We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Adult and Senior Development". If you have expertise in Adult and Senior Development and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Always try to get advice, and then confirm that advice else were, before making any decisions. Ask people, surf the INTERNET, go to libraries. Observe. It is difficult to always know the right thing to do. I think most people make a decision, and then commit to it. A friend of mine did a course ... Views: 1098
The world looks like it is falling apart, but you can have peace within yourself regardless. For centuries and at various times in the past the world has been falling apart. The only fear and suffering about the dissolving of the world, however, is experienced in the ego. If we think that we ... Views: 1476
#1: Thinking it’s just like college.
If you approach graduate school with a college mindset, you risk rejection. Graduate school is different. While it depends on which field you want to enter, the emphasis will shift from merely learning existing knowledge to creating new knowledge by ... Views: 2177
"Maturing is for the courageous and lighthearted. To age with wholesomeness and health, we need to be scrupulous about laughing, loving, exercising, healthy eating, and being mentally stimulated." --Suzanne Kyra
In the big picture, our time on Earth is brief. Avoiding this awareness is avoiding ... Views: 1508
"Healthy adulthood is a time of doing, acquiring, changing, creating, leading, influencing, and wielding power. Adulthood is a time of great strength and responsibility. It is the summer of one’s life." --Suzanne Kyra
Adulthood is a time of strength, confidence, and potential power. Healthy ... Views: 1135
The warm-up, simple as it sounds, is one of the most misunderstood aspects of exercise, and it helps keep our bodies youthful. To me, it’s the most important part, for two reasons—it gets the lubrication going in the joints and muscles and it minimizes the possibility of injury during the ... Views: 2246
After 40, this is the most important pursuit in your life.
After 40, we start having less tolerance for an empty life. The routine starts to drag on us and we start thinking of what we should do with our life. This is a good thing. The most questioning starts with our work where we spend the ... Views: 1150
Try to assess people fairly and look inside yourself to find out where your expectations and disappointments really come from.
All of us get disappointed sometimes, but if it happens very often or if it hurts too much it might become a problem. What we don’t realize is that our expectations ... Views: 2194
A mother's letter to her adult daughter...by Glenda Gibbs
Briefing - I had made an earlier request for help, to which my daughter didn't want to have anything to do with it. After sharing a few thoughts, I scripted the following and sent it. Note: With my daughter's permission and her name ... Views: 50509
Our local Giant supermarket has introduced hand scanners so that you can just walk up and down the aisles, collecting your groceries, while scanning them and bagging them right in your cart. Checkout involves downloading the inventory from the hand scanner into a self-serve checkout station. ... Views: 1453
One of the most difficult virtues to attain is wisdom. Nobody becomes wise through an accident of birth or by osmosis. As has often been said, wisdom derives from good judgment, which, in turn, derives from bad judgment — and an awful lot of it. Jesus told his disciples, "By their fruits you ... Views: 1624
To avoid being seen as too weird or different, and to fit in better with others, gifted children often learn to cover up their unusual abilities. As adults, many still follow a pattern of hiding.
When she began directing in the forties, Ida Lupino sometimes claimed not to know the best way to ... Views: 4175
Even for those with high potential, making positive contributions to the world is not automatic or assured. Malcolm Gladwell and others describe some of the key aspects that affect how gifted and talented people realize their abilities
Dr. Linda Silverman, director of the Gifted Child ... Views: 3176
Several years ago, my friend, Dr. Jed Diamond explained how masculine acculturation was creating a huge obstacle for men in the workforce: both young and old. As the world moves from an industrial model to a "post-industrial" (or knowledge-based) economy, the skill sets most in demand evolve ... Views: 1341
You may or may not recognize the 'drop,' depending on your age and what are of the country or the world you may be inhabiting. The 'drop' is that cataclysmic moment when the executioner pulls the lever, the trap door flops down, and the condemned plummets earthward . . . to an extent. Many ... Views: 1441
I keep asking the same sorts of questions whenever I write: "How's 2009 working out for you?" If you're a 'boomer, you're in or beyond midlife, and what's going on in the world markets today are doubtless having a really negative impact on you, your family, and — evidently — your plans. Chances ... Views: 1386
What an absolutely amazing time to be a 'Boomer! If you're a person who likes a challenge, you'll absolutely love 2009! There's nothing quite like the fear of financial insecurity to stress every system in your life (your career, your relationships and your health) to within an inch of its ... Views: 1601
The one thing that often leads to disagreements is when other people don't see things our way. It is a clash of perceptions and beliefs which often leads to making negative judgements about the person who disagrees with your point of view.
In this article I will be talking about changing ... Views: 4278
Protect your investments!!
This is the headline from this month’s Money magazine. In fact the whole magazine is focused on how to keep your retirement intact for future years. For me this is like saying, prepare for your death!!! The opposite action is mandatory now, especially for those in ... Views: 930
R-E-S-P-E-C-T: What my means to me. Aretha got it right in 1967, and she still speaks the truth today.
Whether we've been entrepreneurs for years or are just starting out, we own our businesses for many reasons. And some of those reasons are more important when we cross the over-55 threshold. ... Views: 888
The Colliers Dictionary defines technology as the application of scientific knowledge and advances to practical purposes. The application of this definition to the educational system, means that technology can and will only seek to improve the educational system. There are numerous reason why ... Views: 5985
A challenging time
This is a year of financial turmoil in which millions of people around the world have seen their retirement nest eggs shrink, and their houses decrease in value. For many, a generalized anxiety about their future keeps them up at night.
While I can appreciate this current ... Views: 910
For decades, politicians have tried to break the cycle of violence by hiring more police and implementing new laws. Those strategies and other penalties, however, have limitations because they do little to prevent the next generation from following the same destructive path.
City officials seem ... Views: 5459
You have competency. That's not enough. You have experience. So do a lot of other people. You have long-term loyalty. That's not relevant. You have a family, a mortgage, car payments, expenses, tuition. It's not even a consideration. You're over fifty; it's too late to start over for crying out ... Views: 1460
Yesterday evening, I was working away at my desk, prepping for my Thursday evening internet radio program, when up pops an e-mail announcing that I had been befriended by someone over at BlogCatalog.com. Curious (I have few friends over there, since I'm a recent member), I stopped by to view ... Views: 1918
You see all those fancy letters after my name? The 'MA' (at least one of them) is the result of my fascination with Western (Greek) philosophy. These ancient brilliant minds, after all, laid the foundation for our entire cultural perspective. What to us 'sophisticated' contemporary thinkers ... Views: 1062
Last Friday, I had an unsettling experience. I've been spending the past few months scouring the web, looking for places where men leave — and find — wisdom-droppings. You know what I mean by 'wisdom-droppings' don't you? They're those little sayings or stories or insights that you ... Views: 1213
I've been away . . . yes I have. But all that's behind me now, and this month is shaping up to be a transitional one. I'm needing to take my business from a disappointing conclusion with the end of 2008 into something even more dynamic and transformational as we move more deeply into 2009. ... Views: 1578
Here's a double spoiler for you, first for the 1983 movie, War Games, then for this article: as the computer, Joshua, comments at the end of this picture: "A strange game. The only winning move is not to play." It works as well for global thermonuclear war as it does for the age-old conflict ... Views: 1056
Popular beliefs about aging confuse the effects of genes with those of stress and injury. As a result, people associate pains and stiffness directly with aging, and so believe them to be inevitable.
“The thousand natural shocks flesh is heir to” leave their mark in memory. Memory ... Views: 1514
Here's to a new beginning. You're off to a fresh start. You have new hope, new prospects, new horizons, a new vision. Your life is half over, you're dissatisfied with what you've accomplished, and here's your chance to get moving. No time like the present, you say. You look at what your boss ... Views: 1168
The year has changed . . . how about you? What changes are facing you in 2009? If you're a man in midlife, change has probably caught you like the incoming tide and is carrying you along with its often-understated power. Now, the question remains: what are you going to do about it?
Your ... Views: 1099
Wow! It's been a long time (almost a week) since I've been able to write about all things midlife! Sometimes, events conspire to take your attention off the duties of the day-to-day world and force you to focus on what's more pressing and immediate. That's one of the great stressors of life: ... Views: 1277
What is greatness? This is a question we all need to spend time considering because it will be different for us all especially if discovering greatness is a journey you are thinking about taking. Let me share with you what greatness is for me.
When I think about my own greatness I think about ... Views: 6727
Once more, the Grim Reaper is coming up the pathway to visit the old year, 2008. The economic forces that were put in motion over the last ten years have finally tipped the scales, particularly over the last six months. Huge corporations are dropping like flies or are begging to be propped up by ... Views: 1024
Well . . . to be honest with you, the end is near whether or not you choose to repent: the end of the year 2008, that is. We humans have a particular affinity for the ending of things: like graduations and funerals (not that there's any other similarity between the two). Yet, we mark transitions ... Views: 1135
...and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
There's not a person in our Western culture alive today who wasn't brought up hearing or reading Clement Clark Moore's poem from 1823, "A Visit from Saint Nicholas." Regardless of your religious beliefs and ... Views: 1356
Recently, I had a question from a man who was in serious pain because . . . his wife was going through a midlife crisis. In some ways, there's nothing odd or strange about that: women and men both experience the physical and emotional changes that signal the transition from adulthood to ... Views: 928
I think that one of the biggest differences between the way women approach the midlife transition and the way men do derives from the very strong tendency that men have toward avoidance of significant midlife issues. It's also one of the biggest dangers that men face going into midlife, because ... Views: 1061
When people think of the midlife transition, most often their minds go straight to the infamous midlife crisis and the radical changes that go along with it. People change their looks, they change their jobs and — way more than is necessary — they change partners. In fact, I ... Views: 1060
Are you noticing that the signs of menopause are starting to show up? Can you feel the changes happening in your body? Is it one of the topics of conversation when you and your closest friends get together? Have you already started discussing it with your doctor? How are you feeling about these ... Views: 1748
The downward spiral that does the most damage to men (and women) at midlife shows itself as a tailspin deeper and deeper into aggravation. It begins with the everyday frustrations of life. These seeds of midlife crisis begin to germinate under the combination of physical (hormonal) changes that ... Views: 1021
I would be most surprised if the vast majority of us can’t recall our early childhood memories of when our parents bought us different games. Even though we weren’t aware of it at the time, many of the games they bought us had been designed to develop our young memories. In fact, one ... Views: 3002
Even with the harsh economic news - jobless rates up and the stock market down - we can still find a lot to be grateful about, especially during the holidays. Families and friends traditionally draw together for support in times of crisis and this year is no different. The gift of appreciation - ... Views: 1041
It’s easy to put off things that you want to do. There is no limit to the excuses — too tired, no time, what will others think?, no money - the list goes on and on. When it comes to doing the work you really like to do, the list becomes longer. “I’ll wait till I retire. I ... Views: 963
As I was considering a title for this article, I wanted to find a verb that would express what's on the 'other side' of the midlife transition. I guess that I'm in quite a good mental state right now, because before I knew it, I had found the perfect word: ravished. It's a word that touches a ... Views: 1100
Homemade Struffoli makes a great Christmas Gift. Here's a photo of mine: http://tinyurl.com/susandunn.
We are entering that sacred time of year. In every culture around the globe there is a celebration this time of year with different names, but the purpose is to bring people together for ... Views: 2605
In October of this year, the American Psychological Association issued a report on stress by gender. Here is some of what they said:
In June 2008, more people reported physical and emotional symptoms due to stress than they did in 2007, and nearly half (47 percent) of adults reported that their ... Views: 1254
When I was growing up, way back in the old days of black-and-white television (in the very early 1960's), the US Army produced a weekly half-hour program that they called The Big Picture, and it opened with a graphic depicting the globe. John Glenn had not yet taken his first manned orbital ride ... Views: 968
I wanted to write an article that somehow relates the midlife transition with the Thanksgiving Holiday (as I'm writing this, it's the day before US Thanksgiving). The answer that came to me was surprisingly simple: all that would be necessary would be for me to point out that you can't be angry ... Views: 1197