We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Yoga". If you have expertise in Yoga and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
If you type “Yoga Online” into a search engine these days, you’ll come up with about a million sites. Yoga’s popularity is exploding worldwide and the Internet is helping to deliver this ancient practice to anyone with a computer and a connection to the web. But is it a good thing? Can the ... Views: 2494
Think of NANO Yoga as taking a bath or a shower for the inside of our body. However often you take a regular bath or shower is how often you do NANO Yoga. Daily would be great; however, that is not always possible. Skipping a day or two does not ruin it.
'Just as nanotechnology has the ... Views: 3911
The ancient art of yoga is widely practiced today for a number of benefits that it brings about. Yoga is known to be able to help one lose weight; provide emotional and mental balance through meditation and relaxation, and also for yoga healing. Nowadays there are a number of yoga centers all ... Views: 2407
Yoga has been so successful in terms of popularity in the United States. Many people turn to this alternative exercise routine because of her "when it comes to overall health benefits of lifestyle.
While yoga is becoming more and more popular, people are still using the Life Fitness ... Views: 2666
Dedicated runners are constantly trying to find better ways to take care of their bodies to prevent injuries. A yoga routine for runners may be exactly what you need to complement your training. Too many runners suffer from bad backs and knees, often forcing them to abandon running altogether. ... Views: 2048
In the last article in this series, I talked about some yoga asanas, or poses, that can help us restore our focus and motivation as we work — without even getting up from our desks. In this article, I’ll speak more generally about how yoga helps us develop what I call Awareness and Allowing — ... Views: 2123
The 6 Chakras are also called the 6-fold wealth. In spiritual science it is called Sham (mental control), Dama (sense organ control), Uparati (dispassion), Titiksha (forbearance), Shradha (faith), Samadhan (concentration). Sham means serenity. Meaning destruction of agitation, tension, ... Views: 3460
Prasara yoga is a new style of yoga that blends elements of traditional asana, or poses, along with elements of movement, or flow. Most modern forms of yoga concentrate on one of two aspects: asana, the actual poses, or inyasa, transitional breathing between poses. Prasara yoga integrates both ... Views: 2415
Of course, you already knew that yoga is good for your body—but did you know all the ways it can help you stay healthy? It is more than just a stretching activity, and more than a strength-building exercise. Yoga offers benefits for your entire body as well as your mind—things that we all need ... Views: 2443
There are so many books written on the art of Yoga. Some of these books focus more on the philosophy of Yoga, while others are a more practical approach towards practicing Yoga. If you ever wanted a practical handbook to begin the practice of Yoga, then you must consider ‘Yoga for Anyone’. ... Views: 2118
By itself Gayatri is a Super Mantra found in all 4 Vedas wherein educational inspiration is so much that the intellect is rendered sacred. This is that center where the shoots of downfall and uplifting manifest. We must realize that of the intellect becomes deluded, goes in the direction of ... Views: 2127
I did a Google Search for “ashtanga yoga pose” today, just to see what will come up. All ten first-page results gave me exactly what I didn’t want … It gave me websites about the wrong ashtanga yoga.
There’s more than one Ashtanga yoga?
No, not really … but in recent times the word ... Views: 3639
Yoga instruction isn’t limited to the classroom anymore, thanks to the internet. The World Wide Web has opened up a whole new realm of yoga possibilities. Unfortunately, it has opened up a whole new can of worms too!
Along with informative sites by knowledgeable teachers, there’s also a whole ... Views: 1969
Metabolism is a relatively new word in our every day vocabulary, mostly due to weight loss and metabolism-enhancing products advertising. It’s hardly possible to separate facts from myths, but there is one thing we can be sure of: it IS possible to improve one’s metabolism as well as general ... Views: 1905
One of the things that give me most joy as a yoga teacher is asking a group of students to simply stand, and connect with their breath. No matter what kind of a day they’ve had, a moment of magic happens when they feel the support of the ground under them, and their breath moving through them. ... Views: 1893
Post traumatic stress disorder can affect many people. Most refer to this as being something that only happens to people that have gone to war, but it is much more than that. PTSD can affect many people such as people who have lived through stressful situations like a fire that burned their ... Views: 1795
Options for learning yoga at home were pretty scarce way back when I first started yoga. There were a few videos and books available, but nothing that could really teach you step by step what yoga was all about. The internet was still a long way away …
I learned much of what I know about yoga ... Views: 1966
Yoga teachers often don't want to promote themselves or their businesses through advertising and marketing, as it seems somehow contrary to the spirit of the yoga tradition.
Before making up your mind, think about these considerations:
No class will fill without promotion of some kind. ... Views: 3504
Have Low Back Pain?
Yoga and massage are the perfect formula to relieve low back pain. Do some lunge stretches, to open the hip flexors (fronts of the hips). Long stride walking can really help too! Professional massages by an experienced therapist can really get you back to feeling pain ... Views: 2453
Once upon a time, thirty some years ago I began my meditation practice. It all started in my junior year of college at chilly Northern Michigan University. I was initiated into a popular meditation tradition. In the intervening years, I have struggled to keep this practice going and over time ... Views: 1376
As it turns out, yoga class isn’t just for flexibility and health. Many people that participate in specific yoga exercises report that they grow taller after just a few weeks. The positive effects that yoga has on posture, flexibility, and general health and well-being make it one of the most ... Views: 3782
Here’s part one: Drink green tea every day Catechins in green tea help fight cancer; they’re also effective for boosting your metabolism and helping fight weight gain Eat five ounces of nuts a week A 14-year study of more than 86,000 women in the Nurses Health Study showed that people who ... Views: 1826
This is the latest article in our yoga central series and today we will be looking at a pose known as intense side stretch pose or Parsvottanasana. We will look at how to properly carry out the pose, the benefits you can get from it and anything that you need to consider before beginning. Please ... Views: 1715
Yoga can help you lose weight is not only shaping, but also help you exercise, can effectively improve the headache, shoulder pain, lower back pain, physical pain and other pain problems oh. Xiao Bian today to see you recommend a few to help you fitness yoga Bar
Yoga breathing methods ... Views: 1654
Yoga relaxation method can also break technique known as yoga. It will bring enormous benefits the body will enable the brain, heart, autonomic nervous system and limb to be the depth of the rest, so that the body be "charged" and revitalized. Formal relaxation should be an active, alert, ... Views: 1783
Fast-paced lifestyle, as double-edged sword, although the substantial number of people, but by no means the body of steel, toil too much and are unable to withstand the physical and psychological destruction. Have consequently become a modern fashion and health, two topics of most concern, ... Views: 1416
This is the latest article in our yoga central series and today we will be looking at a pose known as bridge pose or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana. We will look at how to properly carry out the pose, the benefits you can get from it and anything that you need to consider before beginning. Please read ... Views: 1518
When people hear the word Tantra, they usually think of the esoteric postures depicted in the Kama Sutra. That's if they've heard of it at all. Personally, I have found many unexpected health benefits from practicing this ancient form of meditation and related breath practices.
When I began ... Views: 8583
This is the latest article in our yoga central series and today we will be looking at a pose known as plank pose. We will look at how to properly carry out the pose, the benefits you can get from it and anything that you need to consider before beginning. Please read the entire article before ... Views: 1381
Yoga means the union of the individual soul with the cosmic soul who is otherwise called God. When numbers are added up, their value increases manifold. Man is a descendent of apes. In the Adam Age he was like this only. In New Guinea even today there are some Adivasis (Aborigines) who have ... Views: 2036
If you participate in Yoga you likely have a local studio you attend, but that might not always be convenient. Whether it’s because of the weather or a busy schedule (or cost--Yoga instruction can be expensive), sometimes it would be so much better if you could do your Yoga workout at home. Some ... Views: 1628
Anyone that can sit in a chair can benefit from practicing chair yoga. Unfortunately there are many reasons people give for not doing chair yoga. Virtually all of these reasons are due to misunderstandings. This article should clarify the most common reasons why people are reluctant to consider ... Views: 1469
In yoga, we learn to tune into our breathing and let our bodies expand and contract around the breath. And the only way to stay healthy is to allow our breathing to be steady, consistent and natural. If we hold the breath in, or out, we cut ourselves off from life source energy. So the ... Views: 3241
Why would anyone practice yoga? You might decide to practice because you heard from a friend of yours that through her yoga practice, she learned that it reduced and eased her stress. She found it reduces the level of the stress hormone cortisol through her research and experience. She told ... Views: 2432
If you are desiring to begin learning about yoga and want to know what style might be best for you, you can find Yoga centers in your community through directory or online search for your locale. See if they offer a free class so you can get an idea if you like that style or not. Many schools ... Views: 1975
Did Your Whirlwind Life Turn into a Raging Tornado in 2009? Here’s What You Can Do for 2010.
In 2009 with the birth of my new children’s yoga book “What I See, I Can Be: A Guided Yoga Flow for Children” I felt like a new mother. Just like a new mother, my busy schedule left me feeling ... Views: 2578
There are yoga centers and studios from across America offering introductory classes about the style of yoga that they teach. Some of the styles are Bikram Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Vinyasa, Kripalu Yoga, Hatha Yoga and many more. Free classes are offered sometimes, gift certificates ... Views: 2624
Dr. Oz shared with the public this January, a show on the techniques for alternative healing which included Reiki and alternate nostril breathing, sanskrit Anuloma Viloma.
Alternate nostril breathing is for balancing the left and right sides of the brain. The left side of the brain is for ... Views: 3161
The key to meditating is to focus on the breath. The mind has to follow your command and nothing else when you focus on the inhale and exhale. It cannot focus on doing two things at once. Breathing in a seated comfortable position on the floor or chair, if you cannot manipulate sitting ... Views: 2062
These modern times we are actually facing, brings new technological trends, artifacts, software, new inventions and tools in order to achieve material success. However just like Oxford University stated in one of their last report, this modern era is also called "the age of the psychosomatic ... Views: 3118
There is always a time in our lives where we suffer from headaches. Headaches seem to be a common disease nowadays. According to Wrong Diagnosis, one of the world's leading online medical health information providers, they made a research about headaches around the world and just in United ... Views: 3581
Yoga has become a very famous word nowadays, it is amazing how people look for Yoga to make it part of their daily lives. No matter where are you from, if you want to use yoga for stress or not, where do you actually live, what your personal life conditions are, or your religion, creed or ... Views: 2339
Follow these simply stress reduction techniques to improve you work day. Plan Regular Breaks. Plan short breaks during the day. Take a moment to stretch out, take several deep breaths, get up and take a short walk. Finally make sure to take a moment in reflective thought, and to apply the ... Views: 1465
We want to know about relationships with our loved ones, with our friends, with our children and with our spouses. But to understand relationships we have to be extremely honest with ourselves. Most of us are unwilling to really look at this thing we call relationships with total honesty because ... Views: 1417
Recently, we have been discussing cultural beliefs and mental conditioning. Today let's try looking at this issue from a different perspective. The Environment. Some of you may relate better or be more comfortable addressing the issue in this way. Let's discuss how our environment effects our ... Views: 695
Last week we discussed the Multi-Day Challenge. An exercise designed to lead to better understanding and self awareness. Without the ability to think clearly, nor an intensity of feeling and emotion, how can you hope to awaken you inner powers, and abilities. How can there be poise, alertness, ... Views: 778
Most of us exist in a self imposed dream state. Never awakened to the possibilities of life. Yet possibilities abound all around us and we don't even see them. Let Yoga and Meditation guide you towards solutions to even your most challenging problems.
Do we choose not to see or are our eyes ... Views: 773
In these difficult times, it's getting harder and harder to cope with on the job challenges. The stress we take with us to the job, and the stress we get when we're at the workplace from employers, managers and workers are all on the rise. We all feel it! The question is, "What are you to do ... Views: 974
Let's discuss the inner workings of fear. Can the mind, psyche, conscious, ever be totally and completely void of fear? Can you ever be totally void of fear? How can Yoga and Meditation help in our quest to eliminate fear.
First we must begin by defining fear. Since it may have different ... Views: 1916
Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among women and almost 4,000 cases were fatal just last year. Conventional treatments for cervical cancer such as chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, hysterectomy, or the removal of lymph nodes and ovaries can often leave the woman infertile. ... Views: 1833