If you’re experiencing states such as frustration, aggravation, or disappointment in life – this is a clear sign that you’re anchoring and attracting the type of reality you don’t want.
The key to solving this issue involves raising your consciousness in the following way:
How do we anchor ... Views: 1319
One of my personal favorite awareness-raising exercises is that of consciously (intentionally) shifting my focus away from my ego-level experience (Jason), and into a more expansive and cosmic one.
Let me explain this a little more clearly:
One of the most common things about the human ... Views: 1061
One of the single-best ways to “see” whether or not your thoughts have a creative influence on the reality around you is to begin thinking about something in particular, and then observing its reflection in your immediate environment.
For example:
If I set an intention to manifest more ... Views: 969
If your goal is to become more conscious, expand your consciousness, or raise the level of your reality experience all together – one of the best places to start is with your resistances.
By becoming progressively aware of the areas in which you can become/can be made defensive, we reveal the ... Views: 910
In the last few articles, we’ve discussed how the mechanism of belief – not the belief itself – is what catalyzes The Law of Attraction, via the Subconscious Mind.
However, as you begin increasing your consciousness and testing different beliefs, you’re going to notice that some beliefs and ... Views: 1066
Ready for a real shocker?
There is absolutely no built in meaning to any one circumstance, event, or situation that you come across in this life.
Whatever definition you give to any given circumstance determines entirely the effect or experience you’re going to get out of said ... Views: 1060
(Disclaimer: the way this article is written and structured requires that you read it in its entirety, in order, and to the end. The purpose of this article will not be clear to anyone unless they see the holistic, big picture on the other side ;) )
The most selfish thing you can do is deny ... Views: 1029
What follows is an overview of the most common ways in which we unconsciously disempower ourselves through the faculty of negative thinking – thereby creating problems that didn’t even exist in the first place.
There’s no more time nor room for excuses; let’s get conscious!
5. “My ... Views: 991
News flash!
You’re going to die someday!
Not just you; all of us!
We’re all going to die!
And guess what?
We can’t take ANYTHING from this physical, Earthly charade with us!
You can’t take your car, you can’t take your house, you can’t take you PS4 or your ... Views: 1089
How does one discover their true purpose in life?
How do you know that you even have a purpose?
How do you know you’re not just BS-ing yourself?
Of course you have a purpose. You’ve just been conditioned to ignore the internal screaming occurring within yourself, and then label that as ... Views: 1521
The principle of gratitude plays a massive role in one’s own quality of life.
An often overlooked and misunderstood concept, true authentic gratitude which arises out of one’s own genuine joy of being is a skeleton key which unlocks large-scale synchronicity and reality shifting ... Views: 1589
How much do you value your time?
Do you willingly trade it to the highest hourly-paid bidder, or is your time invaluable?
How do you use your time?
Is time getting the best of you, or are you making the best out of your time?
What follows are 10 very good reasons why you should start ... Views: 971
Your ability to successfully begin manifesting more money for yourself is going to depend greatly on the following:
-Your ability to accept that you have self-limiting, disempowering beliefs about how money is generated.
-Your ability and willingness to work on those beliefs FIRST, and ... Views: 1406
Are you a complainer?
Are you constantly “unsatisfied” with most people, places, and things?
Does it seem like the world is just one being chore constantly getting in the way of your plans?
Do other people become obstacles to your successes, rather than harmonious assistants to ... Views: 1054
7. You Assume Thoughts Create Your Reality
The Myth: Thoughts create our reality. All you have to do is think about something, and it will manifest into your life effortlessly!
The Truth: Your thoughts don’t create your reality. Your actions do.
Thought merely mitigates the process, and ... Views: 1393
Imagine for a moment, a pie chart.
Now imagine (for the sake of this example) that pie chart represents objective, external reality.
Now imagine that your beliefs are the mechanism through which you gradually unveil and fill in more and more of the pie chart.
As you become more ... Views: 1047
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. Do you understand?”-Captain Jack Sparrow
Have you ever been really excited and passionate while contemplating a big life change, or something new for yourself in general?
How often are your considerations met ... Views: 1204
5. You Don’t Accept What You’re Already Getting
If you’re NOT accepting what you’re already getting in life – while also NOT using it to the greatest advantage possible – you’ll never open the doors through which serious synchronicity can arrive.
This is because the universe only gives you ... Views: 1420
The only true “boss” of your reality is you.
Regardless of whether you own a business, or if you've worked at the same job for seven years - you're still the CEO of your own reality.
You can temporarily “give up control” of your choices, but you can never give up responsibility for ... Views: 965