Whenever I think back to the times when my life was a struggle, there was always an element of me trying to force something. Either things weren’t happening as quickly as I wanted them to, according to my time frame, or what was showing up didn’t look exactly as I wanted it to, and therefore I ... Views: 1462
We all love babies and little children. They are a reminder of all that is pure and innocent and loving – untainted by the social programming and fear to which we as adults have been subject. We, too, were once those innocent, unconditionally loving bundles of love and light. Truth is,we still ... Views: 1275
There is a popular belief that has been misinterpreted, misunderstood and, I believe, misused. The mind is a powerful tool, allowing us to co-create with life. And while the mind is powerfully creative, we do not live in a vacuum. We cannot know what lessons we are here to learn, or to help ... Views: 2535
In yoga, we learn to tune into our breathing and let our bodies expand and contract around the breath. And the only way to stay healthy is to allow our breathing to be steady, consistent and natural. If we hold the breath in, or out, we cut ourselves off from life source energy. So the ... Views: 3241
So many of us are moving through life unconscious…sleeping. When a woman in one of my self-awareness workshops was asked to answer the question “Who Am I?” for herself, she became very frustrated and agitated before grumbling, “I don’t know!” My response ... Views: 1239
We’ve all been hurt before, and experienced disappointment, heartbreak and loss. Without the knowledge and awareness of how important it is to let this energy move through us, rather than shutting down around it, we begin to let past hurts dictate our future. Physically this shows up ... Views: 1968