If absolutely nothing has been able to break your cycle of depression, and you are becoming hopeless about getting better soon, maybe there is another avenue for you to go. I have spent thousands of hours doing general research on moods and the human brain because I am completely fascinated by ... Views: 4235
I wrote this comment in response to a writer who raved against addicts for not being held to some standard of getting better, and my take on his article was he was frustrated with the addicts for relapsing in such high numbers, which is true -- and is outrageously expensive. I think there is ... Views: 1785
Drugs are presented to every teenager at one point or another. No matter what the discussions at home have been, no matter what a “good boy or girl” that your kid really is, the curiosity of what drugs are about will likely grab him or her at some point in time because here is what the trend ... Views: 3767