There are literally hundreds if not thousands of alternative therapies that can help in a wide range of different ways. In this article we are going to look at music therapy and autism. We will firstly give brief information on what autism is and also what music therapy is. We will then consider ... Views: 1844
Fibromyalgia is a condition that often conventional medicine can do very little to help. For that reason many sufferers will look to alternative therapies in order to get help and one that could be of benefit is hydrotherapy. In this article we are going to consider what fibromyalgia is, what ... Views: 1441
This is the latest article in our yoga central series and today we will be looking at a pose known as intense side stretch pose or Parsvottanasana. We will look at how to properly carry out the pose, the benefits you can get from it and anything that you need to consider before beginning. Please ... Views: 1715
There are literally hundreds of martial arts available for you to practise and all of them can have significant health benefits for you. In this article we will consider possible martial arts you could consider and also just what health benefits you could get from regular practise of ... Views: 1591
It can be said that the lives we lead have become more and more stressful over the year so that now we spend more time in the flight or fight mode rather than in a state of relaxation. This is largely due to external stresses we experience such as work demands, family live, lack of sleep, ... Views: 1043
There is a new supplement Sun Chlorella A that a lot of people have started talking about but why? In this article we will answer that question and also let you know just what Sun Chlorella A is and why you might want to choose it over other supplements available.
What is Sun Chlorella ... Views: 1389
We are all aware of how important it is to eat properly and the effects that it can have on our health. However do we really know what the right things to eat are? Often the answer to this is no and there is so much advice that it is difficult to work out just what to do. In this article we will ... Views: 912
This is the latest article in our yoga central series and today we will be looking at a pose known as bridge pose or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana. We will look at how to properly carry out the pose, the benefits you can get from it and anything that you need to consider before beginning. Please read ... Views: 1518
Acupuncture is normally associated with a number of different illnesses as an effective treatment however there are other benefits. One little known benefit is its anti-aging benefits and when used in this way it is often called cosmetic acupuncture. In this article we will give a description of ... Views: 1418
This is the latest article in our yoga central series and today we will be looking at a pose known as plank pose. We will look at how to properly carry out the pose, the benefits you can get from it and anything that you need to consider before beginning. Please read the entire article before ... Views: 1381
You may hear various difference terms when looking at treatments for your conditions. Two of the most common forms of treatment are allopathic and holistic medicine. In this article we will consider what each of these types of medicines are, where you will hear them mentioned and also what the ... Views: 3992