We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Adult and Senior Development". If you have expertise in Adult and Senior Development and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
As you sit there reading the words that are on your screen, you have thoughts and feelings in response to what it is that you are reading. And as you continue reading this you might be surprised to find that your curiousity begins to grow as you continue reading this again and again. You’ve came ... Views: 802
As you sit there reading the words that are on your screen, you have thoughts and feelings in response to what it is that you are reading. And as you continue reading this you might be surprised to find that your curiousity begins to grow as you continue reading this again and again. You’ve came ... Views: 640
As you sit there reading the words that are on your screen, you have thoughts and feelings in response to what it is that you are reading. And as you continue reading this you might be surprised to find that your curiousity begins to grow as you continue reading this again and again. You’ve came ... Views: 934
With the introduction of the phrase "stress reduction" in the 1970s, and with the subsequent incorporation of that expression into our language by the 1980s, it has become all too apparent that reducing external stress factors in our lives is a good idea when creating strategies for better ... Views: 1443
When I moved to Sedona over four years ago, I unpacked a great deal of optimism and ignorance along with my personal belongings. Having just abandoned a high paying and prestigious corporate job in Chicago, for this “clean slate,” and no plan other than to give Sedona a whirl, the only certainty ... Views: 1740
How do you change a thought, how do you live into a new thought, how do you embody a new thought? The starting point is waking up to the current thoughts; then consciously making choices about the thoughts we have and creating a new thought pattern, a new habit of thinking. Here's one story:
I ... Views: 1697
Most of us spend the first half of our lives getting busier and busier. There is so much to do! Get and education, establish a career, create a home, manage a family – by the time most women reach mid-life, we have not a moment to ourselves. We are busy meeting others’ expectations.
Keeping ... Views: 997
When asked how it was that she has lived so long, one 91-year-old
woman replied, "I think God is testing the patience of my relatives."
When is "too old"? At what age do we give up? At 100, Grandma Moses
was still painting, and Titian painted "Battle of Lepants" when he was
At 93, George ... Views: 1028
The last of the love languages, like it says, brings two people very close together. But it doesn't have to be sensual or sexual. That's something about touch that North Americans seem paranoid about. A hug or kiss on the cheek, in many cultures, leads to diplomatic and business success. But not ... Views: 886
Acts of service are simply things you do for your partner. You're not doing it to suck up to them, you're doing it because you want to. Simple things like taking the lead on a file and writing an agenda for a meeting before your partner has to. Making the deposit. Cleaning the executive ... Views: 752
Anthropologists, it's claimed, are enamored by cultural patterns that tend to pervade societies. Did you know that the receiving and giving of gifts has been a cultural pattern associated with long-term intimate relationships in every society? Love has been accompanied by giving for a long, long ... Views: 812
Quality time is sensual time. It can't be achieved in front of the TV, watching something together. Shut off the idiot box and talk with one another. Go out to a restaurant and watch the other people, guessing which ones are married and which are single. It's can be fun to get a conversation ... Views: 753
Last week, we promised to identify your love language, and that of your partner. Gary Chapman, the author of The Five Love Languages - How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate identifies five basic love languages - words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, and ... Views: 1045
"What happens to the love after you get married?" is the most common question asked by divorcees, according to Dr. Gary Chapman, marriage counselor and author of The Five Love Languages. Yet, with all the books, magazines and practical help available, he asks, "why is it so few couples seem to ... Views: 853
So, the typical worker will go through 10 jobs, and often a couple of careers, in the course of a lifetime? Re-inventing yourself is tough, when you're a middle-age worker. That's probably why a whole new industry has cropped up, in order to serve (or save) that segment of our society. ... Views: 1306
There is a shortage of GOOD copywriters. Copywriting is as far from academic writing as you can get, and YOU don't have to be a writer at all to learn to be a top-notch copywriter. What YOU need are the fundamental secrets, a few tricks of the trade, and the right contacts.
Here's the first ... Views: 1527
How many times have you sat there and thought of a great idea that you became really excited about, only to let it drift away because you did not know how to turn it into a reality? Why does this happen?
Your self-talk may be getting in the way. You know, that little voice that runs through ... Views: 881
If you work for yourself : the odds you will still be in business in the year 2005 are only 1 in 5. In today¡¯s workplace swirling with change, one million people will start a new business this year. The UGLY truth is, 800,000 will be ¡°out of business¡± in the year 2005.
If you work for ... Views: 897
REMEMBER THE TIME you could not think of anything to say to the person sitting across from in that little caf? or across the conference table. You stammered when they looked your way. They smiled at you, but still, there was no way to reach out ¡¦ and you lost yet another chance to make a good ... Views: 917
Definition of Victim:
Let's take a look at the role of ‘victim’ in adult marriage/partnership relationships and will explain how to change the role from ‘victim’ to ‘survivor’.
Here are some examples of the behavior and thinking of a ‘victim’.
1. A ‘victim’ is someone who believes they have no ... Views: 10935
"To know how to grow old,” wrote Henry Frederic Amiel , “is the master work of wisdom, one of the most difficult chapters in the great art of living."
One of the most important things you can do to assist in this process, is to work on your emotional intelligence. It includes competencies such ... Views: 1958
Are you between 58-60 and basically just sitting around waiting to die?
Do you feel like your "real life" is over?
Are you between 58 and 60 years old? You're not putting yourself out to pasture, living vicariously through your adult children and basically just waiting to die are ... Views: 4561
Life can be like an obstacle course. All sorts of challenges set up before us and hurdles to overcome. With drinks breaks in-between stages and refreshment stands. On this course we can go it alone or work in a team, having to self-motivate and motivate others along-side us.
Sometimes we need a ... Views: 772
I met a woman in Rhode Island at a seminar who loved to dance. She loved it so much that even when she talked about dancing, her fact lit up with an infectious smile. She had an energy that made your senses perk up and there was a lilt to her voice that suggested a brewing giggle about to emerge ... Views: 1123
Franklin Roosevelt once said, in a speech on the radio, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."
He was dead right. And for the next few minutes we're
going to look at why he was right, what FEAR really is,
and how it can be turned into something strong and
productive for you with ... Views: 1116
This quick course in creativity is designed to give you a platform to stand on as we look at the various ways you can handle home, social and workplace situations, job-search details and career-path decisions.
Let's examine what creativity might look like. Here are
some of the ways in which ... Views: 723
Self-change is a personal phenomenon. In order to accomplish it, you'll need to have firm notions about
HOW YOU CAN CREATE YOUR OWN SECURITY rather than relying on others to provide it for you.
There are four elements to this.
Instead of sitting inside your own ... Views: 699
Most of us fear change, because - as we've all experienced - most change seems to be imposed upon us, originating outside of ourselves.
The only thing that each of us can really change is OURSELVES.
A rule to remember: "The only thing you can change is YOU."
Therefore, unless you ... Views: 687
"The brighter the sun, the darker the shadow." -Attributed to C. G. Jung
First, I define my use of several words. Girls and women are females; boys and men are males. I consider that everyone, male or female, has both masculine and feminine energies. Even genderless entities tend to display ... Views: 1701
I treated myself to a coffee from the kiosk and sought a seat beside a willow with weeping branches already green-tipped. I drew a deep breath of the clear air and rejoiced with Pippa at the break to freedom we had both made.
Lost in my thoughts, I had not noticed that a young woman had seated ... Views: 1213
Step 1 ‘Who are you?’
I will attempt to explore all the avenues open to me in order to help you to uncover who you really are. I have often asked myself, ‘when did the change take place?’ I really can’t remember changing from a confident, articulate, independent person to a servile, frightened, ... Views: 1604
Have you ever visited a web site and been attacked by screaming pop-up ads, gotten lost in a clutter of banner ads, had things flash and go boom? And have you ever visited a site that was informative, easy to navigate and generally pleasant to peruse?
Which site gained your trust? Which site ... Views: 1009
Where can a business owner obtain tax information? When you don't know what questions to ask, it's very helpful to take some classes, and read a few articles prior to visiting with a CPA. Enjoy these resources:
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
The IRS has the best free classes around! Call your ... Views: 1125
Professional standards are strong guidelines for how you treat yourself within your business or career. They can include a code of ethics, guarantees, how many hours you work, etc.
Professional boundaries are about how you want your clients to treat you within your business. They can include ... Views: 3293
What do you see yourself doing a year from now? 3 years? 5 years? When you die, what would you like people to say about you? The answers to those questions, and a few more, can assist you as you prepare the "first edition", of your vision. Why the first edition you say? Well, if you are an ... Views: 834
If you're reading this, then you are spending quite a bit of time in a room or corner of your home you call "my home office". The "feel" of this area is so important to your creativity - not to mention your sanity! Below are some questions your office has been meaning to ask you! Use these ... Views: 856
Did you have a theme this past year? Will you have one for next year? Themes can make your life fun and focused. Have you ever given a birthday party and asked people to bring gifts with a "garden" or "fishing" theme? I know someone who asked people to bring something they made themselves! What ... Views: 964
Have you ever heard of "Dream Boards" or "Treasure Maps"?
A Dream Board is a visual picture of the dreams you have for your life. Some of my clients also use this concept to visualize their businesses too! It's their first business plan. One thing though...don't "get stuck" on your dream ... Views: 807
Forgiving someone does not mean "Okay, you can continue to treat me like a doormat." It doesn't mean that the person can continue to treat you in a disrespectful way. But what does it mean? How does forgiving others help you? This month's sites offer a number of valuable resources, processes, ... Views: 890
If you're reading this, then you are spending quite a bit of time in a room or corner of your home you call "my home office". The "feel" of this area is so important to your creativity - not to mention your sanity! Below are some questions your office has been meaning to ask you! Use these ... Views: 908
Summary: Want to be happier? Start to remove all the excuses you use... and gain more time and energy too!
I'm not sure what the history of "excuses" are, except to know that a majority of the time excuses = some sort of self-dishonesty.
They're part of what we thought we "should do" vs. ... Views: 803
1. Communication Style Profile
Are you looking to become a better communicator to even more people? This assessment tool will assist you to narrow down the specific communications areas you'd want to work on next.
2. Do You Have a Fear of ... Views: 1236
Our time is one of marvel and spiritual movement. Enjoy the Web sites of these authors, speakers, teachers, and role models. Their work assists us as we look inside, learn to work with our strengths, and turn our weaknesses into assets. It's time to "Make your day by becoming the person who ... Views: 889
For many giving another human being the support they require is not an easy thing. It means letting down our own judgment and wishes for that person - and REALLY supporting and encouraging them -- even if giving that support means that they move 3000 miles away. It's also about inner support and ... Views: 836
Some important things to consider about the habits we want to change:
~~habits are difficult to change and yet they can be changed
~~sometimes its best to take major steps and change a habit (i.e. either you're a smoker or not smoking)
~~many times making "adjustments" works best (i.e. you ... Views: 743
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About Changing Habits - by Maria Marsala, Life & Business Evolution Coach/Consultant/Speaker
Submitted on Jun 14, 2007 from
Some important things to consider about the habits we want to change:
o habits are difficult to change and yet they can be changed
o sometimes its best to take major steps and change a habit (i.e. either you're a smoker or not smoking)
o many times making "adjustments" works best (i.e. you ... Views: 821
For many giving another human being the support they require is not an easy thing. It means letting down our own judgment and wishes for that person - and REALLY supporting and encouraging them -- even if giving that support means that they move 3000 miles away. It's also about inner support and ... Views: 855
Are you getting closer towards bridging the gap between where you are living and where you really want to live? After you think about the glories of moving, do you then experience waves of terror running down your spine? You are not alone! According to "A Quick Stress Test" by International ... Views: 1071
Loss is an experience that affects us all at various times during our lives. Our society tends to deal with loss the same way it deals with death and dying - as a painful event to get over rather than as a natural process that can cause growth and transformation.
Every loss leaves us with an ... Views: 1526