Michele Blood is The Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Positive Thinking". You can find complete information on Michele Blood and her products by visiting Musivation Success.
It was Neale Donald Walsch who said: “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. So if you are feeling uncomfortable right now, know that the change taking place in your life is a beginning, not an ending.”
And that saying could not be truer if you thought of your life as a journey towards a ... Views: 1360
Throughout our lives there are many people who influence us. Our friends, families, teachers, religious leaders, and even individuals we rarely interact with influence the way we form opinions, how we view the world, how we treat others, and ultimately, how we view ourselves. While people can ... Views: 951
The power of negative thinking should never be underestimated. It is detrimental to our overall well-being because it controls us, limits us, wounds us, and ultimately destroys us. Chronic negative thinkers tend to have a distorted view of the world. They complain, focus on what ... Views: 980
What is Happiness?
Happiness is the experience of joy, positive well-being or contentment, combined with a sense that one’s life is good, meaningful and worthwhile. In addition to making you feel good, studies have shown that happiness can actually improve other crucial aspects of your life. ... Views: 932
The self-help blogs and media are filled with useful information about positive psychology, becoming your best self, leading the good life, and the value and benefits of being optimistic, positive and hopeful. It’s next to impossible--from more than 3000 years of Judaism’s wisdom on happiness to ... Views: 1987
We all mess up occasionally, whether it is engaging in a self-destructive behaviour, cutting corners at work or lashing out at a good friend. And with those mistakes often come overwhelming feelings of shame, guilt, humiliation and self-condemnation. In fact, when most people think back on those ... Views: 1273
What Is Gratitude?
Loosely defined, gratitude is the feeling of appreciation and thankfulness for all the blessings and acts of kindness that you have received in your life. As we cultivate a grateful attitude, we are more likely to be happy and successful. Taking time to be grateful and ... Views: 1392
Understanding Mind Power
Loosely defined, mind power refers to the ability to direct and focus the power of your mind and your subconscious mind to create particular desired outcomes in life. And since the mind possesses the ability to create and destroy, you should never put it to waste. The ... Views: 1145
People are always talking about being positive, and for good reason…. Keeping positive will help you to feel better, reduce stress and improve your health. Stress is a killer and if we allow constant negativity into our lives things seem to spiral out of control rather quickly, ultimately making ... Views: 1090
The key to a healthy, successful and happy life lies in having a positive attitude. Not only do positive individuals anticipate happiness, health and success, but they also believe that they can overcome obstacles and difficulties of any nature. You will often view life with ... Views: 961
Research shows that worrying and negative thinking can actually make things worse in your life. You add unneeded stress to your life, which can lead to all sorts of health problems including stroke and heart attack. For this reason alone, you should stop thinking negatively and start thinking ... Views: 1849
This article was originally published at-
Our human state of worry – an inevitable string of habitual thoughts accumulated over time. It must have started with one careless, ungrateful thought. Somewhere back in time, we must have ... Views: 1168
Our attention is so conditioned to look at all the negativity, aggression, pain and hurt in the world through the streaming of media on our TVs, tablets, smart phones and various social media tools to rivet our attention on the negative events. When our attention focuses on the “doom and gloom” ... Views: 1030
Did you know that the term “fear porn” is on the rise?
Used to describe a concept by mainstream media, it is the constant bombardment of negative images and words that affect our daily lives and thoughts.
The Centre for Research on Globalization openly states that the “mainstream media is ... Views: 2600
What follows is an overview of the most common ways in which we unconsciously disempower ourselves through the faculty of negative thinking – thereby creating problems that didn’t even exist in the first place.
There’s no more time nor room for excuses; let’s get conscious!
5. “My ... Views: 991
True freedom means complete responsibility. This is the natural outcome of the truth that life is a mirror for your consciousness. All forms of victim thinking have some reluctance to taking full responsibility for your life along with the need to blame some person thing or circumstance. In that ... Views: 1697
We all face adversity in our lives. For the most part, we can’t choose what troubles come our way. But, we can choose how to respond to these troubles. We can let them consume us and make us miserable, we can let them harden us and become angry at life and the world in general, or we can learn ... Views: 3254
Are you addicted to seeing what is missing in your life instead of the fullness that already exists? After hearing my inner voice give thanks for my lovely home and wishing it had larger rooms and more storage, I had an epiphany. Suddenly I realized that giving thanks and asking for more at the ... Views: 1494
Muslims have been obligated to perform Salah five times a day.
The implication of these prayers is to attain nearness to Allah SWT, forgiveness of wrongdoings and fulfillment of just wishes. God, the Exalted does not need us to pray to Him, rather it is us who actually require His assistance ... Views: 1291
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. Do you understand?”-Captain Jack Sparrow
Have you ever been really excited and passionate while contemplating a big life change, or something new for yourself in general?
How often are your considerations met ... Views: 1204
Previously, we have talked about affirmations, and building new habits to help you to get all you want, be everything you want to be and enjoy life the way you want to.
But there is another factor that you need to consider before beginning your journey…. The universe!
The universe is an ... Views: 796
This week I have had many interactions on email and in conversation with people citing confidence as being their biggest struggle in growing their business. They have either stated:
“I have a lack of confidence”
“I want to feel more confident”
“I just don’t have the confidence I need ... Views: 1264
Everyone wants to be successful and have their dreams come true. We all set good goals and powerful intentions, but so often we don't know how to get there. Every time we try to pursue our deepest desire we stuck in a pattern of negative and repetitive behaviors that don't allow us to take the ... Views: 1834
1. Believe you can achieve your goals.
Self-belief is everything. Have you set New Year's Resolutions in the past, only to forget them a few weeks into January? This can often happen because you don't truly believe that you can achieve them. If you have a goal to purchase a new car, or a ... Views: 1000
Once in a while I do it.
By do it, I mean look at things through a different lens, like through sports.
This time I just couldn't resist looking at a sporting scenario to demonstrate a religious belief, as an Ohio State football fan.
Their run to the title this year was so unexpected, ... Views: 1230
December for me has always been a very special month. Even in my darkest nights of the soul, I’ve tried to make this month a time of being “happy for no reason.”
For the last week or so I’ve been in London visiting my two daughters who study here. Every morning, as I walk to the cafe where ... Views: 796
Many of the people that have created vast riches and incredible success started out with a desire for improvement and change. This desire then became an obsession for great wealth and success. Their desire for growth led them to dream, hope, and long for, and their obsession led them onto the ... Views: 1210
Your mind compares and measures everything against its own knowledge bank, impressions, available information, beliefs and logic.
if someone has been gathering and storing negative thoughts and beliefs on how they might fail, or how they will fail, then they are most likely ... Views: 1515
What does New Years mean to you? Is it just another day? What emotions come up? Does the mere thought of the New Year bring you to tears or does it make you feel hopeful, excited and happy? Are you so excited to make your New Year’s resolutions and go after your dreams? Are you all pumped up to ... Views: 1639
What does New Years mean to you? Is it just another day? What emotions come up? Does the mere thought of the New Year bring you to tears or does it make you feel hopeful, excited and happy? Are you so excited to make your New Year’s resolutions and go after your dreams? Are you all pumped up to ... Views: 2769
It was a Saturday morning as we began our seven hour drive from Burlington, VT to home after dropping off our daughter for her freshman year of college and because of the weekend event I was thinking that it was extremely important to be able to create harmony within myself and my ... Views: 2542
What if you were happy all the time? I bet you started laughing at the thought! How great would you life be if you could be happy every day from this day forward? Can you picture it? I sure can! What fun I would have! May favorite pose in Yoga is the Happy Baby pose! How can you not be happy ... Views: 1318
“Why can’t things ever go right, just once in my life?” “I’m such a ________.” “I’ll never be as good as ___________.” “Why do things never go my way?” “Why can’t I ever succeed, just once?”
Sound familiar? Perhaps you’ve tried behavior and habit change methods to help you overcome these ... Views: 1301
The Whole Person Concept
Too often, we forget that a person is made up of more stuff that we show gratitude and appreciation for. I have never known the days when it was standard to look at each person as a Whole Person.
That might sound a bit odd – BUT – think about it a moment…
How do ... Views: 12307
You are the master of your Universe and there is a Genie who is ready to serve you at your will, at anytime. This Genie is called "The Law of Attraction". This Genie never questions your commands. You think it and the Genie immediately begins to leverage the Universe, through people, ... Views: 1017
Vote after informal vote, I was in the top five. But when the official decision of who was going to move ahead from the Master’s degree program to the doctoral program, I was reminded of my mother’s words, “Michael, when one door closes another opens.”
I wasn’t among the five who were ... Views: 1236
Happiness Is Not A Result of Our Environment
Our Environment Is A Result of Our Happiness
We have the power and the right to be Happy in each moment of time no matter what challenges we are going through. We can be Happy and successful, regardless of problems and setbacks.
Our ... Views: 1466
There is an African-American proverb that says, “God makes three requests of His children: Do the best you can, where you are, with what you have, now.”
It’s that time of the year again, when the “Best of_____” lists begin to appear. You know these lists. They include everything from the best ... Views: 1425
"We are our own dragons as well as our own heroes, and we have to rescue ourselves from ourselves.” – Tom Robbins, Still Life with Woodpecker
I’ve walked away from many relationships, both platonic and romantic, over the past two years. Those people may never understand my decisions, but I ... Views: 1350
Regardless of how things may appear, there is a right solution for every problem. Whatever the difficulty may be, God has an answer and when you turn to Him in faith, believing, that answer comes.
The answer may not always come immediately or exactly as you have in mind, but as you pray in ... Views: 1673
After decades of being a professional student (I love reading), it’s apparent to me, that vital information is idle information when it falls only into the mind. It must also edge into the emotions to bear fruit in one’s life. If learning is to have any might in your life, you’ve got to learn ... Views: 1275
Positivity is a universal trait and a common factor to enhance our well being over all over the world. Every day we learn about positivity and try to adopt it as much as possible in our day to day life. We love to be called as positive parents, couples, children and positive members of our ... Views: 1528
This week has helped me realise how important it is to be aware of our thought patterns that is going on inside of ourselves.
Why do we humans use what is going on in or world to be the reason for how we feel? Why is feeling good often measured from the outside in and not the other way ... Views: 1059
"Thrust thy sickle and reap… for the harvest of the earth is ripe." – ancient text. This tip is always right. The earth is crammed with heaven. It's always ready to offer you its myriad blessed fruits of every nature.
Do you know how to seek so that you find what you are looking for? All the ... Views: 1325
Are we becoming a society of angry people? Most days my answer would be a resounding “yes!” Between shouting matches at school sports events, road rage, hateful comments via social media, and other popular displays of aggression, it seems that we are allowing our anger and frustration to rule us ... Views: 933
Here is a great method of self-promotion that I invented to help me feel ‘up’ when I was feeling down and moping around. It’s a great builder of self-esteem. It’s simple. It’s easy. Try it. You’ll love it.
Step 1: When you awaken in the morning – consider yourself “a private” in the ... Views: 1262
After decades of striving to get before giving, it has become increasingly obvious to me that learning to give is the right way to live. Rainmaking – the art of giving productively – is a most important for right living.
Rainmaking is nourishment to the spirit, as wholesome food is ... Views: 1428
If you are serious about becoming a better and happier person, what’s important is that you keep your focus on your main goal, which is to be happy. Once you find your own happiness, you will instantly be a better person in every aspect of the word.
Finding what can make you happy isn’t the ... Views: 1424
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Love Child - by Rev. Kelli Wilson - Find It. Feel It. Heal It.
Do you ever look at your child, I mean really look at him or her and think to yourself, “Wow, here is an amazing small human being in my care”? Of course you do, you’re a parent.
I have been given the amazing responsibility to care for these human beings to the best of my ability for at ... Views: 1440
Have you ever wanted something so bad that it made you hurt? I'm sure that you have, we all have. How did you feel once the thing that you simply had to have arrived or did it? I wan to share a recent experience that I had that once it was received literally brought me, a fifty year old grown ... Views: 1457