Clearly, a key concern on the Physical Path is our ability to maintain our weight, or even lose it. I’ve written about various exercise regimes, but today, I want to look at a very basic concept; metabolism. What is this, and why does it matter so much? How can I measure my base metabolism ... Views: 1225
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We’ve all watched in shock the news reports of the tragedy in Arizona, and this causes us once again to dig deep into our souls to search for meaning. Why would someone do this?
Let me start by saying that I am not a ... Views: 1324
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We’ve all heard the talk about the need to once again raise the Federal Debt Limit or the United States will go into default on its debt. What does this really mean and will our politicians raise the limit?
Wow, $14.5 ... Views: 1269
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Turn off the TV! That was a common sound heard in the households of anyone over about 45 years old when they were young. The fact is, prior generations were quick to turn off what they called the “idiot box”. What’s changed and ... Views: 1321
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One of the many benefits of enjoying a solid spiritual walk is that you can look upwards for your needs and wants, and enjoy a true optimism about the future. With 2011 upon us, I hope your path brings you that purpose, optimism, and ... Views: 1517
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Here we are again, at that point in the year, after having eaten too much over the holidays that we re-commit to engaging in a healthy workout regime. Well the reality is we should do that, and stick with it for a host of reasons. ... Views: 1463
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2011 looks to be a interesting year on all of the paths which will put even more stress on the Emotional Path. The Financial Markets, the Political World, and all the others will create a need in America to have strong emotional ... Views: 1290
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I’m actually pleased to say that I missed on important forecast for 2010, and that is that I expected a sell-off in the stock market coinciding with the end of the Bush era tax rates. I forgive myself a little for this miss considering ... Views: 1303
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There is a lot of buzz these days about supplementing your diet with everything from vitamins, to herbs that are specifically thought to increase certain attributes of your person. Are any of these legitimate? Hi, I’m Steve Beaman ... Views: 1460
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Ho ho ho, or humbug. It seems that increasingly, a holiday once thought of as cheerful and joyful is increasingly loaded with people’s feelings of sadness and depression. Why is this, and what can be done about it? Hi, I’m ... Views: 2920
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Most of us, 67% of Americans that is, were happy that Washington passed the extension of the tax rates for another two years. But what impact does this really have? Hi, I’m Steve Beaman and welcome to this SBG Cast on the ... Views: 1224
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How many times in our daily lives do we meet people who are just unhappy? Life can throw so many curve balls our way that sometimes happiness seems like an elusive concept, left only to those who “have everything”. Hi, I’m ... Views: 1418
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As shown by so many national and international statistics, American schools are not living up to their requirements in many cases. At stake here is the future of our nation and new, creative ideas need to be considered. Are ... Views: 1556
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Hi, I’m Steve Beaman and welcome to this SBG Cast on the Financial Path. My friends, for many years now I’ve been recommending that folks just like you hold a small percent of their net worth in actual gold or silver coins. With ... Views: 1332
Hi, I’m Steve Beaman and welcome to today’s SBG Cast on the Physical Path! Did you know that it is considered cruel and unusual torture to deprive someone of sleep? That’s right, one of the favorite – if you can call it that – tortures used by national ... Views: 1400
A Question I Had To Answer!
Welcome to this SBG Cast on the Spiritual Path. As we’ve said before, this is the most sensitive and personal path we walk, and we must each be thoughtful as we stay true to our beliefs, while not being disrespectful ... Views: 1411
Welcome to this SBG Cast on the Intellectual Path. You know, I have so many discussions with people about the sad situation in our public schools. Children are performing below accepted standards, SAT scores are declining, moral values are ... Views: 1324
As the father of six children, I frequently am asked this very deep question as it relates to moral values “who says it’s wrong?” This profound question can be applied to virtually every behavior whenever we think of the concept of “good” versus “evil”. When I grew up many years ago, the ... Views: 6063
The 9th Law of Stewardship
Hi, I’m Steve Beaman and welcome to this SBG Cast. We’re continuing on our Spiritual Path in the study of the 33 laws of Stewardship. Today, we’re looking at the 9th law; The Law of Eager Willingness.
Is it enough just to give? Or does it matter to what we ... Views: 1234
Swimming and running present two very different exercise modalities in terms of biomechanics, energy expenditure, and stresses, not to mention that they occur in two very unique environments. However that hasn't prevented humans from becoming particularly adept at both of these activities, ... Views: 3610
The Problem of Positive Thinking
I just heard a podcast by my good friend Steve Beaman on the topic of positive thinking made popular 50+ years ago by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale. I was taken back to my twenties and the reading of this book. I found the principles made sense. However, ... Views: 1633
We’ve all been through situations in relationships where the person we’re dealing with drains us. Well, as I thought about this, I began to get an image in my head of a battery and I think it’s enough to the point that I wanted to share it with you.
We all know that batteries require ... Views: 2256
What are the top foods that increase your metabolism? This is a GREAT question and I’m glad we can answer it for you today.
1. Asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, lettuce & zucchini.
These veggies not only are good for you, providing vitamins, minerals, and fiber, but they actually ... Views: 2801
My friends, it’s difficult if not impossible to judge the total impact of a piece of legislation that is over 2,000 pages long. In fact, I think it’s fair to say that no one fully understands the both intended and unintended consequences of legislation that is so enormous. I have read many ... Views: 2769
The 8th Law.. The Law of Supernatural Supply
There have been many times in my life when I was convinced I had no more to give. No more money, no more time, no more empathy, no more love. Well, in each of these times, I found that I was given the strength to go on over and above my own ... Views: 1406
Flax seeds and Omega 3's: Why they're good for you and why you're probably not getting enough!
When it comes to whole body health and wellness there is really one factor that is the precursor to health related ailments: INFLAMMATION: it is the surest sign of an imbalance and is associated ... Views: 1812
Emotional Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt
Welcome to the Emotional Path where we’re going to be discussing an issue that I’ve dealt with for many years, in fact decades. Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt.. These are three core drivers to indecision, poor decision, and stagnation. What are these three ... Views: 3539
We are in a period in American, and indeed global, history where the Teutonic struggle of capitalism and socialism are being played out. Most people have a fair understanding of these differing theories of economics, but this SBG Cast will attempt, as difficult as that is in a five minute ... Views: 4488
Marriage takes four!
We all know that marriage starts off with two individuals who fall in love, and therefore wish to spend their lives together. All too often though, these marriages end with a breakup. Why? Why is it that two people who seemingly have so much in common, end up in a ... Views: 1424