We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Yoga". If you have expertise in Yoga and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Most of us take our breathing for granted. We inhale; we exhale; that's it. But what if we consider something we do so many times each day, perhaps we better take another look at our breath and make breathing more conscious. In fact, those of us doing yoga are of all ages, sizes, shapes and ... Views: 1346
Approaches to yoga differ as widely as do various styles of music, and encompass a wide spectrum of styles. This is important, because while most people have the impression all yoga is good for the joints, the way some yoga is taught can lead to harmful joint compression.
Thankfully, there is ... Views: 1139
BeSimply…Half Past Human with Clif High
It was a warm summer day in Roberts Creek. “She” had arranged to have a meeting with a mysterious being named “Phong”. He was sharing his vision for a platform dedicated to finding the connection between dreams, serendipity and world events. During ... Views: 1904
The importance of stretching to grow taller cannot be over-emphasized. Body stretching exercises are very important factors to consider when planning to add to your height; however, not many know that yoga stretching exercises are a great way to add considerably to your height, the bulk of the ... Views: 941
A Course in Miracles (ACIM) offers us a highly individualized curriculum where we use the body as a learning device under the direction of the Holy Spirit. Yoga is one of the classrooms the Holy Spirit offers me to use my body for spiritual purposes. ACIM provides a mind training, therefore all ... Views: 2779
Yoga Fitness Fixes Lethargy
Modern life was not made for the human frame. It has made it too easy for us to forget our physicality; it has disconnected us from the energy flowing through us; and it has imposed on us all kinds of stresses and strains. Machines whisk us from place to place, ... Views: 1094
Yoga classes are one of the most popular forms of exercise and fitness. The truth is that yoga has a very special place in today's stressful life. It is easy to lose oneself and caught to depression. Yoga is a form of holistic remedial that helps ones become stronger in mind and body from ... Views: 1233
Immune system plays an important role in the prevention of colds and nasal allergies. Yog Mudra and breathing exercises can improve breathing, reduce tension and stress, and support the immune system. If ling mudra is practised daily, for some time, along with a proper practise of Pranayama etc, ... Views: 786
Meditation is very difficult. To quiet the mind for even a few seconds is challenging let alone for 30 minutes. So why even do it? Meditation is not only a healthy practice but an access point to our higher self where we can access guidance from our spirit guides. Sounds like a worthwhile ... Views: 1126
Yoga originated in India and is very popular these days among men and women, children and kids. It is practiced during pregnancy (prenatal yoga), for weight loss, better health and physical effects.
Yoga is a system of activities (exercises and lifestyle changes) to improve one’s physical ... Views: 2325
Infection Control and Complementary Therapies
By Maureen Spencer, RN, M.Ed., CIC
Infection Preventionist
Executive Director, Finding Inner Peace Yoga School
Complementary therapies are very popular in mainstream America. Many healthcare workers use these therapies in ... Views: 2138
It’s normal to feel “disconnected” after an illness or injury. The meds, tests, treatments, not to mention the emotional and mental impact can leave you feeling scattered long after the physical healing.
Here yoga instructor and author of the soon to be released book, “Reinventing Yourself With ... Views: 990
The shoulder is a truly amazing example of the genius of the human body’s design. The way that the shoulder is built gives us the ability to reach in all directions, hold, carry and throw objects, hang onto and swing on objects like tree branches and trapezes, and move incredibly heavy ... Views: 1911
Doing the postures can help one gain physical flexibility and strength. There is a connection between our bodies, our minds, and our spirits. The more flexible and strong the body is the more flexible and strong your mind and spirit can be. Going through yoga postures helps massage and ... Views: 1005
Best Bicep Workouts for Mass Building
By Jason, CSCS
There's no denying it, a set of big arms looks impressive. And there isn't a guy around who doesn't want bulging biceps. When someone asks you to flex you immediately roll up your sleeves and give your best pose to show off your guns. ... Views: 2808
We run like crazy around every day; we get the kids to school, we commute, we put in a full day’s work. When we come home, we have bills to pay, a house to clean, dinner to make. And our kids are pretty busy too – they have school, extracurricular activities, tutoring. The various lives that ... Views: 1102
When you do yoga, your entire body is improved. All tensions & anxieties reside in the mind. Feelings of anxiety, disappointment, grief, envy, control, avarice, and many more create niches in our minds, which come up again to the surface subconsciously creating mood swings & tensions. Muscular ... Views: 1620
by Laura Jagla Skallerup B.S.NCTMB
I used to be a procrastinator when it came to my meditation practice. There were always too many other things demanding my attention and I would put off my daily reflection. Some days I would sit here, some days I would sit there, to be perfectly honest, I ... Views: 1136
Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome is a severe anxiety disorder brought on by an extremely traumatic life experience. It can range from cases mild to extremely severe, between 6 and 11 percent of Afghanistan war veterans suffer from PTSD, and about 12 to 20 percent of Iraq war veterans suffer from ... Views: 3366
As a Yoga teacher, I’ve met many people who say things like, “I’d like to try Yoga but I’m not very flexible.” Maybe they think Yoga is only for people who are very limber and can twist themselves into pretzel-like positions. Or they think you must be able to do the poses perfectly – whatever ... Views: 1308
Laughter Yoga or Hasya (“Hasya” in Sanskrit means laughter) is an alternate technique in healing which involves some exercises patterned to make human beings laugh for no apparent reason at all, blended with some simple and basic breathing methods in Yoga. Each day, new researches are being made ... Views: 1220
All of us have the tendency to think that the routine that we do like writing, eating, playing an instrument, etc.are the work of our hands alone. But the truth of the matter is that without the shoulder, the mobility of our hands is limited, the arms would just fall limply on our sides. Even ... Views: 1827
Exercise can be a helpful tool when recovering from an addiction, as it provides a way for you to keep busy and be healthy. According to Dr. Nora Volkow of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, exercise can help relieve stress and reduce depression, both factors that can help reduce the rate of ... Views: 1935
Anyone who is going through recovery for addiction to alcohol, drugs or any other addiction, faces a lot of challenges. There are many emotions that are felt during the process and it is a difficult time for the person in recovery and for the family. The person needs to face the problems that ... Views: 1726
Yoga was first experimented with in the US in the 1960’s and has steadily grown in popularity since. Approximately 30 million Americans practice Hatha yoga. Like many of the other alternative medicines, yoga promotes a whole-body approach to health and exercise. Unlike traditional medical ... Views: 1044
Does yoga aid individuals getting off drugs? Can it improve one’s way of living drastically or can it be merely a fad that therapy centers seem to be jumping on? With Lindsay Lohan in rehab many of us are asking the question, will she be capable of abstaining from drugs & alcohol? It's the ... Views: 1470
I recently met with a client who has long held a belief system about how others should behave in particular circumstances. As I listened to her confront her own assumptions, I was struck by the courage and humility it takes to really challenge a belief or a “should.”
So many of our ideas ... Views: 1416
A whole body, holistic approach is often the most effective, since it takes all areas of the body into account. This is one of the reasons why yoga has become so popular. It is inherently a holistic practice, not only addressing tightness in the body as a whole, but incorporating the healing ... Views: 1702
Most of us have routines. We do this, then we do that. I think routines are great containers for our lives. They provide a space in which to explore and live life fully. However, if the routine is not serving our highest interests, then perhaps its time to re-evaluate your routine and create ... Views: 1734
Among the many diseases that can affect the liver the most common is Hepatitis (a viral infection of the liver). Drugs, viruses, bacteria, mushrooms, and parasites like amoebas or giardiasis can cause hepatitis. The most common hepatitis viruses affecting the liver are named for ... Views: 2856
The Transition From Fitness to Yoga and Why I Stayed with Yoga
After 10 yrs of no yoga I started to practice again. Deciding yoga was the missing ingredient to the hard-core cardio and weight training I was into. Unfortunately 10yrs of workouts had tightened up my muscles and joints and all ... Views: 1168
Neck pain and headaches are often caused by excessive muscle tension in the neck and shoulders, which can lead to nerve impingements, disc misalignments and feelings of tension, discomfort and pain. These symptoms can be relieved, or at least partially relieved, with a regular stretching routine ... Views: 1376
Lots of people did the meditation, but unfortunately they have not reached their goal purposes. If they want to reach their calming purpose, they have to do the calming meditation. If they want to reach their love purpose, they have to do the love meditation.
There are 7 (seven) types ... Views: 3458
Listening to the news this morning, I found myself feeling both saddened and angry at some minister I don't even know. He intends to burn the Quran, despite General Petreus' concern that such action will put U.S. troops in danger, despite Secretary Clinton's admonitions, despite the fact that ... Views: 1298
The young are coming to yoga centers with the aim to lose flab. But the elderly are not far behind, they want their youth back as well. They feel fit and their ailments, many of which arise from lifestyle problems and neglect at home, are getting resolved. Yoga boosts their self-esteem they say. ... Views: 1074
Yoga and blackberries, may not be the obvious combination. But the time is now ripe (in the UK at least) to put the two together.
Timing is everything in the land of blackberry picking. It is utterly crucial to success. Last year the time came and went, and I was left bereft of a freezer of ... Views: 1131
Yoga offers tremendous health and wellness benefits for everyone. As a means of therapy, Yoga is becoming increasingly popular among athletes and sports enthusiasts. Here are 5 key reasons why Yoga can be beneficial for those involved in sports and athletic training programs.
1) Yoga ... Views: 5732
In these times of economic challenge, people often wonder about how to effectively invest their financial resources.
Yet, people often overlook the value of investing in their body, mind and spirit integration as a way of building prosperity.
When we nourish and integrate these three ... Views: 2598
Meditation, as known as a famous spiritual ritual to gain relaxation, actually has others lots of advantages. Here they are:
1. Love and compassion
Once we opened up more communication links between our surrounding environment, automatically the feeling of love and compassion emerging in. ... Views: 1092
Ever have one of those days? You are brimming with newly found motivation and re-aligned resolution. You haven’t even walked out of the door, yet, and the thought of what you are going to accomplish has you filled with button-bursting pride. You are puffed up with purpose. You are ready to ... Views: 4553
Now a day, prenatal yoga is becoming more popular and is essentially practiced by pregnant women for its health benefits. It is a way to ensure a healthy and smooth pregnancy. The term ‘yoga’ refers to a Sanskrit word “union” it means “to join.” The aim of prenatal yoga is to unite the body, ... Views: 1479
Many of us are now busier than ever with an ever expanding list of to-do’s that seems never to get any shorter. Commitments to work, school, family, partners, friends and extra-curricular activities can at times become overwhelming. When this happens, the joy we might have previously taken in ... Views: 2098
Yoga is definitely something everyone can do. Even children can learn poses with just a few sessions and benefit from its advantages at a very early age. If you want to start learning how to do yoga, here’s a short and simple beginner’s guide to choosing the right kind for you and everything ... Views: 3522
Yoga, the exercise or the type of meditation that has been around for generations or even centuries. Yoga has been in around before 1 AD. The ancient way of doing yoga has been modified over the years and is practiced on a large scale basis across the world.
Regular and continuous practice of ... Views: 3091
Are you interested in trying yoga? Anxious? Well don’t worry. Many people feel a little intimidated or apprehensive to start practicing yoga but there is really nothing to fear. Here are some tools and tips that will help you start your yoga for beginners practice immediately.
What Is ... Views: 2795
If you want to learn yoga, this is one of the best changes you can make for the rest of your life. You will find inner peace, calmness, and relaxation like never before, and will appreciate all the aspects of life. However, if you want to know and learn yoga, there is a lifestyle accompanied by ... Views: 2461
If you are suffering from any form of physical, mental or emotional dis-ease, there is one thing that you can do right now to set your feet firmly on the road toward healing. Breathe like a yogi. Read more to find out why and how.
When we are born, we are very efficient breathers. Ever ... Views: 3550
The last but extremely important sheath (5 covering layers of a living being) is the Bliss Sheath. When this sheath is uncovered, not only does the living being come very close to God but that it becomes God Him self. The soul is said to be a spark of God. Its ultimate form is Satya, Shiva, ... Views: 3853