“Don’t cry, don’t show your opponent you’re hurt. Don’t let him know he’s got the best of you,” my Karate Sensei would say. “Be tough, be strong! If he sees the tears swelling in your eyes, he will know you’re hurt.”
These words are burned into my brain as a child and as a teacher now, they ... Views: 978
– applying Budo lessons to your martial arts Business
The most famous text on Budo strategy is Sun Tzu’s “Art of War” which was written in China 2,500 years ago. Today it is still considered the most complete text of strategy, partnering and success. It is therefore commonly employed by top ... Views: 2017
– applying Budo lessons to your martial arts Business
The most famous text on Budo strategy is Sun Tzu’s “Art of War” which was written in China 2,500 years ago. Today it is still considered the most complete text of strategy, partnering and success. It is therefore commonly employed by top ... Views: 2017
The “proof is always in the pudding” with regards to how something can really benefit your life. Success means many different things to different people. For example, success may be any one of the following: career advancement, tranquility in life, finances or family. The seminar series Applied ... Views: 1158
What is it like to test for a belt in Japan as a Westerner? Or to live with a Master? This article will try to provide brief insights by reflecting on my time Japan between 1995 and 2002. I will also reflect on short-term visits to Japan made by my Californian students to test for a Dan ranks. I ... Views: 1056
In the 1990s Stephen Covey’s name became famous through the publication of the “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”. As many know the “7 habits” are not a group of new concepts but age-old approaches to success represented in a way that can be clearly applied to modern day personal and ... Views: 839