Depression is a normal emotion that comes and goes with life. It is a chemical release in the brain known as Dopemine that is probably responsible for the emotion Depression.
When someone dies or we lose our job, we may feel periods of sadness. That is Depression. Sometimes we move away from ... Views: 2243
The Tucson, Arizona tragedy has been on the tongues and minds of the nation over the past week. The tragedy has indeed caused conversations regarding mental illnesses to move forward as it typically does on the heals of a tragedy such as this. The lesson, therefore, is still the same: ... Views: 1705
It's been an exciting start for students returning to school and especially for those entering college for the first time!
By now, everybody is in his or her dorm and happy with his or her class schedule. Hopefully, meal plans and textbooks are coming together smoothly, too. Prayerfully, you ... Views: 3475
We all think eating fruits means just buying fruits, cutting it, and just popping it into our mouths. It's not as easy as you think. It's important to know HOW and WHEN to eat.
What is the correct way of eating fruits?
What exactly is a "quality" of life? Well, according to Wikipedia, quality of life is the degree of well-being felt by an individual or group of people. Unlike standard of living, quality of life is not a tangible thing, and so cannot be measured directly. It consists of two components: physical ... Views: 3009