I recently met my longtime Hollywood crush Ewan McGregor…you know him…the young Jedi Master (Obi Wan Kenobi) in Star Wars, Christian the penniless writer in Moulin Rouge, the disillusioned son in Big Fish…OK well, I didn’t “technically” meet him. I stood outside the theatre door after seeing ... Views: 1046
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Release - by Rev. Kelli Wilson - Find It. Feel It. Heal It.
I sometimes have a potty mouth and I tend to fall easily into negative words when my spiritual tank is a quart low. I am getting better and better at recognizing when my language and thoughts are not in alignment with how I want to show up in the world as a minister.
During my final days ... Views: 1061
Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey created a 21-Day Meditation Challenge called Creating Abundance, a hot topic in our world of get more, have more, do more. While I am clear that this meditation challenge serves to teach us not about the collection of stuff but rather enlighten us on the power of ... Views: 1016
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Love Child - by Rev. Kelli Wilson - Find It. Feel It. Heal It.
Do you ever look at your child, I mean really look at him or her and think to yourself, “Wow, here is an amazing small human being in my care”? Of course you do, you’re a parent.
I have been given the amazing responsibility to care for these human beings to the best of my ability for at ... Views: 1441
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Craving Stillness - by Rev. Kelli Wilson - Find It. Feel It. Heal It.
I am a person who requires quiet time and solitude to re-energize. I do this in meditation, I do this at silent retreats and I do this by taking time to read or just be quiet at home.
I didn’t learn this about myself until my mid-40’s. Before then I couldn’t understand why I seemed so ... Views: 1364
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Gentle Letting Go - by Rev. Kelli Wilson - Find It. Feel It. Heal It.
I sometimes have a potty mouth and I tend to fall easily into negative words when my spiritual tank is a quart low. I am getting better and better at recognizing when my language and thoughts are not in alignment with how I want to show up in the world as a minister.
During my final days ... Views: 1037
Have you ever gotten a pebble in your shoe while you were out walking? You feel like you are just getting your stride, feeling good about the progress you are making and suddenly you feel it. It moves around so that sometimes you don’t feel it, but nope, it’s there. You keep going because you ... Views: 1290
“Acceptance is the answer to all of my problems today. When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing or situation – some fact of my life – unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing or situation as being exactly the way it is ... Views: 2064
There is a spiritual movement happening; I see it in the media, in social media, in my personal interactions – people are seeking more, they want more peace in their lives.
I know some of this shift is happening at a local level because of the people, places and things I am choosing to spend ... Views: 1022
Pssst. Hey, did you hear about so and so? Yeah, can you believe it? She is so disgusting. He is such an ass. What a jerk. She is such a slut. He is just a drunk.
While I have had my share of conversations with these terms in them it makes me very uncomfortable to write them and see ... Views: 1117
Our spiritual journey; for some it begins with a simple feeling of discontent and for some with great dis-ease; but at some point in our human experience we seek relief. Some people have the ability to reason out a simple course correction and they move swiftly in that direction without really ... Views: 1029