A fear of our feelings, including often stands in the way of us reaching our full potential. In this article, I'll share the four steps to overcoming this fear and living the life you really want.
Step One: Emotional Mindfulness
In the first step, the goal is to increase our conscious ... Views: 763
Anxiety is a common problem that plagues a lot of people. Many times people are only remotely in touch with their feelings. We divert our attention from our feelings by texting, surfing the net, zoning out in front of the television, or getting overly involved in work or other distractions. We ... Views: 1286
Why do people tend to avoid feeling their feelings? It has everything to do with our early experience in life - what we learned and what we didn't learn. As I talk to people across the nation, most people agree that they didn't really learn how to make good use of their feelings when they were ... Views: 2303