You've heard mention of that "inner child," the needy, vulnerable part of you that you neglect or criticize. We therapists often talk about "the baby part of you" or "the child side of you" as a way to address dependency issues. You know you've got a kid inside of you, right?
A lot of the ... Views: 1573
You're probably familiar with the cognitive-behavior technique known as "thought stopping," used to cope with stressful and anxiety-intensifying thoughts and ideas during panic attacks, as well as with negative self-statements in depression. I've never found this technique particularly useful, ... Views: 1643
Browse the self-help aisle at the bookstore, or comb through the online material about self-esteem, and you'll mostly find advice on how to take "conscious control of your self-talk," to stop negative self-statements and replace them with affirmations, to love yourself, to conquer this or that ... Views: 1537
Most people don’t change; they just become more the way they already are.
I must have said these words hundreds of times in my life — to clients, family and friends. While there are exceptions, most people find change difficult for several reasons. They don’t know themselves very well, to ... Views: 2005
Competition is a fact of life; the desire to win at games, get the highest grade in the class or bring home a blue ribbon from the county fair is a feeling most of us can understand. Playing sports provides an outlet for competitive urges; watching your favorite professional teams allows us to ... Views: 1230
Each of us has a mixture of feelings toward those people we’re intimate with, and learning how to tolerate ambivalence is a part of growing up. Small children sometimes scream “I hate you!” when frustrated by their parents though they may be loving and affectionate an hour later. Such ... Views: 1564