Have you battled the bulge, had difficulty complying with a diabetic diet, or had difficulty joining the unhooked generation by quitting smoking? Whatever the health lifestyle change you want to make, hypnosis can help.
What are the benefits of using hypnosis recordings? Hypnosis recordings ... Views: 1201
In the winter, many people are trapped indoors, especially, elderly and handicapped people because of the difficulty of moving around in the snow and ice. The days are shorter and darkness seems to envelop the earth. The cold bothers many people as well. Painful joints and muscle pain also make ... Views: 1970
Many people, after they have quit smoking, take their accomplishments for granted. They don’t see the necessity of rewarding their new change. However, research in behavior management shows that periodic rewards help you to maintain the gains that you received from your hypnosis cd and other ... Views: 1750
When you see a beautiful fruit tree and enjoy its fruits, you notice the seed inside the fruit. In this small seed, the mighty fruit tree grew. It produced the sweet fruit and created pleasure. It bore abundant fruit because it was carefully cultivated.
When you think of fruit, it is easy ... Views: 2140
When a seed is precious to a farmer, it is lovingly nurtured. This nurturing of the seed brings out its fruits which later profit the farmer. What mental fruits do you nourish? Do you nourish success fruits or those of poverty?
The thoughts that you hold in your mind are the fruits most often ... Views: 1441
There are five ways that hypnosis helps people to win at their chosen sport. They are: 1. developing a winning attitude, 2. developing motivation to persist, 3. developing an image of the winning game, 4. developing a plan to get from where you are to the winning game and 5. Feeling the success ... Views: 1415
Whenever a child wets the bed, it is indeed embarrassing for the child. There are many reasons for bed wetting. Saying this, it is important to consult a doctor to be sure that there is no underlying medical condition. If there is no medical reason for this, hypnosis cds can speedily end the ... Views: 1450
When people come to stop the smoking habit, they are very ambivalent. For one thing, the cigarette has become a close friend. Most people, who have smoked for a long time, know exactly where their pack of cigarettes is. On the other hand, they are quite aware of the health consequences and the ... Views: 1854
Sleep walking is a sleep disturbance in which a person walks in their sleep. T child is affected by this disorder, parents usually use infant monitors to keep children safe. To end the worry and increase restful sleep, hypnosis is often used.
Hypnposis is pleasant for the person receiving ... Views: 2891
Working in a mental health clinic and doing home health care, I worked with many disabled people. I also am legally blind and have had life experience with some of the problems associated with having a disability. One of the most difficult challenges for disabled people is the lack of self ... Views: 2156