I have some hope fillers. They are stress busters. They are Guru dust.
They will allow you to become your own Guru. Guru literally means one who takes you out of darkness into the light. If you want more light, more hope, more connection. Take this action and do these.
They are my gift to ... Views: 1231
Innocence is what we get when we lose all we have been told we have to do or be. Innocence is the charm that holds love's grace. Innocence is the unvarnished clarity we seek when we strip away what others think of us. I could go on and on, but I want to know what you think of innocence. I want ... Views: 2627
Lent started the day before Valentine's Day. I find this interesting since they are quite the opposite. If you didn't know, Ash Wednesday is the kick off for Lent. Remembering that you came from dust and to dust you will return. This is the time of year you give something up that you have ... Views: 1362
Those of you who are new, Welcome. To those of you who have been with me and have had little windows into this journey of vastness, thank you for your love, support, and kind posts. My house is alive with flowers mostly from a dear friend who decided that the holy days were going to come to ... Views: 1152
How can meditation help your fortune and focus?
I was teaching at Quattro University, our first live event, teaching business people how to be more focused and effective through meditation, yogic tips, NLP, and many other modalities. It was magnificent. Why? Because I got to see people who ... Views: 1247
Imagine that these times are for forming clubs, communities, new forms of interactions. What if we could imagine how these new formations were influencing the future? You can. You just need to clear some physic space and breathe in. The relaxed physic is where we get the Big vision hits.
I ... Views: 1324
So much happening in the sky that is both rocking our worlds and bringing us much support. It depends on the channel you are tuned into.
This week is Guru Ram Das' Birthday week. What does that mean? It means that this is a perfect time to bow, give up your sorrows and pain. Give them to Guru ... Views: 1404
I have a fun story. Someone very close to me was reacting to something in me and went to a fearful place. I just pinned them down and just started speaking from a “love” place. Trust me, it took a very conscious moment not to react and go to my separate corner and lick my wounds. They were ... Views: 1599
Summer Solstice - that marvelous time of the year where there is more light and more fire than any other time.
Summer Solstice is the time when we can work and play longer. The Universe is also working and playing with us longer. We come in out of the cold in many places and get to take ... Views: 1114
Mothers are such a touchy subject. I know from having one, from being one, and observing all the dances play out with us as a race and our mothers. I want to give some tips that have brought wisdom into my life with my mother and as a mother.
1. We have all been born of a woman, our mother. ... Views: 1106
Is there anyone out there that doesn’t want a little more support these days? Financial, physical, soul, mind, vision what do you need support with? These are the times where we get to ask. These are the times we get to share. These are the times that the most powerful things we can share are ... Views: 839
Can’t buy it anywhere. If it could be bottled and sold it would have been. We have many speakers who are billed as inspirational speakers and they usually are yet when the high wears off do you have any tangible steps to follow to replicate that state?
1. I really want to know what do you do ... Views: 893
I wish I could tell you that I deal with every day perfectly no matter what. Would you believe me if I said that? Probably not.
I have gone from having a great meeting on Monday with a Beverly Hills Doctor from the Mideast who had some very interesting insights on the situations there which ... Views: 913
What happens when you hit the wall?
A friend of mine did a facebook post today that said if you fall down 7 times you get up eight times. So true, so easy to say. This last weekend seemed like Chicken Little’s mantra of, the sky is falling the sky is falling was happening. One friend burnt ... Views: 836
Liberation: There is no liberation without labor?
Do you believe this? We can either take the labor road or the Sahaj, Divine ease path. I know the one I want. How about you? I heard yesterday about a new proposed experiential holiday. Poland is proposing an Gulag experience where you will ... Views: 786
What is the most touted and least understood word we use?
Take a deep breath and sit quietly for 1 moment and listen to the answer. What is everyone striving for which can never be reached by striving? What do we want for the world and yet can’t seem to have it in our own lives? What is above ... Views: 891
Do you want your freedom back?
This is directed to you who may be working for corporations or businesses and would really love the freedom and yet security of working for yourselves. I hear more and more horror stories of businesses who are using these times to let go of people they didn’t ... Views: 969
Rule #5 Get real and realistic with your feelings.
Wow! Or as I would say Wahe Guru (The eternal, invincible WOW)
As you go through this process not just read about it but truly embark on the “dealing with emotions barge” I applaud you. Why because there is a reason you have the weight on in ... Views: 891
Rule #4 Self worth = the real self image.
What a funny concept the worth of the self. We are truly boundless, bright. Beautiful, vast and yet situations and our concepts that have come from those situations tell us that we are less than that.
I want you to know that you are ALL THAT. Where ... Views: 767
Okay, today we really dive in and look at the most delicate of subjects –
Rule #3. Are you willing to change your habits?
This is the biggest question. If you are not willing to start this journey, this is the stop where you will be getting off. It has been lovely knowing ... Views: 835
Do you want your Skinny back? #2
I am assuming that you have “your person” by today and are ready to proceed. What do you need to do with “your person”? You need to make the commitment to them that you will follow this program for the total 120 days and you want them to hold you to that no ... Views: 799
Many of us do. Fat just seems to creep on you in your least favorite spot. Is there a favorite spot? Let’s be truthful have you ever said, “My fat landed just where I was hoping it would that is my favorite fat spot.” Didn’t think so, me neither.
Lets un-creep the fat. Let’s get that fat to ... Views: 859
Do you know how to turn your biggest pain into pleasure? No without drugs, alcohol, sex or your favorite diversional high. How can that be done?
Do you really want to know? Interesting isn’t it we want to believe that magicians can turn lead into gold but we don’t hold ourselves to the same ... Views: 799
Are you tuned into the natural cycles of the year?
Why would you want to connect with Summer and Winter Solstices and the Spring and Fall Equinoxes? They tell us of the cycles that are occurring around us whether we are connected to these cycles or not. Last week was a perfect after Summer ... Views: 814
As a businessperson, as an entrepreneur, as a human being have you thought of it? What you are leaving behind. I’m sure it has grazed you mind or maybe been an integral part of you every day.
Before you read this I want to suggest I mini meditation because this can be very transformational or ... Views: 718
I was just teaching at Quattro University our first live event teaching business people how to be more focused and effective through meditation, yogic tips, NLP, and many other modalities. It was magnificent. Why? Because I got to see people who had lots of years practicing these conscious ... Views: 876
We all need something to “take the edge off”. How does that edge get on there in the first place? By life not going the way, at the pace or peace we want or expect.
We choose our tools either consciously or by abdication. By abdication I mean it’s just there so we do it or we have always done ... Views: 890
How do you recover from a day that blows up in your face? There is even a question before that. How do you start your day? If you don’t start your day with some sort of connection with the self then you are in for a great treat. Meditation is the leading edge. All great people know the absolute ... Views: 679
What do you do when you are depressed, anxious, upset?
I have great tips on how to release all these energy’s that is what I do as the Energy Guru. Now I want to recommend a partner_ just being with the feeling.
This is much harder than trying to banish it into the far reaches of our ... Views: 1022
Imagine that these times are for forming clubs, communities, new forms of interactions. What if we could imagine (I image) how these new formations were influencing the future? You can. You just need to clear some physic space and breath in. The relaxed physic is where we get the Big vision ... Views: 818
I heard this term by the “Made to stick” brothers whose names are not sticking right now, feather stretch. It means doing something for a very short period of time that we usually agree you must do for longer. Examples are like setting a clock for 5 minutes and cleaning the dirtiest room in the ... Views: 750
Because he knows that everything is about energy do you? Funny we are looking at energy trying to save it and be more conscious of how we use it yet…. Our own energy we are usually our last priority. Most days I’m willing to bet you run out of it by noon, sometimes earlier. Then we cheat. You ... Views: 758
As more and more people are given their pink slips, told they no longer have jobs, their departments disappear or the entire company closes the more isolation and fear we will face as a nation as a world. I love this quote about isolation from Yoga Bhajan who was a master with words. “Isolation ... Views: 792
We now have a president who is not only willing to listen but is encouraging listening in all our engagements especially with foreign countries. Listen so we can really know what their perspective is not just impose ours. Radical and rejuvenating.
Yogically listen is Sunnia, which literally ... Views: 820
What can we do to help each other?
I realized today in wondering what I would blog about I came upon this realization. When we know something we often assume that everyone knows that thing or lifestyle, or subject. Not true. So this is really an encouragement to share you gifts. I often take ... Views: 723
Energy is becoming more and more priceless in our awareness. When we say energy we usually think of utilities and what we need to drive these machines we are so dependent on. What are the sources of that power? First we think oil or coal, now water is the next power resource we will see being ... Views: 1041
Yesterday I was weeding in my back yard and I had a realization. Weeding the yard is so much easier than weeding out our thoughts. Weeding out unwanted thoughts needs tools. What are your tools for weeding out ineffective thoughts? What about ones that actually take you down? Do you have ... Views: 743
Managing Energy For Success:
What are the components of successful people? So many people over time have dissected this and put the pieces together backwards and forwards. They have used it to sell courses. The formula has been used to sell everything imaginable. I don’t want to sell you ... Views: 828
Is there anyone out there that doesn’t want a little more support these days? Financial, physical, soul, mind, vision what do you need support with? These are the times where we get to ask. These are the times we get to share. These are the times that the most powerful things we can share are ... Views: 805
Stress isn’t sexy? Do you want sexy back?
These times give us plenty of fodder for stress if you didn’t already have a very large does of it. When we are stressed we have several patterns that usually go hand and hand with it and it’s not a cozy loving hand.
1. We breath shallowly
2. We ... Views: 857
What do you do with the stress?
How long does it take most conversations to come to the financial melt down issue? Not very long these days.
We can feed each others fear or hope? The biggest difference is your state of mind and heart. What can you do to let go of these internal and ... Views: 1030
Do you want your Skinny back? #2
I am assuming that you have “your person” by today and are ready to proceed. What do you need to do with “your person”? You need to make the commitment to them that you will follow this program for the total 120 days and you want then to hold you to that no ... Views: 1168
What happening now?
I went to a red carpet event last Friday nite that was a book launch. There was also a mini movie made about the author. I know only in LA. This man has been very inspirational in forming a very large spiritual community. This community who teach conscious classes to adults ... Views: 812
Breath= Energy:
Energy is becoming more and more priceless in our awareness. When we say energy we usually think of utilities and what we need to drive these machines we are so dependent on. What are the sources of that power? First we think oil or coal, now water is the next power resource ... Views: 1159
Blog: How are you doing in these times? Want better?
Truly what we hold and reflect creates a huge part of our reality. If everyone is having this collective discussion about how bad it is are you joining in? I say lets change the discussion to what do we want to do with this. We obviously ... Views: 1059