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Faith Shades did all the right things—all the things society expected. She attended law school, was involved in television and news production and was a top producing real estate agent.
Suddenly one day a new perspective emerged about her life and what she really wanted.
Today, Faith is the ... Views: 1520
Have you ever asked yourself if you are living the life you were meant to live?
Have you ever asked yourself, as you pondered your life, is this all there is?
These are great questions to ask when you reach forty and beyond.
Who Needs an authentic life?
If you are satisfied with the status quo ... Views: 967
It is the nature of soul to grow, to heal, and to love. As we enter into the world, we emerge as a tiny child. We are open. We do not have conditions placed on us by our parents or ourselves. We have not closed ourselves off from any possibility. It is though the world lay at our feet. We are a ... Views: 1589
A few years ago, I was the national outreach coordinator for theNorthwest Earth Institute in Portland,Oregon.
It was a very cool job. All day long,I talked to people across the countrywho were interested in gathering oncea week with a few friends, neighbors or co-workers in order to discover ... Views: 1166
I ride public transportation, and it suits me just fine. My life is a bit slower than average but, I have no business rushing around in life anyway. Anyhow, one late morning, I decided to run some errands downtown. And on my way back home, the bus made a stop to pickup an elderly woman that was ... Views: 966
Thanks to Sarbanes-Oxley and recent fraud trials like the one currently going on (Enron), we are entering INFJ heaven! There are no hotter topics in business today than "ethics" and "transparency". There are no issues nearer and dearer to the heart of any INFJ than "ethics" and "transparency". ... Views: 3583
There isn’t a better time
Have you defined and written down exactly what you want in your vocational life?
Have you talked about it with others? Now is a perfect time to follow your heart and become a magnet for your dreams.
Give yourself permission to live the life you choose
This is harder ... Views: 857
So many adults with ADD are plagued with clutter! Our desks are covered with papers. Our sinks are full of dishes. Our floors and counters are strewn with stuff.
Where Does Clutter Come From?
Clutter builds up easily for many ADDers. Sometimes, we get distracted and just place a paper or ... Views: 1304
Are you someone who wants to see change in your personal circumstance and in the world surrounding you?
A short time ago I decided that I didn't much like "reality" and ever since that day, my endeavour has been to change anything about my "reality" that I don't like.
It is my understanding ... Views: 860
You are not alone
After 20 or more years of working we seldom acknowledge that our work life is no longer meeting our needs for meaning and fulfillment. After all, who has the time for this self-reflection? Between worrying about growing older, staying in shape, keeping the relationship alive, ... Views: 848
One of the best things about being diagnosed with ADD is that you finally have an explanation for many of the challenges you experience in life.
So this is why it's hard for me to get started and follow through! This is why it's hard for me to pay attention in meetings! This is why it's ... Views: 1047
The retirement years can be the best time of your life. It is a time when you have more flexibility; you’re older, wiser and have a better idea about what you want to do with your life and what is important to you. However, there is a great deal of security with having a predictable job. ... Views: 1139
How do you discover and live your passion?
This is the seventh article in a ten-part series based on Craig Nathanson's trademark "Ten P" model for vocational happiness.
By Craig Nathanson
The Vocational Coach™
This is a question we all want to answer…
…especially in mid-life where ... Views: 2754
Coaching the vocation of mid-life
by Milt Bullard - Correspondent
Posted on October 21, 2005 http://www.brentwoodpress.com/html/bwdhome.htm
Since moving here last July, one thing Craig Nathanson has noticed is “the 10,000 people commuting out of Brentwood down Vasco Road to miserable jobs.” It ... Views: 999
Accomplishing One's Mission in Life
What does Indian philosophy have to say about "self growth"?
First of all, we all have four aims of life:
• “dharma”, being honest, upright and doing one's duty to society, to friends and family. In this way we have a sense of well-being and it leads, in ... Views: 1244
Finding Your Place in the World
Mid-life is a great time to lean on your dreams
This is the fifth article in a ten-part series, based on Craig Nathanson's trademark "Ten P" model for vocational happiness.
By Craig Nathanson
The Vocational Coach™
Dream, dream, dream
I used to daydream a lot ... Views: 4109
Twenty-One Steps to Discover and Do What You Love with Your Life's Work!
In mid-life, many of us are unfulfilled in our lives and careers and have a deep longing for change. We often feel that we have waited too long to pursue our dreams, and believe we have no choice but to settle for our lot ... Views: 772
Take a moment to think about what happens when you get on an airplane. Before the plane takes off, the flight attendants outline safety procedures and inform you that, should the oxygen masks drop down, you must put yours on before you help anyone else. This is an excellent metaphor for ... Views: 1060
What does it mean for a woman to have Attention Deficit with or without hyperactivity (AD/HD)?
Much public talk around Attention Deficit with or without Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) centers on the hyperactivity part, but the hyperactivity is, in fact, the lesser of the two problems. Early ... Views: 1497
Malcolm Gladwell, author of Tipping Point, has gone to the Best Seller list once more with his new book Blink. I don’t want to take anything away from Malcolm because he is a proven best selling author, but how does it happen that a book about decision-making rises to the status of best seller ... Views: 1298
Go On ! Give your Enemy a hug!
Give your enemy a hug!
Another preposterous idea from yours truly, even the thought makes some people shudder.
My husband had been having difficulty with an old mate, whenever he met him there were sneers and snide comments. A feeling of animosity generally ... Views: 2785
Retirement is a lifestyle people dream about. It is also a time of adjustment.
When we retire is influenced by many factors, and is not only by our own choice.
Sometimes, the time at which one member of a couple retires is different than the other. This can be a source of joy or jealousy, new ... Views: 3806
“A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don't necessarily want to go, but ought to be.” - Rosalynn Carter
The future is here and now! It is not an elusive someday or one-day event and it is impacting your life even as you read these words.
Your ... Views: 3384
The big question: What’s really important?
The message I deliver most to mid-life professionals is that a key ingredient of happiness is finding vocational passion. It’s finding the perfect alignment of interests and abilities that make going to work seem like it isn’t work at all.
People who ... Views: 1057
The new year is the cultural icon for self-reflection. At what we've accomplished, and what still needs to be addressed; to reflect on what's working and what isn't. You may say, I need to address my drinking, or my weight, being better to my children, or whatever it is. But bottom line, we ... Views: 1277
Shelley is worried about her financial situation. She has a home business that seems promising but is still barely producing and her credit card bills are starting to pile up. She picks up the newspaper to look at the want ads, thinks about doing some marketing for her home business, wonders ... Views: 1142
Doing the same thing
every day of every month of every year, EXPECTING A DIFFERENT RESULT.
When I received the statement above (a Chinese proverb) from my friend Mario
(Huge Computers) it made quite an impact on me. So much so ... Views: 2846
The Broken Window Concept says that the most tiny but visible part of your personality can be most effective improvement tool if you show that you care .In other words the God is in the details .
This concept has come up from the neighborhoods of Chicago . In a house , a small broken window ... Views: 1216
The Broken Window Concept says that the most tiny but visible part of your personality can be most effective improvement tool if you show that you care .In other words the God is in the details .
This concept has come up from the neighborhoods of Chicago . In a house , a small broken window ... Views: 2279
The Broken Window Concept says that the most tiny but visible part of your personality can be most effective improvement tool if you show that you care .In other words the God is in the details .
This concept has come up from the neighborhoods of Chicago . In a house , a small broken window ... Views: 1088
Crises and traumas change our lives. We talk about Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, but did you know they can also change us for the better? There is also a Post traumatic Stress Growth Syndrome. Many people come out of crises stronger and more resilient, and have learned many new life ... Views: 1138
I’m sure you’re hearing the term Emotional Intelligence. It’s being talked about a lot these days. For most people there’s an immediate “click”. We recognize it as the missing piece!
It’s like that cartoon of the girl saying, “Oh, I knew I forgot something. My career!” Well, in this case, ... Views: 4471
It used to be a college education was enough, and then you would learn a few job skills and be on your way. People often stayed in the same job, much less career, for their entire working life.
In today’s fast-paced workplace, the college education is just the beginning, and you must ... Views: 1130
EQ - is a measure of your emotional intelligence, or your ability to use both your emotions and cognitive skills in your life. Emotional intelligence competencies include but are not limited to empathy, intuition, creativity, flexibility, resilience, coping, stress management, ... Views: 20959
If you hear or are told outright by your employer that some jobs have to go and yours “might” be one of them, what can you do about it? It’s a worrying prospect for many who rely on their regular income to cover mortgages, car loans, school fees, food bills, and all the other expenses of ... Views: 1726
If you’re stuck with something you’d like help with and no one else comes to mind, you might try a coach, and here’s why: Coaching developed to fill a need that wasn’t being met. Actually it developed to meet a number of needs that weren’t being met, and it’s still evolving.
If there’s ... Views: 1158
The authentic person does not try to be the executor, the mover or the causing factor of his life. He is rather a listener and a responder to his life, thus, allowing that which is bound to be - to be. He does not wish to be the playwright of his life, but rather the pen and the paper. His wish ... Views: 1041
VACATION 101. It’s about having fun, peace of mind, not working and not worrying. Do these things and increase those chances! And remember that the watchword today is not that it changes, but how fast it changes.
PACK THOSE “SMALL” THINGS. They get really "large" on a trip. The nail ... Views: 1459
We are too often in our heads or running around like crazy. We are missing out on the connection that is most important to our sustained energy and our physical well-being. To be grounded you must feel your feet resting on the earth and receiving energy from the earth. A grounded person is “in ... Views: 20472
There is really only one goal in life, that is, to be you, and to be you as well as you possibly can. Over the twenty odd years that I’ve been working with people on how to improve their lives I still find it exciting to see the way in which everything seems to start ... Views: 1032
Saul's mastered enjoying life and smelling the roses, but his job is in jeopardy because he doesn’t get enough done, and so is his marriage, for the same reason.
What can Saul do to improve his efficiency? Well here at EQ Central, we teach Emotional Intelligence, not just a list of to-dos, ... Views: 1189
Emotional Intelligence is the study of “the wider range of qualities which enable people to excel – self-awareness, impulse control, persistence, empathy, etc.” (Daniel Goleman). Emotional Intelligence (EQ) refers to your ability to understand and manage your own feelings and those of others, ... Views: 982
Do you believe in the power of your convictions?
It's time to lighten up.
People love attaching themselves to ideas. We can get pretty feisty when one of our beloved beliefs is challenged. We're too busy defending to spend our time analyzing.
Truth has a tendency to get in the way of ... Views: 1221
Don't you love politics?
Me, neither. But I do like thinking about politics. And wouldn't you know it? Just when you think you've come up with a dazzling opinion, you find
out someone else had that same idea hundreds of years ago. So much for being original.
Still, it's delightful to ... Views: 2265
I've been looking forward to writing this article because Sir Isaac Newton personifies some of the outstanding introvert characteristics that you can learn to prize in yourself, your introverted child or your introverted lover.
If you're an employer, you can also learn to identify two of these ... Views: 6976
“Having decided to achieve a certain task, achieve it at all costs of tedium and distaste. The gain in self-confidence of having accomplished a tiresome labor is immense.” ~ Thomas Bennett
You can’t talk yourself into self-esteem, and neither can your coach, your best friend, your boss or ... Views: 1199
“In the time you spent complaining about this, Susan, you
could’ve had it done.”
Did anyone else’s mother used to say that?
She also might’ve added that if I’d just gone ahead and done
it, I would:
1. Feel good about myself, with a sense of accomplishment
2. Free the energy of feeling like ... Views: 1167
Jen is a manager for a department store
“If you don’t learn how to get along with the Accounting Department,” Bob the Boss yelled, “I’m going to fire you. I’m tired of them coming to me…”
Jen got up and closed her office door. Mercy was getting raked over the coals for the ... Views: 1567
Massage can be effective to not only maintain health, but to even regain some functions that seem lost forever. One of the best prevention to most issues that Mature adults face is incorporating massage into their weekly regime.
Geriatric Massage can increase blood circulation, combat ... Views: 3515
“Oh,” said Bob, after listening to me explain what I do, “So coaching’s like therapy for healthy people?”
No, because for one thing there are healthy people in therapy, and for another, coaches aren’t doing therapy. In fact this strikes many of us coaches as funny, because we intentionally ... Views: 1223