Most of you reading this article , might have passed your first wedding night while many others have been planning not only to face the first night of a wedding but preparing to make it as a memorable moment or worth remembering chapter of life. As the days come to closer to one’s marriage, ... Views: 1005
The Almighty has made our parents the means of giving us life and made them the source of providing us with unparalleled love and a sound upbringing. However, when we grow up, we tend to forget the period of our infancy and childhood and disregard their efforts. What ingratitude can be worse ... Views: 948
Dowry is a curse of a society that means an amount of property or money brought by a bride to her husband on their marriage. It is a very old tradition in our society that may compel both the poor and the rich to anyhow carry out this evil practice. As for the rich, they generously spend their ... Views: 1592
Muslims have been obligated to perform Salah five times a day.
The implication of these prayers is to attain nearness to Allah SWT, forgiveness of wrongdoings and fulfillment of just wishes. God, the Exalted does not need us to pray to Him, rather it is us who actually require His assistance ... Views: 1291
Almighty Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala has prescribed certain duties of the husband towards their wives. The Holy Qur’an says: “The women have enjoy rights over men as men have certain rights over the women in kindness.”
Beloved Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam has said: “The best among you are ... Views: 960
From time to time we recall the series of special events that happened or ended a long time ago. We on an occasion, predominantly remember the sincere efforts that our ancestors made in the past. Why do we do so? Is it beneficial for us to remember the past? The past has passed so why should we ... Views: 822
Almighty Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala has prescribed certain duties of the husband towards their wives. The Holy Qur’an says: “The women have enjoy rights over men as men have certain rights over the women in kindness.”
Beloved Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam has said: “The best among you are ... Views: 956
From time to time we recall the series of special events that happened or ended a long time ago. We on an occasion, predominantly remember the sincere efforts that our ancestors made in the past. Why do we do so? Is it beneficial for us to remember the past? The past has passed so why should we ... Views: 940
Almighty Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala has prescribed certain duties of the husband towards their wives. The Holy Qur’an says: “The women have enjoy rights over men as men have certain rights over the women in kindness.”
Beloved Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam has said: “The best among you are ... Views: 1086