Recently a phrase popped into my head, "Inexplicably predictably happy." That's one way I experience God--words come to me and I can tell they are not mine (some people call this "channeling").
I was actually grieving at the time I "heard" those words, but even though I was grieving, I ... Views: 2704
More than one spiritual path explains that this world is an illusion. Even science now agrees. But what do they mean? And if this world is an illusion, what good does it do us to know that?
A Course in Miracles (ACIM) teaches us, "It is because the thoughts you think you think appear as ... Views: 2700
During psychotherapy many clients have admitted to me that they "feel ugly". What inevitably comes to light, as the work continues, is that feelings of ugliness are really feelings of shame and unlovableness.
Our sense of who we are begins with how our mother looks into our eyes. What we see ... Views: 2288
When I started seeing a psychotherapist at the age of 37, I felt as if I had no happy memories. Without going into my family history, suffice it to say that my heart had been so scared, and occasionally angry, that there was no room for softer feelings.
I was like an emotional quadriplegic, ... Views: 2320
Saying the words, "I want to break up," whether with respect to a marital relationship or any other committed romantic relationship, is one of the hardest things a human being ever has to do.
Making the conscious choice to end one of the strongest bonds we have ever made frightens us to our ... Views: 1929
"Webster's Dictionary" defines forgiveness as "ceasing to feel resentment against someone who has offended us in some way." How do we cease to feel resentment towards someone we feel has harmed us -- especially if that person in no way acknowledges any wrong doing? And why would we want ... Views: 1634
From the time I was 14-years-old, I had an interest in psychology. My mother was an aetheist and psychology seemed to be her religion, so I embraced it as mine as well. After many years of therapy, having tried several different psychotherapists and their modalities, and benefitting from them ... Views: 2236
A Course in Miracles (ACIM) is a brilliant form of spiritual psychotherapy which brings peace, purpose, love and joy into our lives. It is three books under one cover: the Text, Workbook for Students, and Manual for Teachers.
The Course offers us a liberating new definition of forgiveness. ... Views: 2358
The concept of the Law of Attraction has become almost mainstream in American culture today. Instruction abounds. There's "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, the Seth material channeled by Jane Roberts, the Abraham teachings by Esther and Jerry Hicks, and, of course, the movie "The ... Views: 2624
Feelings are not facts. This is important to understand because when we are under the influence of a strong feeling, we have the sense this feeling will never end. If the feeling is anger, we are consumed with fiery heat. If the feeling is sadness, we are heavy, lethargic. If the feeling is ... Views: 1872
There are ways to communicate which help us avoid arguments and develop harmonious relationships. Most people who use the techniques offered below report improvements, not just in their love life, but in relationships with other family members, co-workers, friends, and complete strangers. In ... Views: 1828
Have you ever been talking to someone who is looking around the room while you speak? Or who interrupts you to say something on a completely different subject? Maybe you were confiding in a friend who seemed distracted and when you accused her of not listening, she said indignantly, "I was ... Views: 3300
For most of my life, I assumed there was something deep, dark and shameful about myself that would make people recoil in horror from me, if they really got to know me. This belief was unconscious, and it actually took a lot of work for me to admit this to myself. It was necessary, because I kept ... Views: 2098
The three practices below are easy ways to improve your confidence level. I use them myself and have shared them with great success with clients and students for years. They are effective, powerful tools for everyone, and will take you to the next level of personal transformation.
1. Pray. ... Views: 1604
Many years ago, at an Al-Anon meeting, someone asked, "Are we human beings on a spiritual journey? Or are we spiritual beings on a human journey?" From A Course in Miracles perspective I would say we are spiritual beings on a human journey. Underneath the limitations of our humanity, there is a ... Views: 1721
Making love starts in the mind. It is what we're thinking that turns us on or off. Making love can be using the body sexually to express love, tenderness, and pleasure. Making love can be purely sensual-e.g., giving your partner a massage or a bath-fragrant with essential oils. Making love can ... Views: 2010
A Course in Miracles has an entire Workbook for Students which guides us through 365 days of spiritual practice. Let's look closely at Lesson 95 which takes particular care in describing how to practice. Once we have reached this lesson, we must be almost four months into our Workbook study. We ... Views: 2219
Last night we had a guest from Israel in our Course in Miracles class. About an hour into class, I referred to the Holy Spirit as “He” and she bolted upright with surprise! “He?” she said, making sure she heard me right. “Yes,” I answered, “The Course in written with Christian terminology. ... Views: 2519
The reason people get terribly discouraged when they pray and can't hear God is because it seems as if God is not answering them. In order to keep faith, we have to open our minds to the idea that just because we believe "God doesn't care about me" or "God doesn't exist" doesn't mean it's ... Views: 1375
We all know the mood we call "feeling low." We may feel low because we lack confidence we can do something, or because we received bad news, maybe we're disappointed with life in general. Feeling low can be due to physical issues such as sleep deprivation or vitamin depletion. It can be an event ... Views: 2127
There was a time in my life when I was separated from someone I loved because he had to do military duty in Iraq. We were able to text and send letters and occasionally we even spoke on the phone. Inevitably we said, "I miss you."
I began to notice that "I miss you" left me feeling lonely and ... Views: 5092
A Course in Miracles (ACIM) offers us a highly individualized curriculum where we use the body as a learning device under the direction of the Holy Spirit. Yoga is one of the classrooms the Holy Spirit offers me to use my body for spiritual purposes. ACIM provides a mind training, therefore all ... Views: 2776