In an ideal world, we would like to see a positive attitude that promotes a productive action. But, as most parents know, we don't always get both. So what ought to be more important? The action or the attitude? As parents, should we be more concerned with the child's attitude or, if a child ... Views: 2068
Ever feel that way? Do you feel that everyone hates you? As a pastor and counselor, I have encountered many people who feel this way. In looking into it, I have pinpointed a variety of causes and effects for this discouraging feeling of rejection. In knowing the causes, you may be able to combat ... Views: 5707
Ultimately, all our depression and anxiety are born out of some sort of fear or the realization of a fear. Fear, according to the Bible, brings torment. This article explores the various mental, emotional, and spiritual torments that often lead to depression and anxiety.
There is a direct ... Views: 2641
Writing can be an incredible outlet to expressing your emotions, feelings, and desires without necessarily causing an argument, feeling frustrated, or having your thoughts come out wrong. This article contains some tips on how to express yourself in writing.
There ... Views: 4937
Rejection is one of the main causes of depression and social anxiety. Understanding why may help you combat and even overcome some of your depression and social anxieties.
Rejection causes a series of emotional and spiritual issues that need to be addressed. God did not create us to be ... Views: 6038
One of the main causes of depression is a lack of self-confidence. When we no longer believe in ourselves, we begin to fall into a pit of depression and anxiety. This is a Pastor’s take on building self-confidence.
On one hand, we are all filled with some degree of insecurity. For most ... Views: 2468
Here are probably the top 3 reasons why you might be feeling depressed and a little something you can do about it. All healing begins, first, with understanding the reasons. Anything else merely masks the problem, but does not solve it.
As a pastor and counselor for over 15 years, I’ve had ... Views: 2193
We are taught that jealousy is wrong. Indeed, it often leads to disastrous results. But is it normal? Or is it the result of some wrong thinking or wrong decisions? Find out.
First, it is essential to accurately define jealousy as compared to two other terms—envy and covetousness. Since I am ... Views: 4362
Making mistakes is part of life. But making mistakes in front of your peers, family, friends, or loved ones often brings a sense of embarrassment. Fearing this embarrassment will invariably cause you even more humiliation. Find out why and what you can do.
Embarrassment is the natural result ... Views: 10164
It is important to recognize some of the main symptoms of a midlife crisis before you can do anything about them. This article will outline the top three symptoms and what you can do.
If you are thirteen, you probably aren’t feeling like your life has been ... Views: 2142
Everyone enters a relationship with expectations. There is just no getting around this. Our own nature and desires form our ideas of what a good marriage means, what a friend ought to be, and even how children and parents ought to interact with each other. This article details a means of forming ... Views: 3840
Being on time, or being late, is habitual. People who are on time are rarely late, and people who are often late rarely get any place early. For latter group, it is almost a curse. This article explains the character of being on time.
Being on time is more ... Views: 1966
This very simple and easy to follow procedure will help you develop strong conversation skills with people you know and people you don’t know. This skill is meant to help you build lasting connections with people and feel at ease while doing it regardless of your knowledge of the subject or ... Views: 4830
It is important to transfer your values to your children. They won't pick up on them unless taught. But for some reason we fear to do so or we don't know how. Read on to discover how you can transfer those good values to your children.
“Praise the Lord! I Found One!”
These are the words ... Views: 4856
Your spouse cheated on you. Nothing you can do will change that. Still, you’ve decided to stick it out and try to make the marriage work. Only you don’t trust him/her anymore, you are incredibly suspicious, and your anxiety of possibly being betrayed again is eating your heart out. You still ... Views: 3411
Have you ever been misunderstood, taken the wrong way, or categorized and stereotyped incorrectly? Find out why this happens and what you can do to be perceived correctly by those around you.
Essentially, you define yourself to those around you by the words ... Views: 2547
What would be the most important ingredient to any healthy, successful relationship? Would it be love? Trust? Attraction? Or something else? This article explains the one factor, the one ingredient that is required for any relationship to be healthy and successful.
Sitting in front of my desk ... Views: 2001
The niche newspaper is one that is specific to a particular market, business, or company. While the daily subscription newspaper is being replaced with news from the internet, a niche newspaper is bringing in clients, customers, and revenue. Read on to find out why!
... Views: 4646
In this article, we will explore three essential leadership qualities that boost morale among followers. Every leader must learn what being a leader means. These qualities are important to every leader. They are important to any follower. They are a must.
Those leaders who ... Views: 2668
Anyone who is in a position of leadership must be able to exhibit the following qualities in this article. From a parent to an employer to a politician, these leadership qualities are essential to being a good leader.
A leader that cannot communicate his ... Views: 2335
The average household will go into some sort of debt in order to keep up with their ideas of providing a good Christmas for their children. In stable economic times, it took most people six months to pay off their Christmas debt and many, around 1 in 4 according to some statistics, will still be ... Views: 2172
Breaking life down to its most basic physical components, the meaning of life is merely survival and reproduction. From a purely evolutionary perspective that is all there is. It leaves us, however, meaningless.
For thousands of years humans have been asking themselves if there is something ... Views: 1896
What, if any, is the difference between preaching and teaching? Some preachers teach and some teachers preach. Is a lecture more preaching or a speech more teaching? I am a pastor with nearly 20 years of preaching experience. I will attempt to explain the difference.
As a pastor, the ... Views: 2617
Ever tried to penetrate the tough guy facade? Or been turned away by the ‘I don’t need you or anyone else’ face? There is a secret to winning someone’s heart. This article does not guarantee that you will it merely equips you with the best tools to do so.
It does not matter if the situation ... Views: 9473
Here is a business that has remarkable profit potential with only a part time effort. Requiring no start up costs, you will find everything you need in this article to start, maintain, and make a success of this business. Read on!
You ... Views: 3771
Every church wants to grow and reach the community. But all outreach programs and ministries cost money. The key is to develop outreach ministries that are self-supporting and self-sustaining. Our church started one that has been incredibly effective, costs us nothing except time, and even makes ... Views: 2308
You know someone that has had their heart broken and they are so hurt that they seem to withdraw from everyone and everything. You want to help, but you just don't know what to do. Read on for a few suggestions and tips.
Now if you did the heart breaking, that would be an altogether different ... Views: 3409
When someone breaks your heart, you have an immediate tendency to do the very worst thing possible. It is almost a knee jerk reaction that often hinders your ability to heal and lengthens the time you'll hurt. This article addresses the absolute worst thing you can do when your heart is ... Views: 3094
It seems that we've all suffered a broken heart at one time or another. The pain that it causes and brings is horrific. Few, if anyone, ever wants to go through that again. So how do you prevent it? And if we can actually do that, is it a good thing?
The only sure way to prevent a broken ... Views: 5653
Loss of sleep, an ache deep in the bit of your stomach, frequent tears, a heart seems to get heavier as the days go on, depression, and feelings of isolation and abandonment are all signs of a broken heart. How, if possible, do you heal from a broken heart?
There is no quick fix. If you are ... Views: 2984
For years, as a Pastor and counselor, I've had to figure out how to save someone's marriage. Here is a short formula that I use to find out where the problems may truly lie, and knowing them, I can recommend a plan on what needs to be done to fix the broken relationship. You can follow it for ... Views: 5733
The key to control of your anger is to be slow to anger. No one can turn anger on and off like a light switch. But having a very, very long fuse is the key to anger management. There are three attributes that are common, however, to someone that is slow to anger.
People who have ... Views: 7659
People often get angry and many times they don't even know why they get angry. As a counselor, I've dealt with many people who are genuinely puzzled why they got so angry. Have you ever gotten angry over something small, stupid, or just plain silly? Have you ever sat down later and felt ... Views: 13885
People will criticize you for all sorts of reasons. And if you take any sort of stand, good or bad, you will be criticized for it. But how you deal with it is a key to retaining sanity and an even disposition through life.
I pastor a Church. I have my own opinions about God, religion, ... Views: 3077
We think that our actions define us more than our words. But the reality is exactly the opposite. Our actions are important, but our actions are psychologically used to verify the truth of our words and not the other way around. Be careful what you say. This article attempts to prove that your ... Views: 8278
Every couple will have their ups and downs. But more and more marriages struggle to recover from problems, issues, and difficulties. Many marriages survive these problems, but they don’t recover. They are like a volcano sealed with a plastic lid. It won’t hold. It will explode. But why? ... Views: 2885
In Christianity, faith is the principle upon which we build our relationship with God. It is the key to experiencing God, seeing the hand of God in our lives, and fulfilling the purpose for which God made us. But many Christians struggle with the idea and concept of faith. This article will ... Views: 2178
I’ve counseled and been the pastor of marriages for years. In all that time, I have come to realize what makes a successful marriage. Any marriage, and I mean any marriage, that follows these ten principles will be successful. Yes, these are Christian principles.
Here are the Ten Principles ... Views: 11810
Expressing yourself is not always easy. There can be many things that go wrong when you try to express yourself. Misunderstandings are perhaps the most destructive communication mishaps in relationships. So how do you solve it? No method is perfect, especially when you are dealing with someone ... Views: 2801
One of the great relationship destroyers is that of unrealistic expectations. Expecting something out of the relationship that the other is either ignorant of, unwilling to provide, or simply unable to provide. Frustration and anger is the result. This article deals with differing expectations ... Views: 11148
Misunderstandings are perhaps the single greatest source of our arguments and fights with each other. They occur for many reasons. Understanding where they come from and how to avoid them will go a long way to strengthen relationships and avoid fights.
It is important to understand what ... Views: 10914
Learn how to properly establish rules for your children. Done right, you can avoid anger and resentment when you are forced to enforce your rules. Done right, your children won't fight your discipline. One of the methods that I use with my own children is contained in this article.
Setting ... Views: 2910
Conflicting authority is the largest contributor to rebellion in children. When parents--authority--conflict it can cause rebellion in your children. You, as parents, need to have a united front for your children. Here are some tips on how this can be done.
Rebellion is the result of ... Views: 7188
There is a difference between pressure and stress. One causes the other, and one we can reduce and shunt off. Learn the difference between these two in your life and what you can do about them.
Stress is the product of pressure. Set an empty plastic water bottle upright and place the palm of ... Views: 8531
Building good character is all about addition, not subtraction. What I mean is this: when it comes to change, our focus is usually on the aspects of our lives that are bad. We try to cut out or cut off these negative or bad qualities. We try to improve by subtraction. That is not how you build ... Views: 12089
If you or someone you know is having a midlife crisis, then you may want to know how to properly deal with it. This period in a person's life is extremely dangerous. They can become depressed, disillusioned with life, and even quit things or relationships they should not.
Primarily, a midlife ... Views: 3169
For some reason, many couples find that much of the intrigue and interest in their relationship dwindled after marriage. One reason may be that the effort of pursuit and being pursued as evidenced by dating is no longer a part of the couples’ lives. Dating, at least once a week, will renew the ... Views: 2113
In my role as a Pastor and counselor I encounter many people who have found themselves seemingly at a dead end in life. Not only do they lack purpose—or the purpose they have is not one they sought or wanted—but they seem to blunder from disaster to disaster on a fairly consistent basis. And ... Views: 4649
Getting your kids to listen to you can be a problem at times. Undoubtedly, you've tried a variety of methods from shouting, finger pointing, scowling, threatening, and the famous counting to ten.
Kids seem to tune out your words if your tone is saying something else. Your tone of voice ... Views: 2301
Depression is increasingly on the rise in our society. Its diagnosis has exploded over the last twenty years, and as a result, the medical field has responded with pill after pill.
But depression isn't a disease. It can't be transmitted from person to person like the flu. So why is depression ... Views: 2216