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In a world where so many people are facing difficult circumstances, what can they do to overcome negative emotions and find happiness? For decades psychologists have been identifying key factors associated with happiness and with depression. However, researchers have rarely looked for a ... Views: 2021
“Only when you've been to the deepest valley, can you know how magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain”
The title of this book is “livethislife” - Metal Mindset.
Before we create a Metal Mindset, we need to first understand and define what negativity is and how it impacts ... Views: 1223
Chapter 3 - Positive Talk for Transition
How many people have told you that you have done an outstanding job or praised you and made you feel special today?
My guess is not many. Am I right?
You see, with 80% of the world's population made up of negative minded people, the chances ... Views: 1024
There is the pain that pulls us toward loneliness and emptiness. And there are actions we must do to leave this negative feeling from our lives. If we can do it we will be able to live the life of happiness and joy.
Do you find yourself in a situation wherein you felt alone and abandoned? ... Views: 3861
Pain is a difficult word for people to comprehend and to understand. But when you have overcome it, you will have all the reasons to celebrate life because of pain.
Why of all words we are so afraid with pain? Pain is the word associated for life’s sad and lonely experiences. It is also used ... Views: 975
Have you ever thought about suicide? Have you ever felt like the world would be better off without you in it? Have you ever spent hours crying or lying in bed with your head covered up? Have you cut yourself off from friends and family? Do you spend copious amounts of time alone in your home? ... Views: 2507
A general definition of, "normal," according to the dictionary, is: "conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural." The Psychology definition is: "approximately average in any psychological trait, as intelligence, personality, or emotional adjustment"; ... Views: 1265
Self Acceptance is a major part of self-esteem and is a great place to start to improve self-esteem. Self acceptance is made of two parts. The first part is the acceptance of our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Sometimes we can become very embarrassed about how we have acted or felt in the ... Views: 1788
With all the information now available on the adverse side-effects of medical intervention into depressive states many people are looking to Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) to help. I am often asked about alternate or complementReflexology can aid in treating depressionary practices ... Views: 2688
On Sunday night May10th 1998 at 9:18 pm, my life as I knew it changed forever. My beautiful wife of 21 years had died unexpectedly. She was a wonderful human being and she was my soul mate. Words cannot describe the feelings I experienced right after she passed away and for quite sometime to ... Views: 1480
According to the latest statistics, approximately 20.9 million American adults, or about 9.5 percent of the U.S. population age 18 and older in a given year, have a mood disorder. So chances are pretty good that you know someone who suffers from depression. If you have a friend who suffers from ... Views: 3398
Adrenal Fatigue
Your two adrenal glands are small, triangular-shaped endocrine glands located on the top of each kidney. Each adrenal gland is approximately 3 inches wide, and a half inch high.
Each gland is divided into an outer cortex and an inner medulla. The cortex and medulla of the ... Views: 1339
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Feeling down and depressed? Most people who are depressed fail to overcome their problems and simply sink further into depression because they are not willing to get help. Some people feel ashamed of the feelings that lead them to feel ... Views: 1465
Choosing the Right Natural Cures for Depression
Natural cures for depression can regularly be as beneficial as prescription antidepressants so long as you choose the appropriate ones for you. If in case you have spoken to your medical professional and also have tried to discuss with a ... Views: 1280
Men are not like ladies. Yes, I know that this is stunning news.
Alert the media!
It is accurate though; males are distinct from women in more ways than 1 would normally think. Because of their differences they're much more vulnerable to some severe negative effects of depression. ... Views: 539
This time of year tends to be a bit gloomy for a lot of people, or to put it more accurately, people tend to embrace gloomy thoughts and attitudes in the Winter season. The reasons or excuses for this phenomenon are many, but are really not relevant to this piece. We’re going to focus on ... Views: 1514
Many people struggle with depression on a daily basis. Sometimes depression can be an ongoing thing in someone’s life, something that never seems to be relieved, present in every situation and social interaction. Other times, it follows a traumatic event or some kind of occasion, like a break up ... Views: 834
It is said that people are frequently being controlled by their emotions and not the other way around it should be. We are expected to have different emotions in diverse situations that may arise in front of us. These emotions may well be a burst of joy, sadness, excitement or this unexplainable ... Views: 526
Depression is a normal emotion that comes and goes with life. It is a chemical release in the brain known as Dopemine that is probably responsible for the emotion Depression.
When someone dies or we lose our job, we may feel periods of sadness. That is Depression. Sometimes we move away from ... Views: 2243
We need to stay happy and have a positive world view, but we also need to understand how our society and our beliefs are shaped.
www.mercola.com reported today on how some of this conditioning is happening.
1. Eli Lilly, manufacturer of Cymbalta, runs a commercial on TV in a caring tone ... Views: 983
Learning to play a musical instrument may not just be good fun and entertaining, but it can actually change your brain.
A recent paper published by Nature Reviews Neuroscience, is a compilation of research findings from scientists all over the world who used all kinds of research methods to ... Views: 2120
What we say to ourselves and how we say it have such a tremendous power to shape our lives. In fact, as you take a close look at your life right now you need to realise that who and where you are right now is the result of what you have thought up to this moment.
That’s right, every action ... Views: 1533
It has now become widely recognized that fish oil is one of the healthiest supplements you can add to your diet. However, not just any fish oil will do. Only the fish oil free of harmful pollutants such as mercury and industrial chemicals is completely safe for consumption. And, this is also one ... Views: 2457
Vitamin D has shown to be vital to our overall health. With the latest research, Vitamin D is fast becoming the number one vitamin especially in the North East corner of the United States.
Ironically, Vitamin D is not a vitamin at all. It is a prohormone that is manufactured by the human ... Views: 1845
Sickness is commonplace, some say because of environmental factors. Everything from the food we eat to the air we breathe is a factor. Our world is so contaminated that we are not safe from sickness-causing germs. Despite the current financial crisis, people are still able to attain health ... Views: 827
Mood and mental condition are strongly influenced by ones nutrition and general health. Many people believe they are experiencing unpleasant mental states solely because of what has happened in their lives in the past, or because of the situations they are dealing with in the present. In many ... Views: 1796
The German philosopher, Hegel, believed that all of history was to be interpreted along a continuum of collective consciousness, and that there was no such thing as truth, just different forms of consciousness, each transcending the other, but none that have ever been wholly true. Looking down ... Views: 1251
In Viktor Frankl's book, "Man's Search for Meaning," he gives the vivid and detail account of his experiences in a concentration camp of World War II under Adolf Hitler's reign of terror. The descriptive's are emotionally moving and will evoke fear in anyone who reads this work. It is the ... Views: 1658
Hypochondriasis some times called health anxiety is an illness in which patient is preoccupied with fear of having a serious disease. This type of thinking persists despite all negative investigations and reassurance. He misinterprets various normal bodily sensations or mild physical symptoms as ... Views: 3594
When first diagnosed with clinical depression in 1986, I did not want to talk to anyone, and I do mean anyone, about my emotional issues. That included my wife, parents, relatives, and friends After I was told that I should go to a therapist for treatment I didn't want to do that either. I ... Views: 2345
There are more people on capacity benefits due to mental health problems than the total number of unemployed people on job seekers allowance. By 2030 depression will be the world’s most common illness according to the World Health Organisation.
As evidence suggests that Cognitive Behavioural ... Views: 1200
Your Psychologist will offer you weekly (50 minute). Your treatment will begin with a period of assessment which will last between 1-3 sessions. Here you will be able to discuss in detail the problems that have led you to seek therapy. Your Psychologist will also ask you more general questions ... Views: 4461
Emotional distress is a part of life and serves a necessary function in terms of alerting us to problems that need to be resolved. Everybody therefore needs to be able to experience and tolerate a certain amount of distress. Trying to avoid unpleasant thoughts and feelings can actually lead to ... Views: 2087
The first phase of CBT Counselling is determining what it is that you want to achieve. This not only increases your chances of a successful outcome but will motivate you to continue working toward this and help you to measure your progress along the way.
1. The Miracle question
When you ... Views: 4417
Selecting the right time to make a change through CBT Counseling will help you to follow through with the decision once it has been made. There are three things to consider here; your general life circumstances, the balance between the pros and cons of making the change, and where you place the ... Views: 1638
is currently recognised by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (a government body responsible for deciding which treatment should be available on the NHS) as the most effective treatment for the a range of emotional problems including:
* Depression
* Low Self Esteem
* ... Views: 1786
In previous blogs, we’ve briefly mentioned how unrelieved stress hurts your body and your emotions. My purpose in writing these is not to go into great detail but just to make you aware of the many ways that stress does negatively affect us. Some topics we will revisit in much greater ... Views: 1839
Another way that unrelieved stress can hurt your productivity is that it can increase your chances of having an accident.
The more physically or emotionally exhausted a person is, the less attention they pay to their surroundings. This inattention and preoccupation makes them far more likely ... Views: 1443
The Winter Olympics took place in Vancouver, BC this year. Athletes from all over the world have come to compete for the coveted “Gold” medallion; showing that they are the best in the world at their sport.
Having the Olympics in my own back yard (I live in Mission, just one hour east of ... Views: 979
What causes stress? Most people searching for stress relief don't know what is causing their stress. Whenever I ask people what causes stress in their life, they will usually say "this person" or "that experience". Both answers are wrong.
Those things are just external events. It is how the ... Views: 926
The Tucson, Arizona tragedy has been on the tongues and minds of the nation over the past week. The tragedy has indeed caused conversations regarding mental illnesses to move forward as it typically does on the heals of a tragedy such as this. The lesson, therefore, is still the same: ... Views: 1705
Winter weather, for most in the Northern Hemisphere, is cold, dark and dreary - with little chance of a break for several months. The transition back from the holiday season with its increased activity and social engagement - parties, gift giving, family time, vacations - can be an emotional ... Views: 1063
Self Respect is the ability to maintain dignity in the face of stress, rejection, criticism, or any activity that can erode one’s value systems.
In a world of imposing immensity and persistent change, the forces that can strike at anyone's value systems can be extreme, unprecedented, and ... Views: 2290
Is there life after divorce? You bet there is, if you let there be. I was divorced in 2003, after 13 years of marriage. It was a marriage that probably never should have happened, but something that I would do all over again simply because it made me the person I am today, and gave me 2 ... Views: 1215
It's a common belief that you should express your feelings and talk about them after a serious problem or a trauma. But, do you really want to talk about them? Can't you just keep your feelings to yourself? Silence is as healthy as sharing. If you choose silence people should respect to that. ... Views: 5594
The human being hates disruption. From the very first cry of an infant leaving the comfort of the womb, we have reacted to disruption as an undesired and painful condition. Stress is the result of disruption – from what is familiar and comfortable to what is unfamiliar and disturbing.
In ... Views: 1415
Complete healing from depression is easier than many people imagine.
It is widely believed that depression treatment without drugs is not possible, because it is assumed that this problem is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. However, in my work with my clients I have observed that ... Views: 1140
Stress is a relatively new psychological and biological term to describe the failure of an organism to respond appropriately to a threat. Previous to this description stress was used in mechanics to mean a strain. Both definitions are accurate to describe how stress affects a human being. Stress ... Views: 980
Stress is a natural part of life. These days there are very few who don’t get stressed over money, the economy, the housing market, jobs or even family. Our bodies naturally react to stress through blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, body temperature and muscle contractions. Everyone deals ... Views: 698
It’s all over. The festive season is behind us and it is back to normal now. Or is it? For a lot of people January is a dreary long month. Waiting for the next lifesaving pay check is bad enough, but then there are the long nights, the cold days, the new year with all its expectations, and the ... Views: 8692