Think for a moment how you feel during a depressive episode. Do "helplessness", "hopelessness", and "loneliness" come to mind? If so, that also seems to be the consensus of many people in the depression forums where I spend some of my time.
Depression has a way of creating a psychological ... Views: 2249
During the years I attended psychotherapy, my therapist always had classical music paying in the waiting room. I never figured out if that was supposed to be part of my therapy or if it was playing simply to keep me entertained while I waited for my session to begin. But I do know this, that ... Views: 2814
Years ago I owned a dog named Sparkles. He was a cross between a Cocker Spaniel, Poodle and Beagle. Sparkles loved to play and he was a very affectionate animal. He lived for 13 years. I don't know what it is about dogs but they definitely can sense when their masters are experiencing a ... Views: 1646
Battling intense depressive episodes is never an easy task. While each episode may vary in frequency and severity, one thing is for certain, your spouse will be left physically and psychologically exhausted and so will you, especially if you've been through a number of those episodes with your ... Views: 1979
If you have clinical depression and you've gone through some pretty intense and debilitating depressive episodes the last thing you feel like doing is getting up and moving around. In fact, you may be at a point in your life where you sleep a good part of the day and struggle just to get up ... Views: 1791
Several years ago I was diagnosed with hypertension otherwise known as high blood pressure. My doctor told me to modify my diet and to begin an exercise program. He also said that if I lost weight my blood pressure should begin to stabilize and eventually I could come off the medication that was ... Views: 1788
I had been fighting a daily battle with clinical depression for years. There was a time when I thought I would never be rid of the daily battle. But thanks to the good Lord, years of therapy, learned coping skills, and just the right medicine, I became virtually symptom free in 2007.
If ... Views: 4091
On Sunday night May10th 1998 at 9:18 pm, my life as I knew it changed forever. My beautiful wife of 21 years had died unexpectedly. She was a wonderful human being and she was my soul mate. Words cannot describe the feelings I experienced right after she passed away and for quite sometime to ... Views: 1480
According to the latest statistics, approximately 20.9 million American adults, or about 9.5 percent of the U.S. population age 18 and older in a given year, have a mood disorder. So chances are pretty good that you know someone who suffers from depression. If you have a friend who suffers from ... Views: 3398
When first diagnosed with clinical depression in 1986, I did not want to talk to anyone, and I do mean anyone, about my emotional issues. That included my wife, parents, relatives, and friends After I was told that I should go to a therapist for treatment I didn't want to do that either. I ... Views: 2345
I had suffered from the symptoms of clinical depression for 35 years. Believe me it was no party. In fact there were times during those 35 years when I thought I was going to go completely out of mind. Although there are many different types of depression, clinical depression by far is the worst ... Views: 2031
There are so many different ways to make money online these days that it could make your head spin. Although, I earn money online everyday, none of it comes from affiliate marketing. Yes, you read right. Even though the subject of this article is about affiliate marketing, I have not made one ... Views: 1766
If you suffer from clinical depression, have you ever thought about the effects on your pocketbook? By way of introduction, my name is Dave Kanofsky and I had suffered from the adult symptoms of clinical depression for thirty-five years. In 2007, thanks to a combination of the right medication ... Views: 1226
If you are like me, one of those people who enjoys searching for different ways to earn or make money online, you've probably come across a number of sites looking for people to work together as a team in order to be successful. Matrix programs are just one example of the team approach .The ... Views: 1234
I really enjoy starting discussions and replying to the posts in various forums online. If you were to ask me for my opinion as to which question seems to appear the most within the make money online forums I would have to say it is, "How do I get more referrals to my website or blog"? Typical ... Views: 1111