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Yoga is flourishing now even in the conservative South, with studios popping up everywhere offering enough different yoga classes to make the head spin. That is certainly the case for yoga in Knoxville, TN.
This can be great news if you've been practicing yoga for some time and you're ... Views: 2532
The word "Yoga" came from the Sanskrit word "yuj" which means "to unite or integrate.” Yoga, in general, is a spiritual practice or discipline that helps the individual unifies his/her body, mind, and heart. In Yoga, the body is treated with care and respect for it is the primary ... Views: 684
When I speak with a new client, one of the first things I ask them is “Who does your studio primarily serve?” This was just what I asked Lisa and Joseph when they asked me for help in getting more students to their studio. There was a somewhat uncomfortable silence followed by Lisa ... Views: 1065
While yoga classes have become ‘all the rage’ in fitness and wellness centers around the country, have you ever wondered, “Is yoga for me?” Perhaps, you’ve already decided that yoga is not your ‘cup of tea’ since you can barely reach your knees let ... Views: 1209
Yoga deep breathing helps in increasing the oxygen intake to the body cells, including the fat cells. This results into burning up of fat cells. Another amazing aspect of Yoga is that it reduces anxiety which, in turn, reduces anxious eating. It is human tendency that whenever we are tensed we ... Views: 828
Yoga is a relaxing form of exercise that can help alleviate depression. Meditation and yoga poses can help you attack the root cause of depression - the feeling that you can't handle the demands of your life. It tones the nervous system, stimulates circulation, promotes concentration, and ... Views: 929
Ever tried to do something and consistently fail at it? You put out all the right messages, all the right motivations and yet fail. All amount of mental imagery and visualization does not bring the desired result? You keep trying and you keep failing.
What happens then? Do you start punishing ... Views: 1373
Building a web site for your yoga business is an important and effective means of bringing in new students.
It can be a costly endeavor, however, especially if you hire someone to build the site for you. Building it yourself, on the other hand, can be time consuming, especially if you are new ... Views: 1025
Knoxville, Tennessee is home to a growing community of yoga enthusiasts, including many excellent yoga teachers.
This is great news whether you're an advanced practitioner interested in trying out different yoga styles or you're a beginning yoga student shopping for your very first yoga ... Views: 1390
I am proud to say my son is a little Yogi who has been practicing Yoga since he was in the womb, and we have continued to enjoy the benefits of regular Yoga practice together since then!
The very week I enrolled in my Yoga teachers training course was the same blessed week that I discovered I ... Views: 1332
Regular exercise can ease the symptoms of fibromyalgia dramatically, reducing muscle pain and the number of tender points, knocking out depression and insomnia, even cutting through so-called “fibrofog” for increased mental clarity.
Yoga is a particularly effective form of exercise ... Views: 942
1) DATE OF BIRTH : 21/9/1911 A.D.
SAMVAT : AASO VAD 13 /1968
6) FATHER’S DEATH : 1924 A.D.
7) MOTHER’S ... Views: 8278
The activation and movement of Kundalini Shakti (Divine Serpent Power) is extremely difficult. This is because the flow has to be obstructed. One feels carefree and joyous when there is no discipline. The tastebuds are in ecstasy when allowed to eat anything and everything. As a result of ... Views: 1514
The investigation of Kundalini (Divine Serpent Power) commences with the discussion of the philosophy of Gayatri Mahaprajna. Fundamentally Gayatri worship is an experiment of religious ideology and divine sentiments. In it self-research is given chief importance and by generating devotion ... Views: 2809
I am proud to say my son is a little Yogi who has been practicing Yoga since he was in the womb, and we have continued to enjoy the benefits of regular Yoga practice together since then!
The very week I enrolled in my Yoga teachers training course was the same blessed week that I discovered I ... Views: 1194
Yoga is the oldest system of personal development encompassing body, mind, and spirit. The origin of Yoga goes back more than 5000 years. This valuable science developed by the ancient sages of India, and modified through generations, took many years to spread :around the world. In the modern ... Views: 808
KEYWORDS: God teaching life material world opinion strife guru preceptor viewpoint absolute truth principle Mantra differences male female divine light cosmic space earth radiance psyche greatness inspiration sectarian vital force protect problem consciousness pray sense organs mobile sacred ... Views: 1405
When I speak with a new client, one of the first things I ask them is “Who does your studio primarily serve?” This was just what I asked Lisa and Joseph when they asked me for help in getting more students to their studio. There was a somewhat uncomfortable silence followed by Lisa ... Views: 1066
The word yoga means "union" in Sanskrit, the language of ancient India where yoga originated. We can think of the union occurring between the mind, body and spirit. Yoga is a spiritual science of self-realisation.Yoga is a direct experience of the vast interrelatedness of all life and of all ... Views: 2397
What is the best exercise to burn fat? Any physical aggression may be exercise or yoga that gets your heart rate into your targeted heart range. If you desire to lose weight, you require exercising hard enough to raise your pulse rate enough to burn fat more competently.
The exercises that get ... Views: 1098
1. Be certain to wear the proper clothing. Clothes should be loose so that you can do any movement properly.
2. Keep yourself warm while performing the corpse pose.
3. Have the suitable space for your yoga practice. The perfect setting should be well ventilated, have natural light and be free ... Views: 1203
Yoga and Asthma
by Deb Bobier, Founder, YogaBound.com
The simple act of breathing is something most of us take for granted. Though our amazing bodies are designed to do this without any conscious thought, this is not the case for those with Asthma. I have been told that when you are having an ... Views: 1423
If you’re new to yoga, you might not know what to expect when you walk in the doors of a beginner’s yoga class for the first time. You might not even know how to start in choosing a beginner’s yoga class to attend. Here’s a “how to” checklist.
1. Nail down your goals and find the right style ... Views: 1218
If you're a practitioner of yoga, you know how important it is to breathe correctly when going through the poses. Traditionally you are told to inhale and exhale fully as you move deeper into a pose to enable your body to stretch further, bring more benefits to you.
There are many other ways ... Views: 1000
You've been to a few yoga classes and possibly also have done some non residential workshops, and now you want to get a little bit more serious about your yoga practice. The decision is made, for your next holiday, you are going away on a yoga course.
Here are some answers to a few questions you ... Views: 993
These days there is such a rain of worldwide destructive danger which will be very difficult for human existence and the entire world to face. To the extent they are dire to that extent we need strong resources to overcome them. An elephant cannot die with a small pistol. In order to destroy ... Views: 1599
Yoga means union with the divine. Its focus is achieving a state of highest spiritual insight and tranquility through the practice of body positions (asanas), specialized breathing patterns and a centering of the mind. There are many disciplines of yoga aimed at increasing body awareness and ... Views: 2736
I have heard and read that the epic struggle for most Americans these days is the struggle for meaning in their lives. By and large, we have figured out how to provide for the basic needs of our selves and families. Now we are left to face the question of what our existence is all about.
I ... Views: 813
What is the true meaning of Yoga? Well that depends on where you look. When you search the web you get this definition: The word yoga means "union" in Sanskrit, the language of ancient India where yoga originated. We can think of the union occurring between the mind, body and spirit.
When you ... Views: 2752
Yoga done wrong can be dangerous and can cause adverse effects on your overall health. Some of these side effects as are follows:
Painful Yoga Stretches
If your body is not flexible, some yoga poses can adversely harm your muscles and
cause heavy pain and internal bleeding. Some yoga poses ... Views: 7422
Embodying Life Fully through Discrimination and Acceptance — From the Inside Out
Embodyoga™ is an exciting and innovative approach to traditional yoga practice that incorporates Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen’s revolutionary approach to experiencing consciousness in the body with ... Views: 991
Awakening the Kundalini is a slow and thoughtful development that requires the individual to set aside their fears of deep introspection in order to allow the spiritual and energetic flow of the Kundalini awakening. Challenging oneself to go after a study that will unleash and unlock the ... Views: 685
Believe it or not, yoga clothes can contributes to how you learn your yoga. Not only is the right yoga clothing beneficial to the yoga student, it is beneficial for the instructor as well. The purpose of a body fit outfit is that it allows the instructor to easily view your posture as you ... Views: 1103
Last week in meditation group we discussed just how easy it is to gradually let your meditation or yoga practice slip away, until
one day there is nothing left! It could be that you stop practicing at your scheduled time. Demands of the holidays start taking over. Or maybe you are just plain ... Views: 1575
Ariel’s studio was struggling badly. When we first spoke, she told me that she had taken out a loan for $10,000 and was now using cash advances on her Visa card to make payments on it. She had a sad, sinking tone to her voice. As she described her studio, it was clearly a warm and vibrant ... Views: 760
What makes your studio a special place during the holiday season? Some studio owners find that this is a bit of a slow season, as regular students are busy with other things. But, it doesn't have to be. Maybe it's just me, but the “holiday season” seems to start earlier and earlier ... Views: 815
The Fire of Yoga
Pranayama – Breath Yoga
The human torso is like a fiery furnace, transforming energies of one form into another. As with all fires, oxygen is needed; and the more oxygen the stronger the fire. The diaphragm muscle is like a bellows drawing in oxygen and forcing out the ... Views: 2652
No matter if you are a more experienced yoga instructor or a private yogic teacher, one of the most important tools for your yoga exercise is a yoga mat. To add to the life of your precious mat, a way to protect a precious mat is to always store the mat in a safe place like a yoga bag.
A yoga ... Views: 1406
This sequence builds strength and flexibility throughout your legs and hips because you take your weight on one leg at a time in strong lunges. Holding your lunge while arching your back opens up your shoulders and stretches your entire spine. The side twists rotate your hips, shoulders, and ... Views: 2210
We spend much of our day thinking-escaping into daydreams, worrying about the past, and never fully living in the present. We may think that we are planning, solving problems, or creating new ideas, but most often the mind is merely talking to itself. It is a way of escaping the responsibility ... Views: 1037
Lately there have been many journals featuring the benefits of yoga and health. Tons of stuff showing an almost immediate helpful result for the heart, blood pressure, muscles. It is all about preventative medicine, doing yoga consistently will help decrease your chances of getting common middle ... Views: 1013
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is a method of asana(posture) practice, which includes Vinyasa. Vinyasa are the breath initiated movements linking one posture to the next. There are numerous benefits to practicing Asana with Vinyasa. Vinyasa creates heat in the body, which eases the practitioner into the ... Views: 3406
Most months I talk in depth about specific strategies that help studios improve business. This month, we’ll focus on the 10,000 foot view of how some of these pieces fit together. I’m going to share the story of how one studio owner put a handful of techniques together to ... Views: 2370
As we become more familiar with yoga and the Indian tradition of the 8 limbs of Hatha yoga, we are likely to hear of Pranayama or yoga breathing and practice some of the techniques in this limb of yoga. While some styles of yoga encourage the combination of asana and Pranayama (primarily ujjayi ... Views: 4865
Most months I talk in depth about specific strategies that help studios improve business. This month, we’ll focus on the 10,000 foot view of how some of these pieces fit together. I’m going to share the story of how one studio owner put a handful of techniques together to ... Views: 942
Ashtanga is a Sanskrit word, which is created by joining two words, ashta and anga. Ashta means eight. Anga is translated as limbs or steps. Ashtanga Yoga refers to the eight aspects of Yoga practice. Yoga is union. Yoga is a tangible method of attaining liberation from suffering and ultimate ... Views: 1225
About 90% of us will suffer from some for of lower back pain during our adult lives. When this happens many of us as back pain sufferers will be given treatment advice that doesn't really treat the underlying causes of our back pain, focusing instead on simply trying to manage the symptoms with ... Views: 1544
More than 18 million Americans now practice yoga, up from 6 million in 1994, according to a 1998 survey conducted by the Wall street Journal and NBC!!! Come experience the transformation of YOGA…taking you beyond! In a wonderful hour of “hatha yoga” class I include a practice incorporating 4 ... Views: 6355
Do You Worry About a Bus Crashing Through Your Yoga Studio?
This month we'll look at a technique for reducing stress while making your time more efficient (This topic is taken from the Mastering Life Focus program).
A number of years ago, a story appeared in the Los Angeles times. It seems a ... Views: 787
Regardless of what particular school or type of yoga we practice, it is unlikely that many of us are really practicing yoga. Rather we are more likely to focus on only 1 of the 8 limbs of yoga - yoga asana.
Yoga asana are the physical positions and postures of yoga that started were really ... Views: 1058