are actually about the same number of men who suffer the condition, but they do not admit it or seek treatment for it. Society often mistakenly labels depression men as 'weaklings.' This causes ... Views: 1607
While most people deal with periods in life where they feel sad, this is very different from actual depression. Depression is a problem that occurs when you have intense sadness that ends up lasting for weeks, and this keeps you from normal function in your life. There are a variety of symptoms ... Views: 740
Endogenous depression is classified as a mood disorder and is believed to be genetic. It is also believed to affect people from birth. When you have this disorder, you become prone to depression during traumatic events or under a lot of stress. This type of disorder normally goes undetected or ... Views: 7964
Seasonal depression is a mood disorder in which people with normal mental health throughout most of the year experience depressive symptoms at the same time every year. I.e., signs and symptoms come back and go away at the same time each year. This disorder leads to depression, anxiety, ... Views: 817
Psychotic depression is one of the serious types of psychiatric disorders. It doesn't only have depressive symptoms but is also characterized by hallucinations and delusions. Psychotic depression affects 25 percent of people who are suffering from depression.
Briefly, this type of depression ... Views: 2128
Winter can be such a challenging time when it comes to depression. The days are shorter, in the US more people die in winter than in warmer seasons, and grey skies can dampen your spirits. Of course, physical illness, stress, emotional turmoil, and abusive experiences from our past or present ... Views: 1747
There is no person who does not feel sad or low at some point in time in their lives. But these are fleeting moods and time changes. Still, if a person continues to feel low for long enough time that leads to a negative impact on the daily life then the matter needs to be looked into and ... Views: 932
Having a baby is a major life event for a woman and in some cases may trigger Post Natal Depression. This occurs in approximately 16% of women in Australia and usually occurs between 1- 12 months after giving birth to a baby. It can be difficult for women to cope with a major life change as well ... Views: 852
Depression is a big concern for millions of people. They don’t just suffer from the normal depression that you get when something out of the ordinary happens; it is much more than that. Many people stay depressed everyday of their life. Most of the time they don’t even know why they feel so bad ... Views: 795
Teenage depression or sadness among a small percentage of teenagers is very common in our rapidly changing society. Teens today seem to be experiencing a lot of pressures that were not common just 10 to 20 years ago. With an economy that is unstable, and in some cases family members losing their ... Views: 814
Manic depression symptoms, now better known as bipolar disorder symptoms, refers to signs a person has because of this illness. Manic depression, also known as bipolar disorder is a psychological disorder that affects one's mood.
Basically it results in mood swings but they are no ordinary ... Views: 1506
Up to 12 per cent of men and 25 percent of women are at risk of suffering from a major depressive episode at some time during their lives. One study showed that 29 per cent of patients visiting their doctor for physical disorders had a depressive or anxiety disorder. Which means our physical ... Views: 1467
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), major depression is the leading cause of disease burden in North America and high-income countries. It is the fourth leading cause worldwide; by 2030, it is expected to be the second leading cause of disease burden worldwide. If you suspect your ... Views: 816
So common is depression that it is thought of as the common cold of mental illnesses. However, this is not to understate the severity of depression which is one of the leading indicators of suicide. By some estimates depression costs the country a staggering $43 billion dollars a year in costs ... Views: 1066
There are ways in fighting depression. So if you are currently suffering from depression, this article can help you to now those ways. If you suspect your loved ones or yourself to be suffering from this mental illness, you must take instant action before the situation turns worse as it will if ... Views: 1656
Every life has its ups and downs, and everyone has mood swings to a greater or lesser extent. Feeling sad, or mourning loss, is also a normal part of living. Although we do say I feel depressed for feelings of general disappointment and sadness, they are nowhere close to clinical depression. ... Views: 760
I’ve had a lot on my mind lately. On top of that, it seems as though there haven’t been enough hours in the day to accomplish all that’s on my “to-do” list.
Absolutely, I’ve been pushing myself to the max in recent weeks. And I can feel it mentally, emotionally, and physically. Have you ever ... Views: 1714
'Tis The Season For SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). If you or someone you know has been feeling moody, tired, depressed, anxious, and has the autumn blahs or winter blues, you or they could be experiencing SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). SAD is a type of anxiety, sadness or depression that ... Views: 4316
For those being treated for depression, and for those who suffer SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) during the less sunny months of the year, the holidays can make coping with depression become more difficult. While people being treated for depression know the holidays should be a happy time, the ... Views: 4125
Anxiety and depression are fast friends. We know that all too well, don’t we? And that statement brings some questions to mind (literally).
When we consider the dynamics of anxiety and depression, can presentations along the depression spectrum be generated by anxiety? Can anxiety be ... Views: 1608
I was watching television the other day and was surprised by an advertisement for a supplement which was intended as an adjunct to anti-depressant drugs. I wish I had noted what was said but a statistic was stated about the number of anti-depressants which don't affect the required cure for ... Views: 941
Never underestimate the power of mood on your thinking and behaviour. Many of us know the experience of being in a good mood or getting carried away by a pleasant shopping environment and being lulled into buying something that we later regret. We’ve probably all had the experience of looking at ... Views: 1911
The single major cause of emotional suffering and stress in our lives comes from the accumulated habitual emotional reactions to life events that we acquire through unconscious learning. We become victims of recurrent negative thoughts and patterns of emotional reactivity that operate ... Views: 1856
Root Cause of Stress
Stress is due to uncertainty (about future or about way to proceed), which comes from lack of clarity on current situation.
It can be financial or work related, it can be about big business decisions, it may be due to poor communication with people or a ... Views: 1997
There’s no way on earth we’ll have any chance, at all, of successfully managing our disorder if we can’t own up to, embrace, and engage that from which we’re suffering. And we have to acknowledge that this suffering has legitimate biological and psychological foundations.
If we can’t bring ... Views: 1508
It's a tradition that could be especially helpful in the wake of the recession, as people work to overcome the potentially devastating psychological effects associated with layoffs, foreclosures and the loss of businesses.
Fortunately, Americans have come together to help one ... Views: 1153
Clifford, 42, married with children, told me during a phone session that he was tired of not feeling happy and joyous. "As a small child, I remember being so happy and excited about life. But my parents didn't receive me at all. They were indifferent to my creativity and ... Views: 6242
Let me share a cool story as to how I came to know and understand one of life’s greatest truths.
Years ago, as my ex-wife and I were putting the final touches (as if we were painting a portrait) on our divorce arrangements, I was being asked to sacrifice yet more time with, and access to, my ... Views: 3300
Why do people tend to avoid feeling their feelings? It has everything to do with our early experience in life - what we learned and what we didn't learn. As I talk to people across the nation, most people agree that they didn't really learn how to make good use of their feelings when they were ... Views: 2302
Eva Redei, David Lawrence Stein Professor of Psychiatry at Northwestern’s Feinberg School, has presented a study that throws a monkey wrench in the scientific rationale that is used to justify giving out antidepressant medication. She has clearly demonstrated, for the first time, that genes ... Views: 1552
On the morning following a night of binge drinking, it's not uncommon to be in a mild state of anxiety and depression. Many people drink alcohol completely unaware that it's a depressant and not a stimulant as most people would think. 3 out of 10 of teens engage in binge drinking once a week. ... Views: 10399