Decision making is a part life.
There are choices to be made in our personal, professional, and spiritual lives.
Some decisions don’t require a lot of thought or effort on your part as they are the basic ones – what to eat, what to wear, what time to leave, which route to take, ... Views: 892
Stop what you are doing, take a moment and think about all the people, things, and happenings in your life that you are thankful for.
There are so many serendipitous moments in our lives to savour.
Whether things are going well, or not so well, there are still moments of peace, beauty, ... Views: 906
No matter what kind of day you are having, is it possible to be positive?
What I do know is that whatever is transpiring on this day, whether you view it as great, good, bad, or indifferent, in my experience thinking positively can help make the day a better one.
Being optimistic doesn’t ... Views: 893
We are creatures of habit, and therefore we may forget that we have the ability to change our old patterns, behaviours, and mindsets.
Whether it’s things from yesterday, a month ago, or a year(s) ago, it is possible to make some changes starting today.
Maybe you have been putting off ... Views: 1711
Is it time for you to unplug? I mean really unplug.
Stop multi-tasking, going, and doing for awhile; just breathe and be.
We live in a world of ever growing technology which is absolutely wonderful, but it is important to remember to return to the basics now and then.
Make time to enjoy ... Views: 987
What or who can push your buttons? I can think of a few. What about you?
We all seem to have this invisible switch that sometimes gets turned on when something doesn’t go our way or someone upsets us.
It’s almost as if we lose consciousness for awhile and this other person temporarily ... Views: 1605
The majority of your day is probably spent listening and communicating with others.
Whether it's your children, partner, co-workers, friends, etc., you have an ear open to what is being said.
The question is, "Are you really hearing them?"
I'm not talking about conversations pertaining ... Views: 1041
With pain and suffering in the world, it can sometimes be difficult to believe that our world is still a beautiful place with beautiful people.
When tragedy strikes – look for the helpers to lean on.
There has and continues to be catastrophic events in life. Whether they are brought about ... Views: 1123
Without appreciation, life feels dull and lifeless.
All the beauty, goodness, vibrancy, peace, light, love, kindness, mystery, magic and miracles go unnoticed and, what a shame that would be.
It's important to acknowledge and share appreciation because there is much in life to be thankful ... Views: 1450
For many people, knowing what they need to do to feel healthier and happier in their life is often a lot easier than actually following through with it.
I am sure you have experienced times in your life, or perhaps even currently, where you set a goal, made a resolution, devised a plan of ... Views: 1069
"Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)", or better known as the "Sunscreen Song", was orginally an article titled "Advice, like youth, probably is just wasted on the young" by Mary Schmich in the Chicago Tribune in 1997. This article found it's way onto the internet and was then attributed ... Views: 1617
It's a new dawn, a new day, a clean slate so to speak.
You CAN start your day in a positive way!
Whatever happened yesterday is in the past. A brand new day that holds promise, new possibilities, and new insights on ways to do or think about things is unfolding before you.
A new day ... Views: 1112
Who would have thought that a little four letter word could contain such magnitude and have an impact on people in ways you never knew were possible.
This word is empowering, inspiring, moving, heart warming, humbling, kind, gentle, spoken or unspoken.
The word I'm referring to is LOVE. It ... Views: 1530
You make choices each and every day. Some decisions are conscious and others seem to happen without so much as a thought, but you are still choosing.
You choose what time you will rise or go to bed, what you are going to eat or drink, what you are going to wear, what you are going to watch ... Views: 1845
Do you write in a journal on a regular basis?
There is no right or wrong approach to journaling, but there are ways that are more effective and helpful to you.
What's important about journaling, is not that you follow a certain criteria, but rather that you are writing on a consistent ... Views: 5647
Life can throw us to and fro sometimes, can't it?
We never know what might transpire during our day.
You can set your intentions on how you would like things to unfold and sometimes they work out perfectly or at least close to how you had intended.
Other times you are blindsided by ... Views: 1160
Comfort? Joy?
For some, these words seem foreign, a distant memory in the past, or something they may have in the future as if it's not possible to feel that way now.
With all that has been occurring in the states and in the world, as well as what you might be enduring personally, ... Views: 1198
I don't know about you, but I love giving!
Not because of the thanks or the credit received by doing something kind for someone, but because you can't help but feel good right down to your toes.
Emmanuel Swedenborg said, "Kindness is an inner desire that makes us want to do good things ... Views: 1012
You have your day all planned out. You get up, you choose what you are going to wear, what you are going to have for breakfast, what time you have to leave if you are going somewhere, what route you will take, you have your E.T.A., you know what is intended for your day and you are off and ... Views: 1109
Some days you may feel like you are walking around wearing a sign that must say, "Push My Anger Button".
This person, and in some cases more than one person, or even this article may turn your calm into a storm.
You were just fine until someone said _______ or did _________, that to you. ... Views: 1450
What creates, or is creating, a negative attitude in your life?
Perhaps you are worried, concerned, or frustrated about your financial situation, your child, your relationship, your health or someone else’s.
Maybe you are doubtful about your present or future circumstances, or angry or ... Views: 1303
Wikipedia defines Labour Day as, "An annual holiday to recognize workers. Labour Day has its origins in the labour union movement, specifically the eight hour day movement, which advocated eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for rest."
If you were to ask most ... Views: 1413
At one time or another, maybe even today, I am sure you have experienced a lack of motivation, zest, or enthusiasm in your professional and/or personal life.
Perhaps you are feeling stuck, down and out, pessimistic, stressed or anxious, or find yourself wanting to throw in the towel, so to ... Views: 4748
All you need is a little imagination, a touch of inspiration, a dash of hope, a stir of action, and you have ignited the recipe for ingenuity in you!
Take a look at all the brilliance in the world. Each and every thing started with an idea, a brainstorm, a dream, and voila, the wonders of ... Views: 1393
Mohandas Gandhi said, "There is more to life than increasing it's speed".
Relaxing seems like it's a natural thing to do and that you should just be able to just sit or lie down and poof, you're relaxed, sitting loose, and feeling good. Well. it isn't that easy for a lot of people and ... Views: 1649
Have you ever wondered how people stay so positive when they are met with adversity?
Maybe they have some special power, or were born that way, or their brains work differently, or they aren't really as optimistic as they may seem.
What I have come to realize over the years, and something ... Views: 1292
Have you ever had one of those days where the dust of today just doesn't seem to clear for tomorrow and where the emotional forecast is calling for more whirlwinds of irrational thoughts, perhaps mixed with some stress and/or anxiety, and bouts of crying, questioning, doubting , or ... Views: 1824
There is no doubt that it’s easier for most people to be thankful when things are going well in their life as opposed to when they aren’t.
Yet, it’s in these difficult and trying times that appreciating what’s still good is of the utmost importance.
Sometimes we take for granted the things ... Views: 2440
Life is filled with ups and downs, twists and turns, good and not so good times; that's what makes it interesting and often forces us out of our comfort zones.
Frank Herbert said, "Without change, something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken."
At one time or ... Views: 1918
When you manage your time wisely, there is quality time left for you.
It’s like carving a piece of time out of the pie of life especially for you because you deserve it.
When you make the time for you, you are less stressed and therefore a kinder and happier person because you are ... Views: 1148
You wake up; it’s a new dawn, a new day, and yet somehow it doesn’t feel much different than the day before. It’s like today has yesterday written all over it.
Not only is it the same routine as the day before with perhaps a few variances here and there, but the feelings of yesterday may have ... Views: 1630
No matter what error in judgment you may make, whether it’s in your relationships, personally, professionally, or financially, you can learn something valuable about you, another, or this mysterious world we inhabit.
Some slip ups are bigger than others and you might even pay dearly in one ... Views: 1193
William Feather, an author and publisher said, “Plenty of people miss their share of happiness. Not because they never found it – but because they didn’t stop and enjoy it”.
For a lot of people, life is filled with schedules, appointments, endless to-do lists, and rushing here and there. This ... Views: 1418
There really is no such thing as a "bad" day. There are days that are certainly much more challenging than others, to say the least, but that doesn't make them bad. Know that you can make them better.
Days are filled with ups and downs. Some will be exciting, heartwarming, moving, ... Views: 1354
A family may include parent(s), sibling(s), partner, children, aunt(s), uncle(s), cousin(s), grandparent(s), grandchildren, step-parent, step brother(s) and sister(s), foster and adoptive families, and in-laws, to name a few. Whew, that's a lot of people to get along with!
Whether you have a ... Views: 2688
Most people know when they are feeling jealous, but often they struggle with admitting it, as well as knowing how to tame ”the green-eyed monster”.
Envy really is quite a common feeling. I don’t think there are too many people that can honestly say they haven’t felt the pangs of it at one ... Views: 1556
Our days can be busy. In fact too busy sometimes with appointments, house and/or office work, to-do lists, schedules, meetings, racing from one place to another, grocery shopping, errands, planning, etc.
If you have children, that can add a whole other dimension to busyness just on it's ... Views: 1929
When you say, "Today I will…", can you feel the promise and possibility in these words?
There is an openness to them. A chance to start anew. An opportunity to fine-tune the way you are doing things or to do more of what is working well in your life.
These words can offer insights, ... Views: 1180
Whether it’s a new year, a new month, or a new day, it can be still be filled with hope that the future can be bright and shiny like a new penny.
With all the ups and downs, as well as the twists and turns we can take in life, it can sometimes become disheartening and discouraging, where ... Views: 1294
When unsettling times occur, your emotions can get the best of you. Fear and doubt can creep in and the feeling of hope seems to be lost.
When faced with a problem have unsinkable hope.
Whether it's hope for yourself or another person, it may appear to be out of reach or just beyond your ... Views: 1299
Life goes by too quickly, or does it? Aging can be very a stressful time for many, not just in their appearance, but also feeling like they might have missed out on things in life.
Often you will hear children say they can't wait to be older and then as adults they wish they were younger ... Views: 1426
It’s true, lifestyle, people, things, success, and money can enhance your happiness, but that’s only half the equation. The other half of the equation depends solely on you.
I am sure you have heard of people, or perhaps you are one of those people, who have everything money can buy and still ... Views: 1229
When times are tough, whether you are going through a crisis or illness, or perhaps feeling financial pressure, or worrying about the future or your relationship, or the natural and/or man made disasters in the world, it can be difficult to remember that there are still moments that can be ... Views: 1402
There is no doubt that stressful events can really send one spiraling down into that emotional abyss and self doubt until one finds his/her way back up or through. It’s not always easy, but it is possible.
Stress places strain on your physical and emotional well-being which is why it’s ... Views: 1071
Did you know that affirmations can be a powerful and manifesting tool in your life?
They are used to aid in healing, for stress and anxiety reduction, meditation, to uplift moods, bring about a desired goals, and enhance your overall well-being.
They can create possibilities and positive ... Views: 1626
Berthold Auerbach said, “Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life”.
I don’t know about you, but music has, and continues to, enhance all areas of my life. No matter what mood or space I am in, I can put on a certain song or type of music and everything seems to just wash ... Views: 1368
What does love mean to you?
When, where, and/or with whom in your life are you with-holding love on some level? Why do you feel the need to do so? Is it because you lack trust in yourself, the other person or in the situation? Perhaps you are self sabotaging. Maybe it’s out of spite, envy or ... Views: 1376
With the increasing demands and expectations we often place upon ourselves, as well as the pace of life quickening for many, or the feeling of time running out, it can be difficult to enjoy life to the fullest.
We are either reliving or feeling stuck in the past, complaining and stressed ... Views: 1544
In your circle of friends, or amongst co-workers, or family members, or even from yourself, do you hear more complaining, blaming, criticizing and judging? Or, do you hear the appreciation for things and others in life?
Are you the type of person spreading thanks, cheer and good will, or are ... Views: 10443
In our busy and sometimes mixed up and stressful lives we can easily overlook what we love about our days, let alone ourselves.
One of the things I hear most from others, my clients and myself, although I’m visiting this space much less these days, is how hard we are on ourselves.
Whether ... Views: 1731