In the Yoga Sutras, the first of the eight limbs of yoga is called “yama”. Yama has five aspects, beginning with ahimsa, which means “non-injury” or “non-violence”. Mahatma Gandhi made ahimsa famous when he mobilized all of India to free itself from British domination without firing a shot. ... Views: 1817
Recently, much has been written about our new “plugged-in” society. A recent feature story in the New York Times highlighted the potential dangers to healthy brain functioning that can result from the incessant use of our modern digital communication devices.
So many of us are attached to our ... Views: 1104
by Jeanne Ball
Meditation shopping? Sounds like an oxymoron, right? Yet millions of Americans are seeking tools to turn within. As a nation we've tried to fix our problems with everything from psychotherapy and Prozac to positive thinking and politics. Now people everywhere are ready to close ... Views: 2438
A recent study found daily Transcendental Meditation practice helps young adults decrease psychological stress and increase coping ability, and for a group of students at high risk for developing hypertension, these changes also were associated with decreases in blood pressure.
The study was ... Views: 1698
I am sitting by the ocean here in South Carolina for a much-needed break in the action. I am re-discovering the order in nature. It is so restful, so regenerating. Watching the ebb and flow got me thinking about the poem, “The Idea of Order at Key West,” by Wallace Stevens where he mentions “the ... Views: 1314
Helen Keller
1880–1968 • United States
Though blind and deaf from the age of two, Helen Keller graduated with honors from Radcliffe College — the first blind and deaf person to earn a college degree. She devoted her life, through lecturing and writing books, to social reform. The play and ... Views: 1633
Women suffer from depression twice as often as men. This statistic has been shown to be true, not only for American women, but for women in eleven other countries as well. This high statistic for depression among women exists regardless of racial and ethnic background or economic ... Views: 1803
It was the year of the Partridge Family, eight cent postage stamps and blue jeans with bell bottoms. That was 1971 and I was an under achieving senior in a middle American High School when I saw a funny looking poster on the way to my American History class. It had a large black and white ... Views: 1552
These days we hear a lot of talk about the mantras used for meditation. Some people say a random word is best, others recommend the universal sound Aum or Om. But what about the mantras used in the Transcendental Meditation technique? Are they generic or special? Secular or religious? Useless or ... Views: 2888