I heard the news today oh boy
About a lucky man who made the change
(To paraphrase the Beatles)
So another friend left his body rather permanently. I heard the news from a mutual friend. Dan was in his mid-50s, with a grown son and a college-age daughter. He wasn’t sick, except he ... Views: 2085
How do you know if you’re psychic? Most people are, to some degree, even if they don’t refer to themselves that way. Most people have some sense of what’s coming, even if they don’t quite trust it. In fact, one of the main reasons people call me is to validate impressions ... Views: 1225
Last weekend, I had the privilege of hosting Mark Macy (www.spiritfaces.com) and his Luminator (more on that machine later), for a couple of parties, where he described his research into instrumental transcommunication (www.worlditc.org), i.e. using electronic equipment to talk with the 'dead'. ... Views: 1399
“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
In response to my article on “What stops you from ... Views: 1993
Have you ever been unfocused before an exam, when you really needed to concentrate instead?
Or have you ever been really nervous before giving a lecture, when instead you needed to be confident?
Or perhaps you’ve been down in the dumps when you needed to be ‘on’ and positive ... Views: 7830
Over the years, because I’m very open about my clairvoyance, many people have opened up to me about their highly developed intuition (also called psychic abilities) -- too many to count. Many of them, however, refused to acknowledge their own intuitions, to their great detriment. In ... Views: 1303
I’m a roadie for 2 days a year (which is about all I can stand) as a volunteer for the Sausalito Arts Festival. I work the stage crew, which in general is hauling equipment, food and ice for the performers, and being additional security for the gates to the backstage areas. (BTW, the ... Views: 1343
What to do to end a relationship successfully
Sometimes, things really do happen in threes. And my rule is that when something happens three times, I should have a serious look at whatever the issue is.
Yesterday, I had three people call me about their divorces. One is just beginning a ... Views: 3267
The American Heritage Dictionary defines Synchronicity as “Coincidence of events that seem to be meaningfully related, conceived in Jungian theory as an explanatory principle on the same order as causality.” Here’s an amazing example, that just happened to me:
A few weeks ago, ... Views: 1234
On Saturday, I had the distinct pleasure of helping a group of aspiring hypnotherapists develop their (already pretty advanced) intuitions. Before we started, several members of the group told me they’d been looking forward to this session, and afterwards, I perhaps understood why: they ... Views: 2321
We’ve all heard that saying, “Six Degrees of Separation”, meaning that everyone on earth is connected by a maximum of 6 person to person links. What most people don’t know, though, is where this notion came from, and that it’s not exactly true.
Item: My friend, ... Views: 1183
Sometimes, context is everything. It’s how you understand the meaning of a given word, right? When I was a kid, we played a game where the words “coffee pot” were substituted for two versions of a homonym, and you had to guess what the words were. So my mom would say, “I ... Views: 1070
We all want to be happy. Happiness feels good and it improves your health – lowers your blood pressure, lowers your heart rate, and strengthens your immune system, so you’re sick less. And not only do you enjoy your life more, you actually live longer!
And most of us want to be ... Views: 1170
Are you lucky? Really, do you feel like you’re a lucky person? Not lucky in the sense that you have a good, or even a great, life, but lucky in the sense that things just seem to fall into your lap?
Whether you are lucky or not, you probably think that luck is just random, ... Views: 5983
There are basically two kinds of motivation. The first is “away from”, as in “get me out of here!” The second is “towards”, as in “I want that!”
Each has its place, that is, each is useful in certain circumstances. “Towards” is what ... Views: 861