Follow these simply stress reduction techniques to improve you work day. Plan Regular Breaks. Plan short breaks during the day. Take a moment to stretch out, take several deep breaths, get up and take a short walk. Finally make sure to take a moment in reflective thought, and to apply the ... Views: 1465
We want to know about relationships with our loved ones, with our friends, with our children and with our spouses. But to understand relationships we have to be extremely honest with ourselves. Most of us are unwilling to really look at this thing we call relationships with total honesty because ... Views: 1417
Recently, we have been discussing cultural beliefs and mental conditioning. Today let's try looking at this issue from a different perspective. The Environment. Some of you may relate better or be more comfortable addressing the issue in this way. Let's discuss how our environment effects our ... Views: 695
Last week we discussed the Multi-Day Challenge. An exercise designed to lead to better understanding and self awareness. Without the ability to think clearly, nor an intensity of feeling and emotion, how can you hope to awaken you inner powers, and abilities. How can there be poise, alertness, ... Views: 778
Most of us exist in a self imposed dream state. Never awakened to the possibilities of life. Yet possibilities abound all around us and we don't even see them. Let Yoga and Meditation guide you towards solutions to even your most challenging problems.
Do we choose not to see or are our eyes ... Views: 773
In these difficult times, it's getting harder and harder to cope with on the job challenges. The stress we take with us to the job, and the stress we get when we're at the workplace from employers, managers and workers are all on the rise. We all feel it! The question is, "What are you to do ... Views: 974
Let's discuss the inner workings of fear. Can the mind, psyche, conscious, ever be totally and completely void of fear? Can you ever be totally void of fear? How can Yoga and Meditation help in our quest to eliminate fear.
First we must begin by defining fear. Since it may have different ... Views: 1916