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Our third Recipe for Inner Peace is a unique set of ten questions. The Lifescale will help you to understand the balance you have now in your life between your positive and negative emotional energies – those things that cause satisfaction and frustration. Since I developed and began using the ... Views: 984
Last time I introduced you to the first of my Recipes for Inner Peace from the book of that name. The first Recipe is Listening Power. Now let’s look at the second recipe called Learning from Experience. In the book Jenny is developing a new relationship. She badly wants it to work but is ... Views: 748
Did I get your attention?
Good; that was the point. No one should have just a job after 40. Before 40, it is necessary to build your ego in the world. It is critical for self-development, self-esteem, and to get a sense of your place in the world. Naturally, it would be perfect to do the work ... Views: 1002
Today we are faced with an inconvenient truth of life to battle with. It is about the lost of a friend, sister and wife - Debbie:
Debbie as we affectionately call her is a staunch member of our club. Indeed she is one of the few women who accompanies the husband to our meetings regularly. She ... Views: 818
Whenever we experience any kind of dis-ease within our mind/body system, there is the illusion that we are out of control. The very fact that we are experiencing something different to the general populus, that being our friends, family and work colleagues creates and compounds the evidence we ... Views: 744
What contribution do you want to make?
What exactly do you want to contribute to most now? What issues concern you the most? Where do you feel your natural gifts and talents can make the most difference in the world? Do you want to help children learn, feed the elderly, or help others with ... Views: 759
Seduction And Romantic Love
We are seduced into relationships for many reasons, for support and approval, to overcome our feelings of loneliness, fear and insecurity, to explore our passion and sexuality, to feel power and control, to be needed, to have fun, to love and be loved, to have ... Views: 1515
I mention this quite a bit because it is possibly the single most factor for why people sleepwalk through life and end up at forty or fifty bitter, unfulfilled and trying to relive a long lost youth.
It's the reason some women end up with boyfriends and husbands who batter them senseless on a ... Views: 852
Everyone loves a good story. Great leaders are aware of this and inspire others to own and share their own unique and special story. They help us to see how our narrative fits into the whole to make a difference. Corporate employees rarely go to work each day pondering the CEO’s vision or ... Views: 1191
No need to look up "self-fullness" in the dictionary - you won't find it. And it's also not likely to be in the vocabulary of women who are pulled between their careers, children, parents, spouse or even grandchildren. No matter what age women have attained, many still act the part of the 'good ... Views: 939
Civilization is based on Homo sapiens ability to make millisecond decisions to act or refrain from reacting.
Can you recall an instance when your wanted to punch out someone’s lights, and stopped in mid-stride?
For dieters, willpower is reacting to your desire to eat
three Hershey bars ... Views: 947
We humans are terrible at preparing for the crisis
It seems to me that many people tend to ignore their needs in mid-life. We tend to be very good at reacting to a crisis, but terrible at planning for one. I think this is the root of the problem. For example, many people stay in mundane, ... Views: 775
Procrastination, a common symptom of ADHD, is a problem that effects many of us. Not only is it a problem in itself, but it creates a multitude of problems. Problems such as missed promotions or raises, difficult relationships, poor grades and performance, and just plain missing out.
I have ... Views: 1577
I work with a number of coaching clients who are building other aspects of their lives besides the ones they're used to. The usual stuff: network marketing businesses, coaching practices, traditional businesses, etc.
Some of these amazing people have figured out they're in the wrong line of ... Views: 995
P is for Perfect: Purpose
What is life about? How will you make a difference in the world? Your purpose drives your behavior and can provide you with daily energy and happiness. What is the purpose of your life? Think deeply about where you most want to make a contribution in the world.
Does ... Views: 759
Whether you are a watercolorist creating portraits, pet portraits, landscapes and seascapes you need to start with a drawing. What a great way to utilize visualization while drawing is to use a grid. How hard is it to see all the detail lines, the small shadows and curves that make up a ... Views: 1916
Graduating from high school can be a shock. After years of being told what to do by teachers, it's up to you to figure out what path you want to take now. With so many career options available, how do you know which path to follow? With the right roadmap, you--and your career--can head in the ... Views: 975
“Midlife is when you reach the top of the ladder and find that it is against the wrong wall.” ~ Joseph Campbell
Seventy-six million “Baby Boomers” are facing the midlife experience. Midlife is certainly a time of change and transition, but it is only a normal stage of ... Views: 2604
Leading with “Passion Power” ™: A Four “P” Interactive Model for Expanding Personal Energy, Professional Creativity and Organizational Synergy – Part I
Awhile back, preparing for a talk on “Becoming a Dynamic and Engaging Speaker,” I asked myself a fundamental question: what are the essential ... Views: 2744
Look at the big picture of your life
This can be hard to do. The daily pressures of a thankless job, a demanding commute, and mounting bills all lead to stress. Worst of all is the nagging feeling that your life is out of your control, and slowly slipping away.
I don’t have time to ... Views: 743
You are a 25, 35, or 50 year old woman. From the time you were a small child you have needed help with virtually every aspect of your life. Even today you needed constant assistance from the time you woke up. Diagnosed with mental retardation and because you have a difficult time communicating, ... Views: 701
Are the changes in your life overwhelming you? Do you find that the older you get, the more changes you have to make?
Maybe your best friend moved away or you have lost a job that you thought you would be doing forever. Maybe you moved to a new area or have recently retired.
How ... Views: 1503
1. Nobody knows why anybody does anything. (Imagine the time this one will free up). You don’t need to figure out what happened to Aunt Bertha as a child to make her so mean and crabby; why your spouse dumped you or why your neighbor ignores you. We humans are a product of our ... Views: 1243
As your kidults move out one by one, does the thought of creating a more grown-up nest sound good? Can you visualize the possibility of more simplicity and less chaos? Think about what it would be like to clean out the drawers, give away the memorabilia your kids don't want, get rid of all the ... Views: 898
“Don’t cry, don’t show your opponent you’re hurt. Don’t let him know he’s got the best of you,” my Karate Sensei would say. “Be tough, be strong! If he sees the tears swelling in your eyes, he will know you’re hurt.”
These words are burned into my brain as a child and as a teacher now, they ... Views: 977
It was totally unexpected. I was puttering around the house on a hot summer day in Florida. Julie, my next door neighbor called and asked me to have breakfast with her. Julie is a high school honors teacher who doesn’t have much extra time during the school year to socialize. I said I ... Views: 1313
Acquiring riches and great wealth are some of the common fantasies that almost each one of us wishes. Some strive hard in their professional lives to fulfill it, whereas there are some who wish to try their luck with online casino games that offer them a platform to earn more money in return of ... Views: 2190
Her hair was disheveled, which was unusual for her. The mini stroke she’d suffered after the sudden death of her longtime friend (right at the breakfast table. Put her head down and BOOM. Transitioned into whatever awaits us upon death with nary a peep) was evident in her slowed speech and ... Views: 1345
People with Asperger’s Syndrome are often described, as having social skills deficits, reluctance to listen, difficulty understanding social give and take, and other core characteristics, is typically quite misunderstood and/or misdiagnosed in our country today. First recognized by Hans ... Views: 13768
whilst confidentiality is respected at all times, Clive/Clare suggested and consented to the writing this article in the support of his 'coming out'.
Clive’s Anima
Neutrally dressed in a cream jacket, trousers and glasses perched on the end of his nose, Clive peered down at the tarot cards on ... Views: 2078
Here's a fact: everybody wants to earn extra money. We all
have bills to pay, families to feed, and the list goes on
and on...
Discover several legitimate ways to earn extra money
online for free using your computer at home.
You probably wonder how much extra income you can make?
Well, ... Views: 782
The "Sandwich Generation" is a term that has now made it into the dictionary. It fits an increasing number of Boomer women whose reality includes being squeezed between the demands of growing children and the needs of aging parents.
A study by AARP and the National Alliance for Care-giving ... Views: 969
Now that your son has popped the question, the congratulations from your friends include some advice about the wedding: "smile, shut up and wear beige."
But it doesn't have to be like this. You have the right stuff to rewrite the rules without becoming the Mother-in-Law from Hell. You came ... Views: 1244
Renaissance: a renewal of life, rebirth, revival, rejuvenation
Debut: first appearance, launch, premiere, coming out
While in previous generations menopause, often called the "change of life," marked the transition into old age, today's baby boom women are saying "watch out world, here I ... Views: 1038
How do you define success?
If you are like most people, your definition of success is based on external factors. A nice house, perfect children, a trophy wife or husband, nice vacations, lots of material things, and of course, a great big salary.
What price will you pay for external ... Views: 718
Self-Defense: what is a Skunkgun?
Statistics put me to sleep, but stories stick in your mind and teach us something.
First, who says so, because being a Contrarian I figure folks make up numbers
to sell something. The New York Times 10.12.07 reported a bunch of numbers
that grabbed my 3-pound ... Views: 921
Aristotle’s Model Still Works
Frankly, we personally would not know Aristotle’s principles if the Google information system landed on our thick, three-pound cabeza.
If we ever learned his ideas, they are buried in the same crypt with algebra, geometry and Shakespeare.
Just to sound ... Views: 1229
What Does It Take to Heal?
By Linda McCarrin, BA, Certified Holistic Life Coach
Healing isn’t a science. There’s no time frame, control or variable as in an 8th grade experiment. There are no instructions that come with it. There are libraries of books on the topic, but when you get right down ... Views: 1531
It is not a new concept that "you are as young as you feel." This is great news, unless, of course, you feel old.
As you wake up to a view of living in the new paradigm of a more peaceful life, it is important to let go of obsolete, outdated beliefs. Symptoms often attributed to old age are: ... Views: 1293
Do I have to change who I am to do what I love?
The answer is yes. When you go from one lackluster job to another one, not much personal change is needed. However, when you go from “just a job” to a vocation—that is, doing what you love—it does require a change. It ... Views: 861
Absinthe has returned to existence. After being absent for a century, the absinthe drink is back afresh. Like other alcoholic drinks, absinthe as a drink is a much maligned lot. Many of social ills affecting the turn of the century was attributed to absinthe. Absinthe was caught unawares when a ... Views: 851
Save your life?
After 40 one tends to be more aware of their time left and the things which are undone in their life. While it usually takes a crisis to become more aware, this doesn’t always move one to make change in their life, especially in areas which are no longer bringing joy and ... Views: 782
Bill Cottringer
What do Oprah Winfrey, George Clooney, Jack Canfield, Tiger Woods, Nichole Kidman, Katie Keric, and Alex Rodriguez all have in common besides being extraordinarily good looking, rich and famous, and masters of their trades? Better yet, what ... Views: 1323
It takes some will power to fight against procrastination and low ambition. Each one of us has what it takes to finally do things we have dreamt or talked about for ages. When you listen to your internal dialog, are you having encouraging conversations with yourself or are you still listening to ... Views: 1465
If you've been around long enough, you're aware of the many things that can play havoc with domestic peace, even where the parties concerned aren't short on goodwill, and have the best of intentions.
High up on the list of culprits here are poor communication habits, either on their own or in ... Views: 899
Time is the great equalizer for all of us. We all have 24 hours in a day, 7 days a week, yielding 168 hours per week. Take out 56 hours for sleep (we do spend about a third of our week dead) and we are down to 112 hours to achieve all the results we desire. We cannot save time (ever have any ... Views: 991
“I wish I had a 48 hour day!?many have said to me during the last twenty years as a professional speaker. “I’d be able to get so much more done!?
Of course we can’t get more than 24 hours out of each day (assuming we don’t take time to sleep) but we can get the equivalent through delegation ... Views: 1035
Most people in the world spend all there time blaming others for there circumstances and playing the role of a victim rather than taking accountability for there lives. The victims blame everyone else, life's circumstances and everything else for their life's misery, lack of prospering and ... Views: 1147
On Saturday, I had the distinct pleasure of helping a group of aspiring hypnotherapists develop their (already pretty advanced) intuitions. Before we started, several members of the group told me they’d been looking forward to this session, and afterwards, I perhaps understood why: they ... Views: 2321
Mistake # 1:
Doing work that brings no joy or happiness
Who made up the rule that says work should bring misery. Go ahead and add up the hours of “work” left in your life. Calculate up to the day you stop breathing, not the day you retire. A big number, isn’t it? Now, how will ... Views: 2670