Making decisions can be tough sometimes, especially if they are ones that you don’t really want to be making. I have recently had to make a decision that I really did not want to make and was so concerned that I was making the wrong one that I stressed myself out so much I felt ill!
There are ... Views: 986
When you are beginning your journey with The Prosperity Community, and reading the Dollars Want Me EBook, you will start to think about the things that you really want, and what matters to you in life.
For many of us we have never really thought about this properly, and although you are ... Views: 941
As our blog yesterday was all about acceptance, and how important it is, we thought that it might help you all to start on the road to acceptance by giving you a little exercise that you can do over the weekend.
How accepting do you really think you are? Do you think that you are tolerant of ... Views: 954
We talk a lot of affirmations and changing the way that we think in order to change our lives here at The Prosperity Community, and while this is the foundation of what we do and our beliefs, there is something else that is important to do also. It is important that we learn acceptance, we must ... Views: 1246
Now here is a question that most of us don’t really consider very often, if in fact at all… I would bet that most of you assume that your financial status really only depends on the type of job you have, how much you get paid, how much you spend and how much you save?
Well this actually isn’t ... Views: 1006
Confrontation is a part of life, and as much as we would like to avoid it, there are certain times when we really should just get on and deal with it. Avoiding confrontation will often make any situation worse than it needs to be, as people quite often start to feel awkward and the lack of ... Views: 1598
Yes!!! So are you still on the fence when it comes to positive thoughts and the effect they can have on our lives? Well we are here to reassure you that positive thoughts can actually have a huge impact on your life, not only will they make you feel better, they will even help you to get all you ... Views: 997
Now, I live on my own with my 2 dogs and my cat, and as this lifestyle is a recent development for me, it is taking a little bit of adjustment. There are certain things that I don’t think I have ever done before, such as changing light bulbs…. Sounds silly right but its true!
Another thing ... Views: 6050
People are always talking about being positive, and for good reason…. Keeping positive will help you to feel better, reduce stress and improve your health. Stress is a killer and if we allow constant negativity into our lives things seem to spiral out of control rather quickly, ultimately making ... Views: 1090
It’s no lie that many of us would like to believe that we don’t want money, well when I say don’t want, I mean we think we only need enough to pay the bills and live on each month and that would be enough.
Many people will tell you that they are at their happiest when they are struggling, and ... Views: 1099
When you sign up to Dollars Want Me as a paid member, you will get access to 37 affirmations that will help you on your journey to financial success. Affirmations are amazing little sentences that really can change your life!
In the case of Dollars Want Me, the affirmations provided will help ... Views: 653
Now that you have signed up to our affiliates marketing system, read through all of our useful information and watched the videos, you may still be wondering how you can make the system work for you!
Affiliate marketing is fast becoming one of the most popular ways to make extra money, which ... Views: 846
Now that you have signed up to our affiliates marketing system, read through all of our useful information and watched the videos, you may still be wondering how you can make the system work for you!
Affiliate marketing is fast becoming one of the most popular ways to make extra money, which ... Views: 876
Here at Dollars Want Me we want all of our members to achieve the financial freedom that they have always viewed as out of their reach. This freedom has in fact never been out reach for anyone, people just go about things the wrong way. Thinking about money in the wrong context, this actually ... Views: 679
How many of us get a positive feeling when we think of ourselves? I think most people head straight for the negativity store in our brain and start digging around for any negative thoughts we can find.
It’s not surprising really; these days it is not easy for people to have self-belief, as ... Views: 625
We have all heard and probably used this saying at one time or another, but do you actually believe it? If you do, we are here to tell you why you should forget it… Now!
This phrase creates a very negative way of looking at life and one that we need to change before we stop taking chances, ... Views: 649
So how long have you been in your 9 to 5 job? Do you like it? Is it really what you want to be doing with your life?
If the answer is no, maybe it’s time for a drastic change? If you think that sounds impossible due to your mortgage, kids, new car, holidays you want to take etc. etc.! We are ... Views: 850
The Law of attraction has definitely gained popularity over the recent years, with the release of the book “The Secret” Bob Proctors involvement and many famous speakers and teachers bringing the idea to the masses.
Many people had not heard of the law of attraction until recently and didn’t ... Views: 1038
Now that you are a fully paid member of Dollars Want Me and you have started with our affiliate marketing system, you will be trying hard to get new members for your matrix!
You will by now have your own system for reaching out to people, and as you know we have provided a sales guide to get ... Views: 1041
Do you have financial dreams or goals? Do you think they are the same thing? Think again! Financial dreams are something you hope for and want, financial goals are things that you are planning for and trying to find a way to achieve.
Here at Dollars Want Me we know that simply wanting ... Views: 967
Contrary to popular belief and many sayings that have become popular over the years, it has now been scientifically proven that money can in fact buy you happiness!
However just as attracting and earning more money can make you happier, the way you spend it also has a lot to do with how it ... Views: 1037
We humans are a crazy race! We spend 99% of our time racing around running errands, getting to and from work, sorting out the kids, shopping, driving… phew! The list is endless right? Have you ever thought about scheduling relaxation time into your day?
Have you finished laughing at me and ... Views: 706
As you know, the affiliates system at Dollars Want Me would not work if it were not for us all working as a team. When you decide to join our affiliate marketing team you will soon realise that all members are team players and help each other in any way that they can in order for everyone to ... Views: 676
It seems that most of us always strive for more than we have, there are those with lots of money that still seem to live beyond their means and those of us that cannot seem to make ends meet each month, no matter how hard we try!
Wouldn’t it just be easier to be a magnet to money so that it ... Views: 651
Contrary to popular belief, the use of affirmations is not a new concept, they can actually be traced back to ancient eastern religions, originally known as mantras they were used mostly by Buddhists. Mantras are religious, poems or sayings that are chanted over and over again during ... Views: 4504
Do you or someone close to you suffer from anxiety attacks? Believe it or not it’s a very common disorder that many people live with every day, often feeling like they cannot get on with their lives the way they want due to the threat of anxiety attacks creeping up on them when they least expect ... Views: 1123
Have you ever dreamed about financially free? What do I mean by financially free? I mean no longer having to worry about every single dollar that you spend and just being able to provide for your family without the struggle of working so hard day in day out!
Impossible?! I would place a bet ... Views: 862
Affirmations can actually be written about just about anything, and with this in mind you are able to attract just about anything and everything you desire in life!
Of course affirmations don’t have to be about getting “things” they can also be written about change, maybe you want ... Views: 1034
Affirmations are all about being positive and thinking and feeling that you already have the thing that you want…. Affirmations will only work if they are written in the present tense, and are about things that you desire, things you want to be doing or goals that you want to achieve.
So what ... Views: 643
Previously, we have talked about affirmations, and building new habits to help you to get all you want, be everything you want to be and enjoy life the way you want to.
But there is another factor that you need to consider before beginning your journey…. The universe!
The universe is an ... Views: 796
Handwriting affirmations is beneficial for several reasons, not only because the affirmations you write are then far more personal to you, but also because handwriting something is much like repeating it over and over. When you say or write something repeatedly, it will become etched into your ... Views: 1713
Henry Harrison Brown was born in Massachusetts in 1840, he had a varied career which included serving in the U.S Volunteers during the Civil War from August 1862 until October 1865, and he was also a teacher, journalist and a lecturer for 17 years.
Henry went onto become one of the elder ... Views: 2131
It is possible and easier to learn to attract things to you in life than working so hard for the things that you think you want (as you probably already do!)
Just imagine for a minute, how much easier your life would be if you learned how to do this?!
“All things are created twice. ... Views: 591
Affirmations are simple but effective powerful statements that you can say to yourself on a daily basis in order to help you to achieve whatever you desire!
Affirmations are a conscious thought or prayer, usually a sentence or two long which will be repeated several times during the ... Views: 951
Affirmations are wonderful little sayings that you will repeat to yourself several times during the day, they will affect your subconscious mind and alter habits, behaviour, actions and reactions, in turn helping you to create the life you want.
But, before you get started you should be aware ... Views: 1651