Summer has become intolerable for me. It is just too damn hot and I am miserable, sweaty and cranky, much of the time. But when my little pooch Poppy starts panting in the heat, her little pink tongue drooping out of her open mouth, I know the Dog Days of Summer have arrived.
For those of us ... Views: 1434
It is raining. Pouring. Again! For weeks now it has rained just about every day. The entire Northeast is inundated with more rain than we can possibly deal with.
In the best of times, precipitation is seen as beneficent, raining down life-sustaining liquids for our benefit. And then we are ... Views: 1929
Mercury, the planet of communication enters its three times a year retrograde stage on May 6, 2009 and will remain in a backward momentum, as it were, until May 30, 2009.
Mercury in retrograde has a very bad rap. I should know. As a Virgo (which is ruled by Mercury) I am usually affected quite ... Views: 1482
Lately I've seen several outrageous television commercials that blithely extol the benefits of throwaway dust rags and floor mops and disposable baby bibs, of all things. Apparently the landfills are not yet filled to over-flowing capacity with pampers as I had assumed. As it is, every American ... Views: 1457
Sometimes our life and times, with its constant bombardment of negativity and steady accumulation of stress, seems like too much to endure. Oftentimes, we aren’t even consciously aware that we are annoyed, upset, dispirited. We simply carry on. We persevere. We do what we need to do. We ... Views: 1453
For some fifteen years now, the practice of Self Blessing has been the centerpiece of my personal spiritual practice as well as the many ceremonies and celebrations that I facilitate for others. When people are first introduced to the concept, they are often taken aback and suddenly shy. “Bless ... Views: 7759
I am writing this in the dark. It is Earth Hour, a rolling blackout around the world intended as a visual, visceral vote for increased awareness and concern about climate change. In fact, it is the first-ever global vote on anything.
All of my lights are out. I can see the Manhattan skyline ... Views: 1272
When the 13th day on the month lands on a Friday,
the culturally unfavorable attributes of each are
multiplied by infinity. Friday, the day of original sin,
the day Jesus died, the day of public hangings, in
combination with 13, the number of steps on a
gallows, the number of coils of rope ... Views: 1900
When we carve out a niche in our busy lives to do the sorts of things that feed our soul, we are affirming our self worth, acknowledging that we crave and deserve our own undivided attention.
When we claim the psychic space and set aside the personal time to pursue the knowledge and mastery of ... Views: 1556
On my birthday this year, a friend presented me with a gorgeous amber necklace that she had gotten in Russia twenty years ago before she emigrated to the United States. Though she felt that it did not suit her, she held onto it for two decades for sentimental reasons. When she gave it to me, she ... Views: 1340
Regular sex, according to medical research, has the same benefits as regular exercise. It increases the flow of certain chemicals that naturally boost and strengthen the immune system, improves cholesterol levels, stimulates circulation, invigorates the heart, diminishes the intensity of pain, ... Views: 2898