Have you ever wanted something so bad that it made you hurt? I'm sure that you have, we all have. How did you feel once the thing that you simply had to have arrived or did it? I wan to share a recent experience that I had that once it was received literally brought me, a fifty year old grown man, to my knees and I wept like a child. Only my tears were tears of joy, not so much for the joy of receiving the item, but because of the circumstances that caused it to appear.

This story has do with cause and affect, and the law of attraction, a phenomenon that cannot be denied or dismissed. In this case, I had been motivated to to purchase an educational course from one of my mentors, Diane Hochman. For those of you familiar with her work, you know just what a truly remarkable person, teacher and friend she is. For those who have yet to make her acquaintance, it would serve you well to seek her out.

With that in mind, back to my story. I was on a training webinar that was aimed at teaching how to gain authority, how to build an audience of loyal followers. at first, I thought wow this would be great information as this is my desire. For the three months prior to this event, I was studying on a similar topic but with more emphasis on actual content creation. To be honest, I need not see how at the time I was going to swing the cost although I knew that this was something I desperately needed, my advertising and marketing budget was tight at the time and I thought that I would have to pass. But the DESIRE remained.

There was only a short amount of time this class was going to be offered, Diane was opening up her playbook for those who were ready to receive. Now this represented to me a great opportunity that I did not want to miss out on. I spent e few days trying to figure out how I was going to come up with the extra funds so as not take away from my other efforts. I mean, I broke out my marketing budget, crunched the number, threw several crumpled up pieces of paper in the trash and all but banged my head on my computer. Still, I never gave into defeat.

On a follow up presentation, that I almost did not attend because I didn't want to go through the pain again of listening and watching a presentation on something I would likely be unable to attend. Not only did I attend, call me a gluten for punishment, but I even reached out to my instructor, apologizing for missing what I knew would be a definite game changer for me, my family and my career.

First, let me say this, I never expected a response let alone the encouragement and solution to my challenge. What Diane shared with me brought to fruition a deeply held belief that I had kept inside for thirty five years and it was finally taking hold that moment and in the coming days. Not weeks, months or thirty five years.

You see, Diane knew that I had the DESIRE to take this course, through my persistent engagement in the presentation and by contacting her directly.I want to be clear, never did I think she only wanted a sale or was operating from her own agenda.

How did she know, because I told her that I had gone to three banks, a pawn shop even crawling on my knees to my mother-in-law looking for the funds I sought, I even conveyed to her that I was looking into selling a kidney ( not sure if I was joking or not). I believe she knew that I had FAITH in myself and my persistence in the face of resistance. Perhaps that is what motivated her to instill the component that ultimately yield the result intended.

Diane gave the technique to use to attract what I wanted, at first it seemed a little hokey, but at this point I was not going to be denied what I DESIRED. So I did what she told me, I BELIEVED in what she was saying until I BELIEVED it myself. I only had a couple of days left to purchase the course and I did not waver in the belief that what she was instructing me to do was going to work.

On the last day the course was going to be available, the sponsor offered a six month payment plan to allow anyone with the desire but not the means to be apart of this special event. At this point, I was thinking well, this might be the way for me. With only a few hours left, I had to make a decision, would I go into debt to obtain this knowledge. The answer would have been a resounding yes by all means necessary but then something happened.

My wife called me on her way home nursing school to say that four thousand dollars had been placed our account for me to use in advancing my businee, therefore i was able to purchase the course, not go into debt and keep my kidney.
There are three components to attracting the objects of your desire. I have spelled them out in this story as they happened to me. First, I had the burning DESIRE to acquire what I wanted. Second, I had unwavering FAITH in myself that I would achieve what I wanted and saw me using it in my life as if I already had it. Lastly, I firmly BELIEVED that it would come to me.

This was the first time that I was conscious of the power of attraction. The definiteness to obtain what I wanted through the power of DESIRE, FAITH and BELIEF, was what caused this all to happen and has made such an impression on my mind, body and soul, that I devoted my life to the study, expression and the teaching of the Law of Attraction, Human Advancement and Personal Achievement.

In case you have had any doubt as to what is possible when you operate in a certain way, please read this story over, I am for ever grateful to Diane Hochman for waking me up to what I knew was inside of me for so long yet was not ready to receive. There are certain laws in our universe that cannot be overlooked once you make up your mind that your dreams will not go unfulfilled. You are given the unalienable right to a life of abundance contrary to what society has conditioned you to think.

Author's Bio: 

Brian Lewis



(316) 712-9579