I have had some life challenges the past couple years. Who hasn't right? Well I won't go into my life's story yet - that may have to wait for 20/20 or Oprah.
Have you ever questioned yourself or doubt. Let fear control your every thought and move? I have.
Recently, I have a quantum shift ... Views: 1470
A - Acknowledge your tragedy and the truth surrounding it so healing may begin. Without acknowledgment, you can't begin to heal no matter what you try.
B - Be gentle with yourself when you come to a speed bump in your road called "life". This is the universes way to force you to slow down and ... Views: 8189
A - Acknowledge the abuse - past, present and future
B- Break the Silence
C- Confront your fears & Call for help - There is nothing to be ashamed of
D - Don't Blame Yourself - Deliberately set intentions towards empowerment
E - Everyone Can Heal
F- Fear is worse than the abuse ... Views: 1599
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Fear and Abuse - by Laura Joseph, CMA, RMT, Advocate for Victims of Domestic Abuse
Ever wonder why victims stay with their abusers and DON'T leave? Many are handicapped by the years of fear and control instilled in them by the abuser. Fear of homelessness. Fear of the inability to provide for the children. Fear the abuser will kill the other parent, children, or everyone in a ... Views: 2789
What do you fear the most? Do you think about it often? How is that working for you so far in your life?
I remember reading the statement “What you fear the most, will manifest the most” (The Secret). I have never realized this to be so true more than ever. Just like everyone else I have had ... Views: 1548
With the hustle and bustle of everyday life compounded with the every day news of a doom and gloom economy, how does meditation help with these stresses on top of the seasonal holiday stresses?
Meditation is a practice used to relax the body, calm the mind and center yourself. It is the ... Views: 1929
After Consumer Groups Petitioned the FDA for Investigation on BOTOX citing it can kill.
"The toxin can cause muscle weakness and breathing difficulty, particularly in non-approved applications for muscle spasms.."
- Harry Kimball, Newser
FDA (Food and Drug Administration) study regarding ... Views: 2350
One of the most common reasons that people cite for wanting to learn meditation is to reduce stress. Life is always going to be full of challenges, and a life without some turmoil is not only impossible but is also undesirable.
A considerable amount of research has shown that meditation has ... Views: 1328
Vitamin D has shown to be vital to our overall health. With the latest research, Vitamin D is fast becoming the number one vitamin especially in the North East corner of the United States.
Ironically, Vitamin D is not a vitamin at all. It is a prohormone that is manufactured by the human ... Views: 1845
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Conquer Toxic Holiday Stress - by Laura Bonetzky-Joseph, R.M.T., C.M.A., Managing Director of MedSpa New England, LLC
When we think of the holidays we smile with nostalgic visions of celebrations, roasting chestnuts, caroling, crackling fires, happy Cleaver-like families, and everything we asked for under the 'ol Christmas tree. As much as the holidays bring love, holiday cheer, & family gatherings so do the ... Views: 1919