Take a deep breath. Your trapped for an evening, at a dinner party, where the seats are assigned, and your sitting next to a couple of religious fanatics. They are proselytizing their doctrine, and there is no room for discussion. Arguing with a fanatic is like trying to wrestle with a grizzly ... Views: 1646
Since I was a very young child, I was given the gift of deep compassion for other people’s pain. For some reason it was almost as if I could jump into other people’s bodies and see through their eyes and hear through their ears. I knew how they felt and it would literally break my heart.
... Views: 1490
Growing up with nine siblings, all with big personalities, was quite a rich and deep experience. My role in such a large Irish Catholic family was “the peacemaker”. With everyone close in age there were always arguments over who got the prize at the bottom of the cereal box, or fighting over ... Views: 1609
Looking, being, and acting perfect is not always what it is cracked up to be. It can occasionally be stemmed from perfectionism and shame based thinking, It is through the cracks that God can enter. The more cracks, hence more light.
Vulnerability and humility can catapult us into opening ... Views: 1215
The monk just finished clearing and purifying his mind with meditation, and decided to have a glorious walk with one of his students. On the walk the student began to spew arrogance, pride, vulgarity, and vanity. The monk quietly said,”please don’t wipe your dirty feet on my mind.”
When ... Views: 3082
Your child gets suspended from school. The car breaks down on the highway. Oh no, a flunked final. A wife asks for a divorce. The doctor tells you that you have a terminal disease. We survive a natural disaster. Can we match calamity with serenity.
No matter what comes down the pike, can ... Views: 2116
When I pulled at my notebook computer from under my bed after a truly needed nap, I knew that my topic for my weekly blog was going to be on intention. Without further ado I went right to dictionary.com and typed in the word “intention”. The definition is as follows;
an act or instance of ... Views: 2440
Has your mind ever been filled with doubts, fears, shame, guilt, and self deprecation. Imagine your mind is like your home. Are there cobwebs? Is there dust? Is the furniture old and tattered?
Throw it out! But have a plan. If you just throw out the couch of “I can’t”, and the bed of “I ... Views: 1169
Usually when we hear the phrase “come to your senses”, we often think of using our mind and thoughts more correctly. Instead of using just the mind, how about dropping into the senses of the smells, colors, sounds, and feelings of this moment. By being fully present, it of course starts with the ... Views: 2004
I constantly go to the hardware store looking for apples! Why do I expect to get soothing support from those people that are unable to provide a compassionate ear, and instead I receive critical and judgmental verbal abuse. Because that may be an old unconscious pattern that doesn’t serve me ... Views: 1557
During this challenging period of world wide changes, people I work with seem to be struggling more than ever. I see clients that are finding it difficult to find work, other’s who are going through horrible divorces, and many that are dealing with health crisis’s. The emotions that seem to be ... Views: 1626
Nothing is ever lost by courtesy. It is the cheapest of pleasures,
costs nothing, and conveys much.It pleases him who gives and receives
and thus...is twice blessed.
... Views: 3075
"Confined beliefs cannot create a spacious life."-Vernon Howard
Have you ever been around someone who is smug, self righteous, and a full of themselves. They leave a bad taste in your mouth like spoiled milk. On the other hand, someone who remains teachable and childlike is like a breath ... Views: 2282
Do you feel stuck? Are you looping around and around the same issue and feel hopeless? Is it with your health? Is it financial? Is it with relationships? Do you need some answers on how to get off the cycle of doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results?
Well, I ... Views: 1648
Where is the relationship? Where is the money? Why do other’s have it so easy and I have it so hard? Life is not fair! These are some of the questions and ruminations I hear from my clients.
Well, this equation is quite simple. Lack breeds lack and abundance breeds abundance. If I want to ... Views: 2017
Last summer I would go into Peet’s coffee and complain to my sweet friend Clare, and other local coffee drinker’s, about yet another sleepless night because of my son’s horrific nightly panic attacks. I would not sleep either because I had to take him to the emergency room, or talk him down from ... Views: 1220
“How are you Susan? “, asks my mother. I respond with “very busy Mom”. She quickly replies with,”busy is good”. I agree that busy is good if there is some balance with rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation.
For some reason, it seems as if our culture is getting busier and busier and as if ... Views: 1611