Evidence suggests that CBT is currently the most effective treatment for a range of mental health problems including depression, anxiety, eating disorders, OCD, PTSD. As such it is recommended as the treatment of choice by The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) and therefore by ... Views: 1559
There are more people on capacity benefits due to mental health problems than the total number of unemployed people on job seekers allowance. By 2030 depression will be the world’s most common illness according to the World Health Organisation.
As evidence suggests that Cognitive Behavioural ... Views: 1200
What is CBT Life Coaching it?
CBT Life Coaching is a process of analysis, reflection and action that will ultimately enable you to reach your full potential. It does this by helping you to optimise current opportunities and skills and develop new abilities and expertise. This results in lasting ... Views: 1325
Your Psychologist will offer you weekly (50 minute). Your treatment will begin with a period of assessment which will last between 1-3 sessions. Here you will be able to discuss in detail the problems that have led you to seek therapy. Your Psychologist will also ask you more general questions ... Views: 4461
Resolving your eating disorder means that potentially you will be without a way a coping with difficult and challenging experiences. It is therefore important that you develop alternative coping strategies in parallel with working to resolve your eating disorder. This will feel difficult for a ... Views: 2105
1. The Function Of An Eating Disorder - The Cinema Analogy
An eating disorder is a kind of coping strategy, it provides a way of dealing with the difficult things that life throws at you by blocking out, distracting or shielding you to some extend from the distressing thoughts and feelings ... Views: 1894
Emotional distress is a part of life and serves a necessary function in terms of alerting us to problems that need to be resolved. Everybody therefore needs to be able to experience and tolerate a certain amount of distress. Trying to avoid unpleasant thoughts and feelings can actually lead to ... Views: 2087
The first phase of CBT Counselling is determining what it is that you want to achieve. This not only increases your chances of a successful outcome but will motivate you to continue working toward this and help you to measure your progress along the way.
1. The Miracle question
When you ... Views: 4417
Before you start your CBT Counselling
treatment programme there are a number of things you can do to maximise your chances of success.
1. Prioritising yourself and your recovery
For CBT Counselling to enable you to overcome your eating disorder you need to be a keen and active participant ... Views: 1656
Selecting the right time to make a change through CBT Counseling will help you to follow through with the decision once it has been made. There are three things to consider here; your general life circumstances, the balance between the pros and cons of making the change, and where you place the ... Views: 1638
is currently recognised by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (a government body responsible for deciding which treatment should be available on the NHS) as the most effective treatment for the a range of emotional problems including:
* Depression
* Low Self Esteem
* ... Views: 1786
When people begin CBT counseling they understandably hope that things will gradually improve in a smooth and upwardly linear way. However, the changes that you will be attempting to make through CBT counseling are challenging particularly if you are working to change behaviours that helps you to ... Views: 1959