Today's Bikram yoga is based on classic hatha yoga that is greater than 24 hundreds of years old. When we look at Bikram yoga as a part of yoga history, you can actually discover huge modifications to their comprehension of breathing. Opinions of modern Bikram yoga mentors are entirely different ... Views: 3110
Where staying healthy is concerned, we all know precisely how critical it is to use adequate vitamin C to reinforce the body. People are informed again and again how helpful vitamin C is to staying healthful as well as powerful. What’s the very first thing you are told when you are trapped with ... Views: 2117
You probably have heard about ideas to breathe more and expel more CO2. Such ideas are promoted by many people, including current day yoga teachers who suggest ideas that are completely different from the original yoga used for centuries and even from yoga that had been used some fifty-seventy ... Views: 1947
Many people know that metastasized breast cancers can be often deadly. Up to 20-25% of women expire during following 5 years as a consequence of spread of cancerous cells to additional parts of the human body. All over the world hundreds of teams of doctors looks into solutions to improve the ... Views: 1824
Health-related reflections of several hundred Russian general practitioners propose that persistent issues with cough occur only in individuals with reduced oxygen pressure in body cells. Consider these principal scientific discoveries in more detail. We can learn about current popular info in ... Views: 3630
Advance of cancer malignancy aggravates sleep problems. Many medical studies proved a clear link between insomnia and cancer (Berger 2009; Hearson et al 2008; Lee at al 2004; Roscoe et al 2008; Sateia et al 2008). Public medicine at this time is unable to clarify the reason responsible for this ... Views: 1688
Millions of people suffer every day from exercise induced asthma that leads to irritation and inflammation of the breathing passages (bronchi) of the lungs. There are several essential changes in the respiratory system due to exercise, if we compare exercise with quiet breathing at ... Views: 2542
There are some less common cases of coughing that require immediate medical attention. Call your doctor if you have:
- been in a contact with someone who has tuberculosis
- sudden weight loss or night sweats (may also indicate tuberculosis)
- severe cough that begins suddenly
- stridor (when ... Views: 3514
Decades of medical research and dozens of clinical studies have shown that patients with heart disease and/or diabetes have heavy breathing at rest. (You may find over 15 such studies on my website.) Instead of breathing 6-7 L/min (the medical norm), they pant up to 15-18 L/min at ... Views: 4540
New medical findings suggest that expression of the cystic fibrosis CFTR mutation gene is modulated, in a dose-dependent manner, by oxygen content in body cells. Reduced oxygen levels cause abnormalities in mucus composition leading to production of abnormally viscous and sticky mucus in various ... Views: 2111
New medical research studies suggest that obesity has its roots in low body oxygen levels. Tissue hypoxia leads to elevated levels of HIF-1 (hypoxia inducible factor-1). This is the substance that causes insulin resistance and increased formation of adipose tissue (fat).
A team of medical ... Views: 5147
Recent medical discoveries suggest that obesity and insulin resistance are caused by ... low levels of oxygen in body cells. When our bodies suffer from cell hypoxia (reduced O2 levels), our tissues increase production of HIF-1 (hypoxia inducible factor-1). And this is the chemical that directly ... Views: 2827
Hundreds of medical doctors prescribe physical exercise with nose breathing to their patients these days. This is because of a tremendous difference and safety of nose breathing in relation to acute exacerbations, diseases and general health. Mouth breathing leads to exercise-induced asthma ... Views: 3047
Cold feet is a common symptom of poor circulation (insufficient blood and oxygen supply). This symptom is very common in contemporary population. It gets worse when blood glucose level drops, during nights, or after meals. Cold hands and feet is a typical sign of Raynaud's disease and it is also ... Views: 10010
By Dr. Artour Rakhimov (
Normal oxygen delivery to cells is crucial for good health. Furthermore, oxygen level in body cells is always low for virtually all chronic diseases. With progression of diseases, many people require oxygen supplementation.
Hence, it is ... Views: 1845
Yoga originated in India and is very popular these days among men and women, children and kids. It is practiced during pregnancy (prenatal yoga), for weight loss, better health and physical effects.
Yoga is a system of activities (exercises and lifestyle changes) to improve one’s physical ... Views: 2325
Up to 30-40% of modern people breathe through their mouth during sleep. Oral breathing is medically associated with various health problems, but this article is about the most fundamental abnormality caused by mouth breathing: reduced oxygen levels in the brain, heart, kidneys and all other body ... Views: 2381
While there are some athletes who really like exercise and sports, most modern people can agree that physical exercise is not a pleasant job. Over 200 MDs, teaching the Buteyko breathing therapy in Russia, and other health care professionals performed several millions of simple body oxygenation ... Views: 2237
Low body oxygenation is a common feature for all chronic conditions. Numerous medical studies have shown that tissue hypoxia is a norm for patients with cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and many other conditions. "All chronic pain, suffering and diseases are caused from a lack of oxygen at the ... Views: 2717
We generally do not have many news about holistic or alternative medical innovations in countries, like Russia. They have their own culture, and, while their official medical approaches are similar to the Western world (drugs, surgeries, chemotherapies, etc.), there are recent developments in ... Views: 3394
Virtually any person who experienced insomnia can testify that it comes together with other symptoms. Why does advance of chronic health problems aggravate problems with sleep? Official medical science cannot provide explanations related to this effect, but this mecianism is easy to understand. ... Views: 1882
It is well-known and acknowledged by mainstream medicine that chronic cough is the problem that does not have a right medication: over-counter syrups have almost no effects, while steroidal medication is dangerous for wide-spread use. Meanwhile, during last 4 decades over 100,000 patients with ... Views: 3207
While the cause of cystic fibrosis in lungs remains the mystery for the mainstream official medicine, most clinical physician and nurses are well aware that with progression of many chronic diseases, cystic fibrosis included, the patient has more complains about dyspnea, breathlessness and ... Views: 3282
Each time we seek for a recommendation in relation to something, many of us use cyberspace sources (articles and websites) to consider our ideal solutions. Consider individual sleeping positions. If you perform a search using a popular search engine using keywords “optimal sleeping postures” or ... Views: 2822
To unblock the nose in 1-2 minutes, as about 200 Russian medical doctors have proven, is possible for up to 90% of patients suffering from chronic nose problem, sinusitis, rhinitis, asthma, and other respiratory conditions. These doctors have been teaching the Buteyko breathing therapy so that ... Views: 5964
Generally, many people believe know that mouth breathing is not for health and we should breathe using the diaphragm. As about the rest, it is not so important. Whatever the way you breathe, you still get oxygen in cells. This is not correct since the sick never have normal cell oxygenation ... Views: 4285
Caution. This specific breathing exercise is not an alternative for one's medication or any other medically administered procedure. It could be employed as an additional technique to diminish signs and symptoms. Seek the advice of your MD, GP or other health care practitioner for further detail. ... Views: 7147
Most people believe that whatever the way they breathe (faster and/or deeper, or irregular), their body oxygen content will not be affected. Medical research suggests that just one sigh or a few cough are sufficient to cause measurable changes in brain oxygen content. What is wrong with ... Views: 3544
Mouth breathing in children of all ages, in including babies, toddlers and infants is an emerging problem facing medical community and parents due to its devastating effects on the development of the young. In order to realize the broad scope of pathological effects of mouth breathing, consider ... Views: 5980
The normal and healthy breathing rate in babies can be up to two to four times higher than in grown ups or adults. On the other hand, noisy breathing in babies is positively an indicator of hypocapnia (CO2 deficiency). This chemical is crucial for hundreds of body processes and reactions, ... Views: 3265
Among all psychological studies, Little Albert study (article’s URL is below), conducted by Dr. John B. Watson, APA (American Psychological Association) President, and Rosalie Rayner in 1920, is the most widely cited experiment in psychological textbooks. It is likely the most distorted and ... Views: 5470