We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Depression". If you have expertise in Depression and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
An out –of –work money manager in California loses a fortune and wipes out his family in a murder-suicide. A 90 year old Ohio woman shoots herself in the chest as authorities arrive to evict her from the modest house she called home for 38 years. A record 500,000 homeowners have entered the ... Views: 688
Our understanding of the significant health benefits associated with fish oil supplementation has come a long way since scientists’ original discovery, back in the 1950s, that cod liver oil was a rich source of health-giving fatty acids. Researchers have since moved onto the next phase of ... Views: 1594
I have a lot of trouble with living in this time. I don't think this is how life was meant to be. I am nearly finished an engineering degree, and soon I'll be working at redesigning some gadget that nobody really needed in the first place, making money to buy things I don't want but ... Views: 1095
Depression can act as if you were being pulled into a big, black hole with no means of escape. How do I know? I have suffered many years from this crippling disorder. You feel that you are helpless and there is no longer any hope for you. Have I struck a common chord? Modern medicine often ... Views: 1478
One probably cannot imagine the multitude of despairing and desolate individuals on antidepressants in this day and age wherein major depression has become the product of an increasingly progressive yet complex society. Major depression has been easily perceived as a manifestation of a chemical ... Views: 865
An estimated one-third of the total population is suffering from clinical depression and the number is continually rising. By the term “clinical depression”, it doesn’t mean the transient blue mood that simply goes away but a disorder that needs medical attention. Stressors such as a loss or a ... Views: 914
Depression, Anxiety and Panic Attacks are very similar and in some ways interconnected.
Depression may be described as feeling sad, blue, unhappy, miserable, or down in the dumps.
Most of us feel this way at one time or another for short periods. A true clinical description is a mood ... Views: 1609
If we determine the basic causes of emotional distress, we will find that it is our inherent desire to control life that often causes the distress and the depression in the first place. Depression, sadness and mood disorders only appear to be modern terms, as they are always referred to in ... Views: 5043
Prescription Anti-Depressants, Tranquillizers and Sleeping Tablets are regularly prescribed by doctors to treat anything from bereavement to postnatal depression. While there are many responsible and caring doctors out there, there are also many who over prescribe. This may sometimes be due to ... Views: 1151
5-hydroxytryptamine or 5HT, widely known as serotonin, is a neurotransmitter that has a wide-ranging influence over emotional behavior. It also plays a role in metabolism and stimulating vomiting. There are also suggestions that indicate its role in inducing cell division. Although it is present ... Views: 1568
Irrespective of how severe a bout with depression may be, natural remedies for depression, conventional drugs, or psychotherapy can cure the condition. There has been a marked shift towards treating depression naturally due to increased awareness of the serious side effects that conventional ... Views: 1042
The process of beginning the journey to finding your life purpose and discovering what it is you truly want can be found in those still moments when your intuition speaks to you telling you exactly what you need to know. Through mindfulness or “being awake in the here and now” epiphanies appear ... Views: 1230
There is a vast difference between depression in children and adults. Most of the time, parents do not notice emotional health in children. Diagnosing depression in children is also more complicated than diagnosing depression in adults. The physician needs to interview the parents to understand ... Views: 1609
There is a very big connection when you are talking about depression and memory loss and this is because of how depression works and how it affects the body and the mind. At its most unpleasant, depression leaves a small amount of corners of the human mind safe and sound. Countless people ... Views: 1649
Depression isn’t the typical reason people want a Feng Shui appointment, but it can be a factor in the big picture. An appointment may be made for another more obvious reason only to discover that depression is playing a part. That said, sometimes depression is the only reason someone would ... Views: 3064
Some people have a difficult time in managing their depression. Sometimes, their depression and fears can get the best of them. As a result, here is a short list of techniques that a person can use to help manage their depression.
One of the ways to manage your depression is to challenge ... Views: 1099
Everybody deals with anxiety and depression, however some people have a hard time in managing it. As a result, here is a brief list of techniques that a person can use to help manage their most persistent fears and every day anxieties.
When facing a current or upcoming task that overwhelms you ... Views: 1056
How do we deal with everything life throws at us in this day and age?
If you are living in the world today, you are facing serious issues that may cause depression. With stress over the economy, finances, and other professional and personal problems, more people today face mental health issues ... Views: 946
Depression, anxiety, panic, obsessions, addiction and memory loss are problems faced by an increasing number of people.
Friends, family and sadly, even doctors, often tell you that self-discipline, “getting over it,” or long-term psychotherapy are the ways to kick these mind-states. They will ... Views: 9056
What is Post-Partum Depression? How to help it.
Some women, less than one half of one percent, may also suffer from the more serious post partum depression psychosis, which is so severe it includes:
• Trouble sleeping or sleeping excessively,
• Hallucinations, delusions,
• Avoiding the ... Views: 1363
I get emails from single moms that are both uplifting and encouraging. Some emails are filled with pain and a sense of hopelessness. Many are searching for a way out of depression and emotional barriers. Here is one letter and my answer.
From M:
“One question I would like to ask, and you ... Views: 1456
Stress is often referred to as the ‘silent killer’ due to its effects on the body over time. One more subtle negative side effect of increased, long term stress is depression, affecting millions of people around the globe. It is important to point out that stress is a normal response for the ... Views: 952
Q: Dear Susie. Over the past year I am feeling so much more stressed, impatient, and I'm always exhausted. I'm often cranky to be around. (And it's not much fun from the inside, either.) Could it be my hormones? How can I tell if it is?
A: Wow. You've touched on an important realm. It sounds ... Views: 2932
Overworked? Overwhelmed? Divorce can be one of life's most stressful experiences and indeed, starting out again on one's own is about a new kind of Independence. But it’s also a time when friends and loved ones can be a wonderful support network. And even as we are feeling a little lost or ... Views: 2048
Bad days are a part of life. We all have them. No matter how many yoga classes you attend or how smoothly your life runs, you’ll run up against one sooner or later. The secret to thriving is learning how to move forward in spite of bad days, not aiming to never have one (although minimizing ... Views: 2042
Sometimes our life and times, with its constant bombardment of negativity and steady accumulation of stress, seems like too much to endure. Oftentimes, we aren’t even consciously aware that we are annoyed, upset, dispirited. We simply carry on. We persevere. We do what we need to do. We ... Views: 1450
Our world is in a bit of dire straits right now. Everyone is justifiably concerned about the economy. Many people are losing their jobs. This may be affecting you directly, or perhaps it is not your turn yet. If you are losing the things around you, it might very well be the end of the world as ... Views: 1143
Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health disorder in the United States and probably the world. It affects millions of men, women and children of all ages and from all backgrounds. Anxiety disorders cost more than $42 billion a year, almost one-third of the country's $148 billion ... Views: 1534
A couple of days ago, I got a phone call from my cousin asking me an interesting question: “What to do when you feel down?”
“I’ve been feeling blue for many days,” he said, with no particular reason to feel that way. “Do you believe I am getting depressed?” was his question.
“Nobody can tell ... Views: 1960
Joblessness, loss of investments, and lack of available credit with no end in sight are all ingredients in creating recession depression. Top economists predict that the recession will deepen in 2009 and will begin recovery mid 2010. So, what can we do to keep ourselves optimistic during this ... Views: 982
The call came at 1:00 a.m. The call that never should have come. The call that Bruce would have moved heaven and earth to prevent. The call that ended everything when an apologetic voice dealt the fatal blow - his wife had suffered a heart attack at work and died.
Medication just knocks him ... Views: 1505
Depression seems to be affecting millions today, with anti-depressant medication becoming the most widely prescribed drug. In the past, this emotional state was referred to as melancholy, feeling mournful, gloomy or in grief. My Mac thesaurus lists “doldrums, down cycle, rut, apathy, boredom, ... Views: 1597
As we get older we can feel isolated and alone. Everybody has the ‘blues’ sometimes, but depression is a different thing. You can find difficulty in sleeping, or doing your job, you can feel anxious or maybe can’t concentrate. Anyone with these symptoms could have depression. This is a common ... Views: 1132
“The paper called it suicide
A bullet from a .45
Nobody cared and nobody cried
Don't that make you feel sad"
Thin Lizzy. Suicide. 1975
Have you ever sat in a chair, detached, dejected, in crushing despair?
Your life; meaningless. Your head filled with self-loathing. Numb, your insides are ... Views: 1533
If you knew there was a shark swimming next to you in the ocean, what would you do? Most people will hightail it out of the water as fast as they can back to the shore. As a matter of fact no one in their right mind is going to let a shark devour them alive! On the same token we can let food be ... Views: 2721
Everyone has normal ups and downs in how they feel. Sometimes an episode of feeling down or sad turns into Depression and persists for some time. And sometimes depression is a result of a medical condition. Whether you bounce back quickly from feeling depressed or whether you suffer from ... Views: 6597
Marianne consulted with me because of anxiety and depression. She had tried various forms of medication but was not reacting well to any of the drugs. She was exhausted from lack of sleep, and from the intense anxiety that kept waking her up. While there were challenges in her life, like in ... Views: 4437
Depression is a state of mind which is characterized by a negative sense of inadequacy and a visual lack of activity. It is a listed mental disorder which includes altered mood. It may occur daily associated with diminished interest or pleasure in most or all of the activities. Depression is a ... Views: 658
Chronic depression is a different state of mind than just the “blues”, which people of all ages must learn how to deal with. Stress and unhappiness are caused by physical or emotional stimuli. However, the average person can feel temporarily depressed and then return to a relatively stable ... Views: 1244
Often overlooked and seldom detected, even by our close friends, this monster skulks amongst us daily. It is attracted to those susceptible to its influence, into whom it burrows like a worm, while normal people suffer nothing more than an occasional glancing blow.
Churchill called it his ... Views: 1214
Hello my friend :)
Like me, you must have heard that you can't properly love somebody else until you love yourself.
You may also have heard that you are the most important person in your life!
Well, if you're anything like I used to be, then I'm sure you can't accept those statements any ... Views: 894
How do we stay open to life’s budding opportunities and beauty when we are experiencing economic and personal crisis?
By changing our beliefs towards the experiences we are encountering.
It can be difficult to bloom in our personal and professional lives when we are surrounded by doom ... Views: 1277
February is considered the most depressing month of the year. The festivities of the holidays are over and there is no break in the weather for what seems like forever! This combination of decreased sunlight and bitter weather conditions helps manifest depressive feelings in many people. Our ... Views: 1104
Sharon’s husband was diagnosed with cancer, and they were looking at months of chemo and radiation. She was worried, had trouble sleeping, and found it hard to stay positive and upbeat for her husband. When she mentioned this to her doctor, he prescribed an antidepressant.
Laura was exhausted ... Views: 940
Sharon’s husband was diagnosed with cancer, and they were looking at months of chemo and radiation. She was worried, had trouble sleeping, and found it hard to stay positive and upbeat for her husband. When she mentioned this to her doctor, he prescribed an antidepressant.
Laura was exhausted ... Views: 714
Many professional colleagues have asked Dr Ridgeway and myself where the inspiration came from to write “Think about your thinking: To stop depression.”
Ostensibly, our thinking has always been the same; our book arose through necessity. The type of book we wanted for our clients was not ... Views: 1358
Depression affects many of us at various stages of our lives. If it hasn’t affected us personally, we know someone who has been affected by it. We can feel sad and depressed for a variety of reasons such as relationship difficulties or being rejected by a lover, losing a job, divorce, workplace ... Views: 1473
Depression, in its various forms, affects nearly 19 million Americans each year according to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). With prolonged major depression, shortages or imbalances of mood-influencing chemicals in the brain usually play a role.
Studies show that depressive ... Views: 10509
There is a way to learn how to fight depression that can change your life. Depression is a horrible illness that robs you; it robs you of life and love. When you cannot function and do the basic things in life then you are being robbed and that is exactly what this illness has done to millions ... Views: 1320
Research indicates that a variety of factors can be associated with the onset of depressive symptoms for people with bipolar disorder. It is important to recognize such potential triggers, because avoiding or reducing exposure to them can reduce the likelihood that depressive symptoms will ... Views: 3218