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According to Vedas Yajnas have 3 arenas viz. cosmos, body and earth.
1) COSMOS: In this gigantic cosmos many known and unknown movements occur. Behind these many invisible forces are at work. Interstellar space Yajnas are those wherein subtle movements take place in this world that ... Views: 1063
The 6 Chakras are also called the 6-fold wealth. In spiritual science it is called Sham (mental control), Dama (sense organ control), Uparati (dispassion), Titiksha (forbearance), Shradha (faith), Samadhan (concentration). Sham means serenity. Meaning destruction of agitation, tension, ... Views: 1333
Fitness can be a great thing to start, no matter how much knowledge or skill you have associated with it. Don't be misled by competitions and reality shows that you see on television. There is much more to physical fitness than competition. Read through these strategies to see the fun that can ... Views: 1459
Yog is the way of life, a conscious act, not a set or series of learning principles. The dexterity, grace and poise you cultivate and is the natural outcome of regular practice.
Yog is an ancient, innovative and rejuvenating technique for maintaining not only healthy body but also healthy ... Views: 1831
How can meditation help your fortune and focus?
I was teaching at Quattro University, our first live event, teaching business people how to be more focused and effective through meditation, yogic tips, NLP, and many other modalities. It was magnificent. Why? Because I got to see people who ... Views: 1247
Imagine that these times are for forming clubs, communities, new forms of interactions. What if we could imagine how these new formations were influencing the future? You can. You just need to clear some physic space and breathe in. The relaxed physic is where we get the Big vision hits.
I ... Views: 1324
In this article you will learn all about some basic yoga postures and some simple variations on those poses. Use this article as a basic yoga guide We shall examine 3 separate yoga moves and some simple variations to those positions. We shall start with the Cobra.
1. THE COBRA posture: ... Views: 1248
In an ordinary state along with our breath 30 sq inch of air enters our lungs. If breathing is deeper, about 130 sq inch air enters the lungs and while exhaling 100 sq inch air is left behind in the lungs. Thus about 230 sq inch space is available. What we are trying to say is that in comparison ... Views: 2123
While throwing light on the importance of Pranayama (Yogic breathing exercise) Swami Vivekananda told a story. Once, a King angry with his minister imprisoned him in a fort. The minister by any means wanted to escape from this fort and told his wife about the same. The fort was guarded heavily ... Views: 1781
Scientists of New Mexico-Albuquerque have developed such an apparatus which collects solar energy. In their very first experiment researchers melted a sheet of iron which was 4.5 meters long 1.8 meters wide and 1/4th inch thick. In comparison to this experiment decorated with invaluable ... Views: 1447
Along with a state of mental discomfort, there is also an almost tangible feeling of anxiety and restlessness associated with the term stress. There are numerous ways to beat stress, but Yoga is one of the best proven techniques to combat and prevent chronic stress.
Yoga brings about mental ... Views: 1329
In this article we will look a yoga posture called the Half tortoise. We shall exan=mine the health benefits for this yoga position.
Half Tortoise is often known as Ardha Kurmasana a Yoga position. Due to its resemblance to a tortoise. This yoga posture has been shown to be beneficial to ... Views: 1558
Before we can begin a successful discussion of office stress relief strategies, it is important to understand the underlying causes of the stress that arises in the office. A basic initial step to lowering the pressure of the work environment is to just stay away from the things that cause ... Views: 1106
The popularity of practicing yoga has grown worldwide because of its benefits to emotional, mental and physical health. It is an effective means of reliving stress and anxiety which brings about positive effects that can range from boosting the energy levels of the body, improving sleeping ... Views: 903
If One were to ask individuals to list the tensions in their life, job stress would almost certainly be on the list for the bulk of those individuals. The duties and challenges of our work can often seem too much to handle. This means that a joyful and stress-free life is dependent on efficient ... Views: 918
Yoga is one of the most essential daily exercises, needed for good health. There are certain yoga garments, needed by women during the exercises. The word means connection, that is, connection and coordination between mind and body. For this purpose, the person should be peaceful and ... Views: 1571
There are many types of exercise available to strengthen and tone the body. Many people become strength-training addicts when they discover that strength training can boost the metabolism. However, the burden of getting to a gym can become difficult after a while. Fortunately, there is a better ... Views: 991
You might get confused with the array of yoga equipment accessories out there, so here are the most important ones explained.
Starting with the yoga block, this device is designed to help your stretch. Some bodies are just more susceptible than others to strain, and that is where perhaps the ... Views: 1693
Have you ever had to scratch your back on a doorframe because you can't reach your back? I have.
Does getting big and muscular require you to pay the price of losing flexibility? For many lifters, yes it does ... but that's because they don't stretch. For years I was big, but stiff as a ... Views: 2050
For some yogis, this post may offend, or at least seem like a joke of a workout.
However, I assure you that doing superset yoga and weightlifting workouts is no joke. It's actually very effective and saves a great deal of time in the gym (or working out at home).
It's not often you see ... Views: 2535
Yoga is fast becoming the next big thing in the west. And yes, it is also becoming a bit of a band-wagon, which is getting more and more packed by the day. There has been uncountable articles written about how the “true nature” of yoga is being lost among the Westernisation of an ancient ... Views: 1386
In the fast paced life, most people are going through; it has become very essential for them to find a way to relax and to lessen their daily work pressure. The reason why more people are learning yoga is to maintain their equilibrium and lead a healthier lifestyle. Most are opting for courses ... Views: 829
Everyone has understood how to meditate even once in their lifetime the true nature of the meditation even without knowing what the term means. When someone realizes momentarily the power of meditation, his or her mind quickly relapses to the way it has been gained. One cannot meditate by ... Views: 932
So much happening in the sky that is both rocking our worlds and bringing us much support. It depends on the channel you are tuned into.
This week is Guru Ram Das' Birthday week. What does that mean? It means that this is a perfect time to bow, give up your sorrows and pain. Give them to Guru ... Views: 1404
If you are already practise yoga and know enough about the attire one needs then perhaps you do not need these tips and already have your yoga wardrobe organised. However if you are thinking of taking up yoga then you might want to consider some handy tips on what would be the best sort of ... Views: 1559
The tradition and lineage of Yoga Science is very ancient. This is precious wealth of ancient India. All streams of knowledge-science are its resultant. Yoga is such a vault of Super Energies wherein all bodily, mental, intellectual, spiritual etc energies develop well and in the unveiling of ... Views: 1450
With leaps and bounds progress technologically, the comfort level of modern man has seemingly increased to a great level, but practically if you look at the situation objectively in offices and other working places, the change in lifestyle and working style has significantly brought in new ... Views: 735
Yoga is generally considered to be a set of physical postures; often a class to which millions of people throughout the world go to stretch this way and that. Yoga, however, is a much grander philosophy which encompasses not just physical health but mental well-being and spiritual ... Views: 1645
In Sanskrit language ‘Gaya’ means Prana or vital force and ‘Tri’ means to liberate. ‘Gayate pranaha iti gayatri’ which means that which liberates Prana is called Gayatri. Trana means to liberate or free. Prana is a bound conscious principle to the body, senses and their objects. By liberating ... Views: 2788
Pranayama has 2 main aims: One is control of the speed of breathing and the other is to attract cosmic vital force so that the gross, subtle and causal bodies get pervaded by this Divine Super Power. Pranayama also helps a lot in psyche control. An otherwise unruly and scattered mind can be ... Views: 2451
In order to clarify the social aspect of all the subjects dealt with in the previous paragraphs it was thought apt that all the 5 subjects be given a form of a question. With the result research scholars will get required help to choose their topic of research. Along with this since a periphery ... Views: 1580
Yoga has a number of branches concerned with different breathing techniques, practicing postures, meditation steps and much more. But, this is also true that all the branches deal one common thing i.e. uniting mind with the body. Some major branches include hatha yoga and other types including ... Views: 796
It is always said that yoga like hot yoga in Langley and other types keeps people healthy. This statement is absolutely right as modern yoga types especially hatha yoga is known to keep people healthy suffering from any ailment related to musculoskeletal and cardiopulmonary ... Views: 976
Although many people tend to minimize the positive effects of Yoga practices on the human body, more and more athletes are interested in applying these practices because they can help them to improve athletic performance. Thus, there is no wonder that Yoga has become the ultimate training ... Views: 1114
Most of us walk around each day with a bit of a protective layer over our hearts, which manifests as a kind of tension around the chest and most likely forward rolled shoulders. As we protect our hearts through tension and by closing the front of the chest, we begin to block the natural flow of ... Views: 1706
Different kinds of yoga are practiced in different corners of the world. Some popular types in Langley include Hatha yoga and Bikram yoga or hot yoga. One common thing in all kinds of yoga is that they are all meant to keep body, mind and soul fit.
As compared to other forms, Hatha yoga is ... Views: 3516
It is an unfortunate reality that people nowadays live their lives in the shadow of stress. Meditation will help lower this. Tension and stress besiege these people from the sunrise right up until sunset. Stress is inescapable in this sort of environment, and meditation tips are thus ... Views: 870
In the Medicine and exercise way of Science in Sports accept accustomed that that the best way of bloom based analysis by use of approved yoga and gym are able enhances lung action accommodation and ability in athletes. This is an allotment chest/thoracic blazon of animation address that has a ... Views: 943
More than choosing the type of exercise that is fit for you, it is more about igniting the zeal to push yourself into a gym or fitness center. When you require changing the way your body is and all the more when you require changing how you confront your day to day activities, it is necessary to ... Views: 859
If you are interested enhancing your yoga learning and imparting knowledge skills, you can for sure think of joining any Yoga Alliance affiliated Yoga teacher experience centers . Yoga Alliance is amongst the national education and hold up center for certifying instructors in US. Hence before ... Views: 1444
Just spent a delicious weekend doing very little at all. Rochelle and I both work a lot – on Yoga of the Mind because we love it and on other business as well. Most weekends are full of the overflow from the week as well as personal tasks such as housekeeping.
My college classmate, Marci ... Views: 1444
We modern humans have a tendency to compartmentalize our life experience, seeing different aspects of life as separate and having little effect on each other. Because of this tendency, we often view stress as an affliction of the mind alone. Irritating coworkers, piles of paperwork and mounting ... Views: 2878
Many people, especially men, often ask ‘how to be taller’ and do yoga or some other physical exercises at home or a local fitness center to increase their height. Most people who yearn for some extra height have always been short most of their lives. While some people start consuming expensive ... Views: 940
People living in metropolitan cities inhale a lot of toxin. The pollution level is rising throughout the world. The life expectancy not only of the infants but of people of any age is dwindling. The environmental issues like pollution and global warming are however not the only reason for such a ... Views: 763
Yoga educators and yoga schools may contrast on their top 10 yoga positions. Opposite yoga teaches, you would be able to identify some postures that happen frequently, regardless of the fact that teachers educate them with arm changes or offbeat signs. Attempt yoga classes in some of the most ... Views: 792
Stress and anxiety has made our life barren. Distress and despair has become a part of our life. No matter what we do we can never relax fully as the worries of our daily life envelope us. We can never really free ourselves from the clutches of the mundane thoughts. However, meditation can make ... Views: 674
One is never too old to go for yoga activities. There are various types of yoga known and each one of them is known to help in improving health and overall fitness of individuals. In spite of certain differences, all the types share some common elements and objectives.
Through this article, ... Views: 786
Did you know that Yoga is a science aimed at attaining stress release through meditation which originated in India? It is one of the well recognized disciplines of the six schools of philosophy. It aims at bestowing good health and strength to the seeker both in the realms of physical and mental ... Views: 721
Yoga is a science of well being and fitness, an art to unite mind and soul, a practice to eternal bliss. Power Yoga as the name suggests is a yoga that is a form of Asthanga Yoga and has also some features of Bikram Yoga and Iyengar Yoga. It is a combination of series of postures or asanas that ... Views: 1450
Professional personal trainers follow some basic fitness rules when it is to train numerous private training enthusiasts. Creative and Knowledgeable program design helps the trainers to keep their clients motivated. And the programs are designed by taking into account different aspects including ... Views: 993